

Fact: if you just stop fussing around wondering how and questioning whether you’re worthy or it’s possible and simply ask for what you WANT, you just might end up getting it.

I was thinking this morning about what a master manifestor I am and how anytime I really decide I want something I just GET it, and it occurred to me that I really need to REMEMBER this a bit more often and stop wasting so much time making my next level dreams and desires into such a big deal. After all – I’ve consistently shown that if I want something and ask for it as well as act on it in faith, it’s done!

Money stuff, business stuff, body stuff, fun stuff, livin’ the DREAM stuff, you name it –

I click my fingers.

And it’s done.

I know, I know – egotistical much? But before you roll your eyes at or shake your head at my lofty and self-indulgent perception of myself, consider this:

Anytime ANY of us really decide we want something, we get it. It’s as true for you as it is for me baby!! Just think back – to all of the stuff you once DIDN’T have, and then you eventually and for whatever reason reached a point where you just INSISTED on it or decided it was a must, non-negotiable, DONE. Isn’t it true that it then just HAPPENED?

And sure, maybe you did the work (presumably!), but the doing of the work always and ONLY follows the belief that doing so WILL create the desired outcome.

Consistent and ‘all in’ action follows faith, but only 100% of the time.

So really, and just being very practical and logical here, the only reason you don’t yet have the –








– you really want, is ’cause you’ve not properly admitted to yourself you want it and / or you’ve not just ASKED for it.

Instead you probably sort of kind of pretty much know what you want …

You probably talk about it all the time …

Your FRIENDS and confidants have no doubt heard ALL about it, on repeat …!

And I’d bet your journal has a thing or two to share as well …

But really all you’ve been doing is FUSSING.

Fussing about whether it’s possible.

Fussing about whether you’re worthy.

Fussing about whether it’s a GOOD idea, anyway!

And analysing every possible outcome or eventuation that COULD occur, so extensively that you could write a freakin’ BOOK about all of the ins and outs and pros and cons and ifs and maybes but the one thing you’ve NOT done in all of this is just decided.

And owned it.

And stated, very clearly and very simply and without the need to FUSS –

This is what I want.

This is how I want it.

This is when I want it.

And this is therefore what is going to HAPPEN.

And really the only reason to NOT have admitted it to yourself and just been clear and plain-speakin’ about it, and to instead create a whole lot of FUSS and DRAMA and CONFUSION around it is because deep down you’ve decided you can’t believe.

That it could be true.

That it could be yours.

That YOU could get to make money like that, do business like that, look like that, LIVE like that.

The ridiculousness of this, if you do in fact in ANY way believe in manifestation, surely has to be apparent to you, but precisely BECAUSE of this you add all this extra STUFF into your thoughts around it. It’s a way of protecting yourself, playing it safe, confusing the matter so that you can avoid the fear of actually just admitting and committing and then possibly FAILING.

But the only way fail –

Don’t you see!

– would be to not go all in, just ADMIT and just ASK and just ACT, and that’s precisely what all of your FUSSING is resulting in.

You’re kidding yourself if you think that doing the work to manifest or create something means going around and around and around in circles, naval gazing all day long until the sun goes down, every day and on repeat, and then talking the ear off everybody ELSE about it but yet still not just DECIDING.

And really –

It doesn’t MATTER all of the reasons why or why not or how or how come or whether or if or MAYBE, because just like with EVERYTHING YOU’VE ACHIEVED OR RECEIVED BEFORE THIS when you make up your mind that this is what you WANT and this is what has to HAPPEN, the how –

And the why –

And the whole thing about being WORTHY –

And the if or when or maybe –

Doesn’t matter.

Fuck the how, but ONLY 100% of the time.

And really what all of this comes down to is something that perhaps you’ve NOT thought of, so let me be the one to say it:

The worst case outcome? That one you’re terrified will happen? Aka you GO ALL IN, ADMIT AND COMMIT AND ACT and then you don’t GET what you said you WANT, it doesn’t work, you fall on your face, your insecurities are PROVEN?

You can live with it baby.

If the worst happens –

If you give it everything –

To create the business, the life, the you that you dream of –

And the world throws it back in your face and it doesn’t WORK?

You can live with it.

And you’ll move on.

And you’ll be FINE.

And maybe just maybe if you admit and commit and go forth in faith and you then don’t GET what you said you WANTED, maybe just maybe that wasn’t what it was meant to be ANYWAY. Maybe just maybe it therefore WOULDN’T be the worst case scary outcome you’re so desperate to avoid that you don’t even TRY.

Because here is what it actually comes down to.

All of it, EVERYTHING, to do with create a business, a life, a YOU, on your terms but ONLY 100% of the time:

Everything always works out perfectly, and exactly as it was meant to.

You always make the right decision.

Life is supporting you.

When you aim for something and ask for it in faith and step forward to creating it it’s always ‘this or something better and more aligned’, so if you don’t GET it?

Then something better’s a’comin’ gorgeous.

And I know –

That it’s easy –

To NOT choose to have these underlying beliefs about how life works.

To stay bound to a story that life is hard –

That success comes at a cost you don’t want to pay –

That you can’t have the things you dream of and are called for!

But tell me –

How are those underlying beliefs working out for you?

How’s that serving you?

And how do you see that EVER helping you get to where you want to go? No wonder you’re scared to step forward even by half a step when your DEFAULT way of thinking about LIFE is that you can have what you want and believe is right for you?!

The most powerful thing I ever did to create success was not even to admit what I wanted, commit to it being done and then ACT on it, but to sit down and choose what my foundation beliefs about life are.

I believe that success is easy.

That money can flow every day in greater amounts and on repeat.

That we ALWAYS know the right thing to do.

That we ALWAYS make the decision we were supposed to make.

That if we don’t GET something we thought we wanted, it means something better and more aligned was out there for us.

That life happens FOR us, not TO us.

And so much more besides.

Beliefs which I have CHOSEN, which SUPPORT me, and make it EASY for me to therefore ADMIT.



I believe all of this for me and I believe it for you, but most of all this is what I KNOW:

You and me?


We can have everything we dream of, EVERYTHING, all of it, in business and life, whatever we want and desire is DONE, completely on our terms as well, but that if we want it?

We gotta ask for it.

And then we gotta act like we believe it.

So today, a simple challenge to confront you and CHANGE you:

Stop fussing around and FUCKING around wasting your life.

Admit what you want.

Decide it’s done.

And get to fucking work.

It’s the ONLY way, and you’re WASTING TIME by avoiding it, but also?

Aren’t you about sick of your own BS? You’ve always manifested the things you really want. The big shit ain’t no different gorgeous.

It’s time.