
4 Steps To Perfect Nutrition For Fat loss

"nutrition for fat loss"You may have seen this image before.

It’s the updated food pyramid, now called the food plate.

The current ‘rules’ on nutrition tell you to focus on whole grains, low-fat dairy, a small amount of lean protein, and a decent amount of fresh fruit and vegetables.

If you follow mainstream nutrition advice you’d be proud of yourself for eating something like muesli or porridge for breakfast, a nice salad sandwich or wrap for lunch, and perhaps a whole grain pasta for dinner, with a non-cream sauce of course, and some lean protein mixed through.

For snacks you’d turn perhaps to fruit, or low-fat yogurt/cottage cheese, maybe the odd muesli or protein bar, and even a low-fat muffin from time to time.

It’s time to get real: if you follow this diet, you’re going to struggle to lose body fat and you may even start to gain it over time. 

As one of my colleagues so aptly put it:

“The plate is designed to make you hungry and stupid. In fact, the reasoning behind the plate seems to be pretty much that whoever pays the most gets the biggest place on the plate!”

nutrition for fat loss – in 4 simple steps

  1. Meeting your protein goal
  2. The carbohydrate conundrum
  3. The truth about fats
  4. The perils of healthy snacking

This is a 4-part series, and today we will cover part #1 – meeting your protein goal.

"protein for fat loss"

When you focus on consuming more of the right stuff, the ‘wrong’ or unhealthier stuff is automatically crowded out. 

It’s a very positive way to look at a process that can otherwise seem restrictive and never-ending, don’t you think?

And when it comes to choosing the right stuff, protein is absolutely where you need to start.

It’s been my experience that over 90% of clients coming to me to lose fat are not eating enough protein. By adding adequate organic lean protein along with other smart crowd-out foods you can achieve amazing results. Just look at this transformation, achieved by my client Kelly over a 12 month period. She didn’t achieve that change without some good protein, let me tell you!

"biosignature melbourne"
So how about you?

Do you think you could handle eating more of the right stuff if it meant achieving your own transformation?

 Here are my golden rules for protein consumption; a simple overview to get you started.

  • Start the day with some form of animal protein (eggs or an organic protein shake included)
  • Consume animal protein of some form at least 3 times per day, but up to 6 depending on activity levels and your individual goal. One of my favourite things is to have a ‘mini meal’ at morning tea to boost my protein and greens intake.
  • Increase (quality) protein if you’re struggling with poor energy, constant cravings or hunger, or just an inability to lose fat. This is not the only solution to this problem but it is a common solution!
  • Quality counts: choose organic or free-range where possible
  • Variety is crucial: try to rotate as many different kinds of protein as possible, including eggs, salmon, low-mercury fish and crustaceans, poultry including turkey, rabbit and other game meats such as kangaroo or venison, bird meat like duck or quail, organic grass-fed protein powders, and even supplemental protein for after training or in emergencies. Poliquin BCAAs are my favourite choice here.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series, the Carbohydrate Conundrum!

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2 responses to “4 Steps To Perfect Nutrition For Fat loss”

  1. Lisa says:

    So is this an ebook or real book with pages??? I’m a fan of the latter if it’s available!