
If You Do One Thing Today, Do This –


Fact. The list of things screaming for your attention will only continue to grow. Even if you suddenly stop adding to it yourself (HA!) everybody around you will relentlessly and with great determination do their very best to give you things to do. They want you to be occupied! Engaged! To be productive and Get Things Done.

Of course what they’re really doing is robbing you of the ability to engage, and most of all they are robbing you of the ability to do the most important thing you can do each day, which is this –

Live your truth.

Of course really, nobody is robbing you at all except for YOU. Are they? You may very well have perfect justification in bemoaning how busy you are, how demanding everyone around you is, how much you’re committed to doing before you get to do the thing(s) you truly long to do but you simply can’t avoid the fact that you created all of this.

If you’re not living your truth right now, it’s your fault.

And it’s your responsibility to do something about it.

Or not.

But in choosing, know this – there are only 2 paths you can follow here. It’s not possible to sort of live your truth. Either you’re pregnant or you’re not, yeah? Same thing.

Path 1: submit to the notion that you can’t right now. That for reasons outside of your control you’re unable to live the life you truly long to live.

By the way, that’s pure and utter bullshit and you know it. But go ahead and keep on telling yourself that if it pleases you.

Path 2: choose yourself.

The path of choosing yourself is one of pure and unadulterated selfishness. Not the sort of selfishness that harms anyone else although yes, it may involve letting others down at times. Ultimately you’re not doing anybody any favours by submitting to their ideas about how you should live anyway, so I don’t see this as a problem.

What the path of choosing yourself is really about, is having the courage to admit what you really want to be, do, have and how you want to feel each day and then having the honesty to admit whether the life you’re traveling through right now is giving you those things.

So is it?

Or not?

You’ve already answered me in your head of course; in your gut.

For the vast majority of people reading, the answer is no. It’s a sad fact of life that so many of us have allowed ourselves to be conditioned into believing we can’t have life on our terms; not completely. You can have the body, perhaps, but not the mooney. The money, but the unhappy relationship. The dream living environment but the relentless business that doesn’t allow you to enjoy it. There has to be balance, surely?


What if you could have it all?

What if the way to do that, to start creating that, were simply to make a choice, right now.

The choice, firstly, to believe it’s possible.

And secondly, the choice to do the work (both physical/pratical and emotional/mental/spiritual) to get yourself there.

And finally (and most important of all, perhaps) the choice to not stop UNTIL you get there. Recognising of course that ‘there’ will change along the way, but you get the idea.

3 choices.

1. Believe.
2. Take action.
3. Never give up.

Is it that simple to live your dream life; to live your truth?

I can tell you that although life throws me many other things to deal with along the way, it’s working for me. You just keep coming back to those three things. You deal with whatever sh*t you have to deal with along the way. Mostly that stuff is of your own creation, so half the battle is in recognising that! But really, yes – it is that simple.

Of course you can move on from this article and go back to Path 1. Tell yourself that you can’t today. But even if you think you’re just saying that about TODAY, even about THIS MOMENT? You’re actually making it a rule you live your life by. As tough as it is you have to delete can’t NOW. You can still do that other stuff (the stuff that’s stopping you doing what you really want to do, try, have a crack at) but stop doing it first.

Choose YOU first.


This week.

Right now.