Spirit led


The enemy will convince you that you are not consistent enough, that you can’t keep up, that there is a standard you have to meet in order to access the presence of God and YOU’RE NOT DOING ENOUGH so you may as well,


The enemy knows your areas of weakness, he knows the things you’ve said to yourself about where you don’t trust yourself, he has WATCHED your patterns and the places you beat up on yourself or feel as though you’ve let yourself down and he WILL do everything in his power to convince you you’re letting God down too, and that access,

is revoked.

He will literally convince you to not consistently come before God and lay down your all by telling you that you can’t possibly consistently or committedly do so anyway! And then he will persuade you that BECAUSE you haven’t been consistent in entering into Gods presence, SEEKING Him, surrendering your own will and way and simply LISTENING,

to what He has to say,

you can’t do it now.

Without even considering the very real spiritual warfare aspect of all of this, there is a purely logical reality here in that – you don’t move past a thing which is not serving you by continuing to do the thing which is not serving you!

Oh, so you haven’t been as consistent as you’d like in coming to God and TRULY relinquishing your all?

Your prayer time has waxed and waned and you KNOW you have deep conversation with God you SHOULD be entering into?

You’ve been feeling adrift, even hopeless, clarity seems to have gone completely out the window and you’re just not seeming to HEAR anymore?


If it helps any, even some of the greatest have done exactly the same thing. In Psalms 139 King David talks about not being able to hide from God, and how he can never escape from his Spirit. If you know the story of David you know that despite being one of the mightiest men of God of all time … and a direct ancestor of Jesus … he had plenty of reasons to want to hide from God or to try to. But ultimately he succumbed with joy and relief to the fact that wherever he went – God is there!

The thing to understand is that the ‘human left to their own devices’ way is so often to hide. Turn away. Or give in to an idea that it is too hard, too distant, to reach and know God. That relief or release doesn’t exist anyway, or at the very least – is not accessible.

This is especially often the case when hurting. Feeling broken. In shame. Knowing there is something to repent from. Or simply feeling lost, with the lies of the enemy whispering an ever more convincing list of reasons to NOT EVEN BOTHER, is to … keep not bothering.

Fortunately, WE ARE NOT HUMANS LEFT TO OUR OWN DEVICES. But we do have to REMEMBER this. We have to remember, even in our most hopeless or frustratingly inconsistent moments, whether in prayer closet with God or in the day to day of what we know we’re meant to be doing, that GOD NEVER LEFT US. And that any separation, or distance? Is gone in less than a heartbeat the moment you turn back to Him. Right where you’ll find Him. In the place where you once again seek!

The antithesis of despair, hopelessness, disconnection, inconsistency, feeling ‘not able’ or as though there is no point and so therefore you can’t seem to drum up even a moment of motivation is, simply –


It is the CHOICE to believe again.

It is the CHOICE to place your hope in God again.

It doesn’t matter if your emotions haven’t got the memo yet, it’s not about FEELING hope, certainty, belief, it’s about CHOOSING it. It’s about saying ‘fill me afresh’ once more God. Show me your ways. Let me KNOW you. I believe. I believe. I BELIEVE.

I believe you have a plan for my life.

I believe the work of my hands will prosper when I allow you to lead and show me what you would have me do.

I believe you have called me for a purpose.

I believe you are doing a NEW thing!

I believe all of the these things because I am set free by the blood of Jesus and they are what you SAY about me!

Even speaking these words aloud, and declaring who you are in God, will cause the cloud to start to lift.

The thing is, no matter how bleak or how endless things might feel at times in our lives, there is ALWAYS always an answer in Gods word.

And the more you feel like you can’t or shouldn’t or have no ‘pull’ to turn to Him … the more you need to do so anyway. The more you need to simply choose to humble yourself, kneel down, and say “Lord, help me. Guide me to the scriptures and words I need right now. I want to be close to you God, and I feel so far. Show me what to read. What to pray. And how it is you want to light my way today. In Jesus Name, Amen”.

God is always there and never not.
It is a discipline, a commitment, a practice, to turn to Him whether or not you feel like it and perhaps especially when you don’t.

But don’t let the fact that perhaps you haven’t been practicing this or any practice become an entry point for Satan to convince you there’s no point.

The switch flick,
in this and any thing,
as always,
is the moment you decide it’s now.

And then simply get your butt up and act accordingly.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



  1. Shannon McNiece says:

    ✨️ ❤️‍ ✝️

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