No matter what, you still have the power of choice to choose.
No matter how scary, you still have the power of choice to choose.
No matter how confronting, how much you want to rail and scream and shout, you still have the power of choice to choose.
No matter how desperately you want people to wake up, and know that they MUST, you STILL have the power of choice to choose.
To choose external circumstance, what the world or its leaders or yours may throw at you?
perhaps not that.
But then again,
and strength
for starters)
So actually, yes, maybe you DO even have choice over the circumstance of the world, and yours.
Or maybe that’s too much for your faith today 😉
But either way,
regardless of what’s going on,
coming at you,
thrown your way,
by life
by business
by a pandemic
the economy
or love
or you!
You ALWAYS still have the power of choice to choose.
– No matter what, you can choose what you are centred in, or who.
– No matter what, you can choose to have your core, or no.
– No matter what, you can ALWAYS speak to God, listen, and, far more often than you realise, hear.
– No matter what, your soul has whispers for you, nudges, and screams.
– No matter what, YOU can choose your energy, your emotion, what you are available for, or no.
– No matter what, your IDENTITY will continue to be one of if not THE greatest predictor of your reality, so perhaps if you are too obsess on something,
what you have,
what you want,
what you need,
obsess on your IDENTITY.
– and no matter what, like it or not, right now YOU are leaving a footprint,
marking out your way,
and forging your path.
The path that will and indeed already IS creating your future,
So look around.
Press pause, for a moment!
And take a breath.
And where does it need to be.
In the end, what will come always does.
But then again,
maybe you chose all of it.
And then again,
maybe you still can.
You were born with infinite choice baby.
The End.
Stop making it based on circumstances YOU decided get to control you.
Because no matter what?
Either way,