Do you ever take the time to wonder in fascination at just how damn much you’ve managed to accomplish in the name of avoiding the real work?
It’d be impressive, actually – well, it is, in a way, certainly to others who don’t KNOW what you’re REALLY doing – if it weren’t so damn devastating to have to live with.
Let’s get real here:
The distractions, the sabotages, the wasted time on social media or frittering the day away, this stuff is EASY to get pissed at yourself about. AND YOU DO … even though you then just keep on doin’ it!
But the ‘positive’ distractions? The shit you do when you’re not pressing play on your purpose? The ACHIEVING of stuff, the hitting of goals, the being oh so Very Busy and Important high-achiever badass stuff you do in order to NOT DO THE WORK YOU WERE BORN TO DO?
That’s a wee bit harder to BE hard on yourself about, isn’t it?
And maybe you SHOULDN’T, maybe you should CELEBRATE all that you do and be and are, as everybody around you does, looking at you and alternately wishing they could do like you or else wanting to rip your head off for being so annoyingly ON it in all areas, does.
Yes … CELEBRATE that you’re SUCCESSFUL … of course … makes sense … why would you NOT … surely life is not supposed to be about being HARD on ourselves and telling ourselves it’s not good enough when ALL EVIDENCE POINTS TO THE FACT THAT WE ARE CONTINUALLY MAKING SHIT HAPPEN … and it’s not, of course, well, unless –
Unless you actually give a damn about the work you came here to do.
Unless you actually EVER plan to do ANYTHING with it.
Unless you actually freaking MEAN it when you say you were born for it!
Unless you look to the future, right now, yes right fucking NOW in this very MOMENT, right NOW, and you stop short in horror because what you SEE when you look there?
More success.
More growth.
More accomplishment.
More acclaim.
Goals TICKED and life DONE, far and away above the average, too, DUH!
And none of it.
Not a single bit.
Then, well then, in THAT case, I’d say it would be a VERY good idea to be DAMN hard on yourself.
A very good idea indeed.
Don’t you think?!
And since we’re here, and we’re talking, and we’re ON the topic and all, I suppose I might just have some things to say about it for you! Things I’ve learned … of course, the hard way. Which is to say the BEST way. Thank God for growth, and learning, and struggle, and having to wake the fuck up and realise you’re not doing the WORK, on oh – !
The pain of it.
The BRUTALITY of it.
The PERFECTION of being so self-aware though, and additionally then so WILLING to pay the price, DO the hard yards, stare into the eye of the beast and do the fucking WORK, when you do notice.
So here are the things I’ve learned.
About being an addict an artist a dreamer a wanderer, one who was born for more, to lead and to rule and to WIN, and to do the REAL fucking work and to do it on her terms and to make millions and impact millions and CHANGE THE FUCKING HEELS, in LOUBOUTINS or CHOOS, only.
You too?
Goooooddddd ….
I’m glad you’re here.
1) Shut the fuck up, now, right now, and do the real work.
If you think I have something wondrous and revealing to say, the answer to everything, and it will just instantly transform you into You 2.0 who DOES the work, think again.
The difference between the now you who will NEVER FULLY PRESS PLAY and the one who does the soul-wrenching terrifying REAL work she was born to do is simple:
The latter finally shut the fuck up, and did the work.
If you take this seriously, you can make that switch right now. Right now, after reading this – heck even during – you can stop. Put pen to paper. Brush to canvas. Voice to microphone. Or whatever it is that your soul LONGS to do, and you can just –
2) Slowly slowly slowly, FAST
The biggest myth is the idea that you have to do a lot, it has to move fast, there has to be INSTANT change. Overnight success comes about when you invest just a tiny bit of time and energy and emotion and YOU, but you do it every day.
Stop bullshitting yourself that one day when you have time you’ll write a book in a week or what the fuck EVER. Nothing wrong with doing that. But that sort of behaviour is for those who just want to complete a project, it’s NOT FOR US WHO WHO WERE BORN TO LIVE AS ARTISTS AND MESSENGERS.
Being the REAL you and also monetizing and being KNOWN for the true work you came for is not a part-time job baby.
Till you die.
So get over yourself, and just –
3) There is NOTHING you need to know … or to do.
There is nothing at all you must first figure out, know, or even DO, before you can simply show UP.
You’ll know HOW you did it when it’s done, not before. And ultimately when people ask HOW you got rich, famous, changed the world, and did it all whilst also allowing the body, the love, the lifestyle of your DREAMS, will be simple:
“I just decided.
And then I showed up”
So REALLY, isn’t it time you JUST –
4) Eye on the prize. Fuck the outcome.
You MUST decide. You MUST be certain. You MUST have determined that nothing and NOBODY is going to stop you from having it, being it, doing it, ALL of it. You must MEAN it! You will.not.be.stopped.
So every day, you focus on your vision.
Every day, you make space for it.
Every day, you show UP in that space.
Every day, you do the fucking WORK, which means HELLO – you simply tune in and ask yourself what you WOULD do right now if you were to do something, and you just do it, then release, and move on, and OH, regarding that?
Fuck the outcome.
Manifestation is about being completely fucking committed to your outcome and KNOWING it is done, beginning then repeating DAILY and showing up accordingly, with rock solid certainty that it’s YOURS, whilst at the same time?
Being completely fucking detached from the outcome.
It’s ALWAYS, simply: ‘this or something better’.
So if it doesn’t work out then so the fuck what? You showed UP, you COMMITTED, you focused on it daily and you did the work so if it doesn’t show UP, then it was that you get to have something better, so WHY don’t you JUST –
And here is what it all comes down to, ultimately.
You can spend a lifetime –
If you like –
Working your ass off –
If you like –
And maybe not even for THE man, perhaps you’re SO smart about it that you work for yourself, you create life ‘on your terms’, you have success most wouldn’t even dare to dream of, and WELL DONE YOU!
You can do all that.
You can accomplish like a MOTHERFUCKER.
You, you my dear can live the fucking DREAM.
Only thing is, and really what we’re here to talk about?
Maybe a million moons ago you dreamed of the freedom and go-getter-lifestyle you have now. So, you set your eyes on your vision and you freaking DID it. You SHOULD be proud of it. But what you should NOT be?
Is so fucking attached to it that you forget that once upon a time you promised yourself you’d do what it takes –
No matter what it takes –
To live the life you ACTUALLY know is in you.
If that vision has changed –
But you’re still running around living into the old one, or some other one –
Then I don’t care how much you’ve got going on that others would think is AH-MAY-ZING.
You’re living a life of fear.
You’re NOT going all in.
You’re letting your BULLSHIT be bigger than your dreams.
Quit running from your calling.
And do the fucking WORK bitch.
The actual work, please.