
Setting New Year’s Resolutions Doesn’t Make You a Bad Person!!

I can’t help but roll my eyes at all the anti New Year’s resolutions stuff that is going around Facebook this year, the past few years. It almost feels like you’re not cool unless you’re TOO cool to set resolutions and instead what we all SHOULD be doing is actively railing against them to prove just how much shit we ALREADY GET DONE ALL THE TIME.

I can barely make it couple posts down my news feed without seeing someone sternly telling everybody else they shouldn’t be setting resolutions because it’s just how you live your life every DAY that matters.

Which is true, sure. But ARE you? That’s what I’m wondering when I’m seeing everybody implying high and mightily that there should be less dramatic goalsetting and more just living like THEM. ‘Cause I gotta tell you – for 99.99% of you out there proudly declaring that nary a resolution shall cross your journal and you wouldn’t admit it if it did – I’m pretty damn sure you’re NOT already actively pressing play each day.

In fact I’m fucking certain.

I know this because I’ve seen you talk about it all year long (kinda gives it away) and I also know it because you are HUMAN which means you are definitely NOT already fully pressing play.

On everything you want.

Every single day.

Wanna know a secret?

Me too!

This year, 2016, I absolutely did NOT fully press play in every single way I wanted to or said I would. I battled resistance. I flaked out on things. I didn’t even start on other things. And some I completely forgot I said I wanted!!

Want to know the things I GOT THE FUCK DONE and made massive headway on, achieved huge transformation with?

(((Wait for it because this is going to REVOLUTIONARY!)))

It was.
The stuff.
I set.
And specific.
Outcome based.
GOALS for.
And committed to!

Or, to put it in a less wordy fashion, it was the stuff I RESOLVED to get done that did in fact get done!

It was NOT the stuff I thought about doing.
NOT even the stuff I journaled about doing.
Definitely not the stuff I hoped I would do.
Not even the stuff I said I would!

It was the stuff I set an actual resolution to do. And here’s where I know you and I are the same:

You will ALWAYS do what you ACTUALLY resolve to do. A decision once FULLY made in your mind is one that then takes place! Just think back over the stuff you’ve done and nothing could stop you, no matter how tough the journey to get there. It was the stuff you committed to. REAL commitment not just internet ‘hell yeah’ commitment 🙂

At some point, that thing was just a passing idea … a flight of fancy … or a desire.
At some point, it started to become a fixation or an obsession, and you knew you really REALLY really wanted it.
At some point, you then sat your ass down and decided:



YES you can set resolutions any day of the year!
YES success is about the daily habits and who you ARE!
And hell to the YES if you’re a SUCCESS DRIVEN HUMAN then I’d bet all the coffee in Melbourne that there is a big part of you right now already excited about what you’re going to create in 2017, and definitely thinking about what habits you want to break or let GO of!

Admit it … it’s okay … I won’t judge you … you’ve kinda maybe ALREADY set some resolutions for 2017!

I know, I know, SO UNCOOL of you! Shh – I won’t tell anyone! But I will tell YOU this:

I am resolving the FUCK out of New Year’s!

I’m EXCITED to write out the year I’ll choose to have.

I’m excited to COMMIT to things I previously only thought about or desired or admired from afar.

I’m scared but ready to let GO of stuff I’ve been holding onto, to resolve a new path forward instead.

And I can’t wait to lock down and then act on NEW things, BIGGER things, NEXT level things!

I already have about 3 pages filled with resolutions, and it feels GREAT! Considering I’ve journaled for several decades, and considering that I know from history that whenever I DO set an actual resolution I also then fulfil it, I basically have 3 pages of awesome future predicted for myself. And I’m not even done resolving!

So you can go join the cool kids if you want …

Claim you’re already so on the ball that the last thing you need to stoop to is making big plans and resolutions for the New Year …

Wash your hands of the whole idea quickly and get off this blog post in case anybody sees you!

But I’m gonna be over here.
Dreaming big.
Writing it down.
RESOLVING anew, because I am READY for a New Year and I’m going to embrace it and the next level of ME with open arms.
And then making it fucking happen of course.

We can set goals –
Every day.
Dream big –
And do the work.

And maybe you already DO this, and are. That’s awesome … and I’ll join you in the continued dreaming and action taking all year long.

But really –
Is it so very bad –
To enter the New Year with wishes and dreams and the feel of magic in the air?
To commit to a New Year and a New You?
To make a big fuss over the changes you’re going to make, the releases you’re going to allow?

Or is it that you’re scared that if you make TOO big a deal of it you’ll let yourself down, once more?

I believe we’re given certain periods of the year as a reminder:

We have the power to choose who we are.
We CHOOSE our reality.
We get to CREATE our life in advance.
So the fuck WHAT that most people who set goals and maybe even YOU up until now then don’t DO them.

Most people who start a business fail, are you going to be too cool to even try on that next?!

I’m declaring here and now:

I’ll never be too cool to dream a new and bigger dream and to CLAIM:


They all are, you know! I keep resolving it and it just keeps happening!

Join me 🙂
