Resting in God


I spent decades running from God.

I knew the entire time, since I was about 8 years old is when I started to really know that I knew, that what I was put here for was to further His Kingdom, be His voice here on earth, and speak to people about alignment, identity, purpose, and destiny in the ONLY TRUE PLACE IT CAN BE, in Christ.

I knew during the years when I was dreaming endlessly about writing, having a message, being a speaker, LEADING, and still figuring out how to do that. (Hint: it was decide I AM, and act accordingly).

I knew during the years when I was first making a name for myself in the online space in business, coming off the back of already having quite a name and brand in fitness, now 2 decades back.

I knew during my teen years when the plan was to be a lawyer … but maybe a writer … but surely a lawyer … but definitely a writer … and meanwhile?


I knew it as my multi-million dollar ‘self-made’ brand became a real kind of a thing in the female coaching world … as I started to self-promote and exalt myself in many ways, all the while yearning to talk about alignment, purpose, identity, and TRUTH, and certainly doing so, yet somehow always wrangling with and then once again falling short of talking about the bit it all actually RESTED in, God.

I knew it I knew it I knew it the WHOLE entire time.

I knew it even MORE as I started to go down the extremely slippery slope of gradually … ‘accidentally’ … because ‘I would NEVER, not ME!’ … becoming somebody who was, if we’re going to be blunt about it, a New Age teacher who believed in God, talked about Him pretty regularly I guess, called herself Christian, knew she was born for a destiny HE had written, and, underneath all the purpose and passion and flow and pouring out of some really pretty cool stuff, culminating in hundreds of courses made, thousands upon thousands of lives changed, multiple tens of millions made, was living perpetually in the tension of KNOWING YET ACTING LIKE SHE DIDN’T KNOW, and meanwhile?

Pretty freaking deceived.

To top it all off, I KNEW my supernatural gifts of seeing, discerning, KNOWING, were meant to be used in God, yet I didn’t know how, CERTAINLY didn’t feel good enough, and had somehow convinced myself it ‘wasn’t that bad’ that I was cautiously leaning ever more in to being spirit-led, but WHICH SPIRIT?

The thing with having truth planted in you, eternity planted in you, being called for a purpose by the King of Kings, and having supernatural gifts which came from the Lord and are designed to be USED in Him, and only Him, is, well –

we can get pretty good at covering it up.

And we are not as smart as we think we are. Satan is no match for God, nor His Spirit in us, but up against us? Yeah he is a master deceiver.

And he will tell you:

You’re okay. You’re fine! This is good work! You do believe in God! Or – He’s not for you! Or whatever it is going through YOUR mind, but believe me, for those who know God is for real and yet are not living in surrender to Him … satan has no issue you believing in Him, talking about Him, even going to church or whatever, so long as you are LIVING FOR THE WORLD BY THE FLESH AND WHATEVER SPIRITS YOU COME INTO AGREEANCE WITH WHICH ARE STRAIGHT UP FROM THE DEVIL.

Did I go on a tangent? I forget what I was saying 😉

Oh yeah –

But I didn’t KNOW fully that I knew.
And I told myself a story that it wasn’t convenient just yet … I didn’t know how just yet … and besides, I was having some FUN in ways I definitely didn’t want to hand over!

All I was doing was running against time, and living in a delusion that there would always still BE time.

I don’t know what your story is. Maybe you didn’t wander off into questionable ways of living, believing, teaching, maybe for you it’s simply:

God has been calling you for a WHILE now, and you haven’t been saying yes.

Can I tell you that passivity is a sin?

I’m sorry. NOT sorry. But repeatedly failing to simply report for duty is … well, exhausting. I should know. But also – THOSE GIFTS WERE GIVEN TO YOU FOR A REASON.

And you will have to account for them one day, and for whether or not you used them.

I’m not writing to try and make you feel bad, I’m writing to INSPIRE you to know that TODAY gets to be the day you are done. God is patient, and He doesn’t want you to be left behind. His mercy endures forever, and His forgiveness through your belief in Jesus and your willing surrender of YOU is instantaneous!

But you do have to DECIDE, and say yes. The cool thing is – you don’t need to know how! You just step over the line ANYWAY. “Here I am Lord. Let’s do this thing!”

So …

why NOT let it be today?

You know?


Because the thing with time, and believing you’ll always have it?

One day you just won’t.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



If you are the woman who is supernaturally graced to message to millions and ready to DO the thing, all in, the GOD WAY, then I I want to invite you into 8 weeks of fully private work with me.


God has given me a certainty in this work which I am excited about in a way that has me GIDDY, because, well – I asked and prayed for this, surrendered it repeatedly over a full past 12 months, and actually wasn’t even looking for a new thing for my private client work, yet simply expressing to Him that I love SO much being able to do exactly THIS with exactly a woman like YOU, and then?


I heard:


Can I insert about 100 ‘ooooofffffff’ emojis right here?!

Here’s the thing:

When HE opens a door or gives a thing, He is gonna KEEP it open, and also sustain what comes through.

Which means that BEFORE WE EVEN BEGIN this work is about a WHOLE lot more than just me and you.

If we are to walk forward in this, my certain assurance and knowing is that God has placed you here to do this work with me, and me here to helm and bring it through for you, and to guide you, support you, speak over and to you as He leads me, mentor and counsel you, and watch as there is an ALIGNMENT & ACTIVATION which only He can do.


Online empire explosion, except it’s no longer about backing and sustaining YOU, and the fact that you were always the ‘born for it’ leader and way-maker is now fully surrendered to IN AND FOR AND OF GOD.

How to know if God-Driven Empire is for you?

This is the practical AND the all the way to the core of you and out the other side inner of BEING WHO GOD HAS GRACED YOU TO BE NOW.

Think: His COMPLETE blueprint for you for this season, and every part of the ‘how’ revealed and brought into ACTUAL PRACTICAL ACTIONS which are true for you to do, all built around a daily flow of discerning, surrendering, and obeying equipped by HIM, what He has for you.

In other words:


You believe there is a HUGE call on your life.

And you are ready to give Him ALL.

Inquire now via DM to know more.

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