

And at a certain point it simply gets to be this:

And then I just decided to believe.

And then I just decided to believe that God’s word is not only true for my ETERNITY, but also for my now.

And then I just decided to believe that what He says about who He is, what He can do, and about who I am in Him.

And then I just decided to believe that what is theologically true is no longer just something I will accept as theoretically true but instead will choose as transformationally true NOW, in my life.

I’m talking about whatever I’m talking about to YOU but in particular I’m talking about being done with the bit where you question ad infinitum whether or not something really is from God, whether or not you ‘really’ should press forward, show up, set your attention to a thing, or whether perhaps what He wants from you is for you to wait perpetually in limbo until a heavenly rocket launcher somehow goes straight up your be-hind and propels you into action you can’t miss.

Can I tell you:

God does not EVER put you in LIMBO.

There is scripturally ZERO evidence for it being valid that you are not sure.

As I heard somebody say on a sermon I watched this week, Jesus does not EVER have an ‘I dunno’ vibe. So why do you think you would? Do you have His mind? Are you led by His Spirit? And if so, are you willing to trust that He IS in fact leading you now?

And if that’s the case … which, if you’re a child of God (saved), it simply IS … then can you also realise that He has ALREADY rearranged your desires to make them His.

So when you are pulled towards something …
You see yourself doing something …
You can’t stop thinking about something …
There is a vision and a desire which won’t go away …


Be observant of the carnal trying to resurrect its dead self.

Be compliant with how the Spirit of God is convicting you. Heck, even today I deleted something I was about to post because that still small LOUD IF YOU LISTEN voice was saying “no”.

Continue to practice and thus grow your discernment in Him to recognise the ideas or wants which absolutely are NOT of Him.

But don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, and try to put what is showing up from IN you, from in your spirit, thus of GOD, under the same sort of analysis and thus end up never taking action.

The truth is you DO know. You CAN sense. And you can SPEAK these things over yourself because the Word of God says to!

We each need to be declaring God’s truth over ourselves as a daily practice. The alternative is believing the enemies and lies, and ending up frozen in fear and overwhelm; desperate to know the greater things of God yet pushing ’em away as quickly as He shows them to you for fear of getting it wrong!

The truth we oft need to remind ourselves of here is that God did not give us a spirit of fear. We have instead the HOLY Spirit leading us and we have a sound mind. He is ALREADY ordering our paths.

I don’t know where this applies to you today.

But I do know this:

In business, in ministry, in leadership, and in being the person who consistently IS that voice for the Lord in the way He has ordained you to be, a lot of the time the issue is simply you HAVEN’T YET NORMALISED WHAT SHOULD ALREADY BE NORMAL IN THIS SEASON.

You might look at me, or anybody who consistently shares, teaches, invites, shows up, and assign us some kind of special super power and THAT is not a God idea.

You have to realise that if I do business, ministry, content, coaching, LIFE a certain way … that is just a normal part of my day.

Sitting here writing this and then making an invite at the end is no more out of the ordinary of my day then putting the washing away is. Okay fine, I don’t put washing away; I just get dressed out of what’s clean. But you get my point. Everything I do is just a habit I at some point said yes to. And at any point may evolve or change.

So why couldn’t the things God is putting on your heart, the ideas and yearnings and propelling from within be that for you?

Why COULDN’T you start to consistently say what He is leading you to say?

Go where He is leading you to go?

Show up and FLOW where He is leading you to flow?

Make or write or create or build the thing which won’t go away?

Who do you think is gonna equip and power and favour you to do it anyway?! It’s not even ON you!

But you do still gotta say yes.

And put yourself in the environment where doing so is simply normal.

Do you want to know where that place is? The place you simply become the person? Duh, it’s in YOU; in God.

But the literal physical place?


it is exactly why He gave me The Secret Garden mid last year. For you. For me. For ALL of us who are ready to walk deeper into faith and into all God HAS for us, in business, in ministry, in money, in LIFE.

It’s my low cost membership, it is my FAVOURITE place to be, it is anointed AND favoured and also sustained by the Lord, and the only thing I don’t quite get about it?

Is why you’re not in 😉

You can sign up month by month and see how you go. (WAIT TIL YOU WATCH WHAT GOD DOES FROM THE GET GO THOUGH, SO DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU!)

Or you can pay for the year upfront, and save 2 months.

Either way, right now is a fabulous time to join, as in addition to all the extras + bonuses you already receive, plus our weekly live teachings, prayer & prophecy, and the MOST incredible supernaturally-fuelled community online, you’ll also receive my latest live 30-day course Systematic Spirit-Led Business free.

(All my lower cost live / new courses are free for Secret Garden members!)

So …

what are you waiting for?

1) It’s time to show up for what God has shown you
2) It is a LOT easier than you think, and PS we don’t concern ourselves with worldly time or rules here
3) I’m gonna show you day by day exactly how to systematically and SIMPLY see what’s in you come to life the Spirit led way

– Join The Secret Garden here: https://thekatrinaruthshow.com/thesecretgarden

– Get Systematic Spirit Led Business by itself here! https://thekatrinaruthshow.com/systematicspiritledbusiness

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