You never had to learn how to be you, there was nothing you ever needed to develop as a skill or ‘try’ at, or even have become SECOND nature, when your first nature was always to absolutely and without ANY possible competition win at the game of being you.
The game?
I think we can do better than that, don’t you?
The calling, the missive, the remembrance, the knowing, the ALWAYS.
The role you were born for –
And indeed were already MORE than thoroughly prepared for –
Since long before your cells became human, the divine, YOU, incarnated.
You were born prepared, the work was already done in the spirit realm, the recipe COMPLETE.
God didn’t send you to this earth with parts missing.
And there was NEVER anything you ever needed to do to earn the title of being you.
You were born worthy.
You were born PREPARED.
You were born whole.
And so?
All you ever needed to do, and really, if you think about it, where you’ve cost yourself a rather awkward amount of muss and fuss and time and LIFE, was relax into the role you were born for.
Ahhhhh … feels so good to even think about it, doesn’t it?
Imagine – !
You never needed to try to be a leader.
You never needed to learn how to heal.
You never had to BRUSH UP ON YOUR GOD-GIVEN GIFTS, powers, magic, FORCE.
You were born with access to the infinite.
God was ALWAYS in your corner.
And your abilities have extended, since before time began, across realms, planes, past, future, NOW.
So when your approach to growing your business –
To being seen –
To being heard –
To being KNOWN –
To GETTING somewhere –
ACHIEVING things –
Receiving ACCOLADES and PRAISE and REWARDS, oh my – !
In ANY way involves or gears around a mindset that you FIRST HAVE TO GET THE DAMN PART –
You’re being RATHER odd, don’t you see?
You HAVE the damn part already, and what’s more – you’re a natural born freaking show-stopper at it!
It is your FIRST nature. It is not something you need to learn. Build a habit around. And CERTAINLY not something where you need to be looking to others for instruction, validation, approval!
So why does it at times feel so hard then? So far removed? As though you REALLY REALLY REALLY need a lot of practice at being you?!
Because my sweet darling,
Because my little pumpkin,
you let them tell you that you were not enough
BECAUSE my precious cucumber
you fell into the wrong School of Life
in which you learned that what is within you is not enough, not right, not COOL
and that you need to endlessly pursue living up to the standards and requirements of the world
after which perhaps you’ll find out you STILL don’t have what it takes!
BECAUSE my sweet little chipmunk
the whole damn SYSTEM is set up to encourage you away from listening to that still small voice inside of you,
and trusting the FUCK out of it
And so yes,
You forgot
You forgot that there was ever even anything to forget!
You became rusty
And away from the practice of simply LEANING IN TO ALL THAT YOU ALWAYS WERE
But that doesn’t mean you don’t know how. You NEVER forget or un-know your first nature.
The codes are written.
The prophecies WILL be fulfilled.
Your destiny is as it’s always been.
And you have and always were EVERYTHING you need, in God.
At your core,
in spite of ALL your fears and doubts,
you know this. And your soul, right now?
Is saying yes.
What to do?
If you’ve worked so damn hard thus far, to build a business.
To make money.
To grow a life.
To FIGHT for your right to be YOU, and to be seen, heard, acknowledged as such?
let go.
Let the fuck GO of the idea you EVER needed to try at anything.
Just –
Decide it is done, I am enough, I always was, THANK YOU GOD, Amen.
And so it is.
Next –
When it comes to the doing.
The hustle.
The practical fucking action of what needs to be attended to each day, and how you will GET these results you crave, desire, LONG for, know are yours.
Well –
It’s very simple, isn’t it?
Return to your first nature.
Trust your damn instincts.
And act like you believe you came here fully coded to win,
at being you.
‘Cause guess what my perfect little muffin?
That’s exactly what always was.
Always is.
And always shall be.
Whether or not you decide to believe it, live it, allow it,
or whether you spend your whole entire life fighting to be someone you were never written to be.
[…] It’s tearing you DOWN, when you were born to rise and fly. […]