Resting in God, Spirit led


Let me tell you about God-Driven Empire.

Let me tell you about the vision God has placed on my heart for you.

For me.

For a particular kind of woman who is, simply,


But not only that. Because many are called. But few are CHOSEN.

This is just … obvious truth. And it is also actual truth. Matthew 22:14.

I suspect it may also be a truth which has been ticking away in YOU for some time, as you realise –

I still haven’t answered the call.
I still haven’t said yes.
I still haven’t made TIME, for GOD.

Oh sure –

there’s a million things I could point to where obviously I believe, surrender, submit, live FROM faith,

but there’s what seems like a million beats of my heart where actually,

I did not.

I’m talking perhaps about one thing.
ONE thing, for now at least, which God has been convicting you on in your spirit to know –

it’s time to stop that.
it’s time to start that.
it’s time to GIVE me that.
it’s time to choose that.

And the truth about that one thing, for a woman like you, like me, like those who are called to THIS kind of way?

Is it’s time to walk into the void,
where we trust
and trust
and trust
and surrender

Not because God won’t show us the steps, the how, the way.

And certainly not because He doesn’t have a plan for us so vibrant and WHAT EVEN IS THAT that it would blow our OWN imagination away.

But because we finally acknowledge that in order to see all that … know all that … and live from the truth which HE has written for us …

we need to be willing to lay down EVERYTHING we built ourselves.
EVERYTHING we thought we would or could.
EVERYTHING we depended upon.
Starting with,

And as we do that?
We need to be willing to sit up straight. Breathe in and breathe out. And EXHALE INTO THE TRUTH HE HAS PLANTED WITHIN US, WHICH SAYS THAT EVEN THOUGH I KNOW LESS THAN I’VE EVER KNOWN BEFORE, what I do know?

Is there is a call on my life I can no longer say no to.

It is a call bigger than what I could ever have thought, unfathomable even.

It is a call so far beyond me that I don’t even dare to TRY and look at it.

It is a call I have run and run and run from, as I pushed and pushed and pushed to build a thing myself and to CONVINCE myself I was living into, as I created, and fought, and oh, of course, ‘aligned’, yet not LED BY THE SPIRIT AND SUBMITTED FULLY TO HE WHO CREATED ME.

And most of all –

it is a call it is TIME,
to say yes to.

Gorgeous one –

do you think I don’t know you’re scared of it all falling apart, or that it already has and what on earth would it look like to let go further?

Do you think I don’t know the wrestling you’ve done as to whether or not God even HAS a plan for you of doing or unleashing or pouring out or creating the things, of impact in a BIG way,

or whether maybe you made the whole thing up and what He has for you is small, tiny, cautious, careful, and safe in a ‘maybe I was never born for this after all so maybe that’s why it never quite FLEW, but REALLY’ sort of a vibe. PS yeah I know that anybody looking at you from the outside in would think you have NAILED success, no question! And yeah I know you HAVE. But also – YEAH I KNOW WHAT IS BENEATH THIS.

Can I point something out to you?

The fact that there is a desire beating in you.
And no, it’s not a selfish made up ‘you’ desire, even though I get you’ve made it about that previously.
The fact that there is a CERTAINTY, if you’re honest about it.
Deep in that place you’ve forgotten to simply KNOW as the truth it is,
yet God is showing you even now,
isn’t He?

The fact that you see things. Know things. SENSE things.

Your faith,
is your EVIDENCE.

And the path you’ve been walking OF giving yourself to Him, allows you to also know that what comes through your spirit is OF Him.

So …


Or whether or not you can TRUST like that.

KNOW like that.

And ASSUME like that,

that oh boy oh boy oh BOY oh boy, YES God has anointed you to NOW walk forward in a thing so huge, so supernaturally awe-some, so for His glory and purposes, so of COURSE part of it is not You relentlessly trying to figure stuff out.

You know?

I told you I wanted to tell you about God-Driven Empire.

This work He has given me, to walk through with you.


this is it.

It’s the work where you walk over the line.

And you say “Lord,
I’m here.
Send me.”

Oh, and “Lord,
I believe that you show me that even now.
And I believe that the faster I let go of ME,
the faster I get to see
all that you would do through me

God-Driven Empire gorgeous.

8 Weeks Fully Private With Me, to Identify, Decide and BRING FULLY THROUGH the Income and Impact God Has Anointed YOU For in this Season.

For the Woman Who Knows She is Supernaturally Graced to Make & Impact Millions for the Kingdom, and Ready to Go All In.

Message me for the full overview,
and to talk personally together about whether it is for you.

We start next week.

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