Success/Success Mindset


STOP bullshitting yourself that you don’t know what you want to do with your business, and get known for.

Stop pretending you’re not clear yet, or that people don’t want what you have, or that YOU don’t really know what they want!

If your approach to branding YOU is to wait till people come to you and then try and figure out what they want or will BUY from you then it’s going to be a long and tough road ahead. Considering that business is inevitably going to, to some degree, be that anyway, means that you’d have to be a masochist or an idiot or both to add to it!

But also:

Stop letting fear rule you.

The reality is that if you want to succeed online and get in ANY way famous for being YOU, you don’t have the LUXURY of not going about it confidently and with consistent daily SHOWING THE FUCK UP.

So stop being such an indulgent baby.

Stop coddling yourself!

And stop kidding yourself that not being sure has anything at all to do with whether or not you’re taking action from a PLACE of certainty!

If you WANT certainty and confidence, never mind fame or a business that makes you MONEY, then the only way – the only way! – for you to GET that is to start acting FROM that place.

Call it what you like but if you’re constantly waiting to GET there and focusing on how you’re stuck HERE then guess what tomorrow morning – and the next one – and the EVERY next one after that – is going to look like?

Just as messy and UNCERTAIN as today, that’s what, except that you’ll be a day older!

And over time, if you allow this nonsense to continue, if you keep acting so NOT serious about what you say you’re trying to create here, it will destroy not only your business and your chances of ever ‘making it’, but it will also destroy your soul, and dare I say possibly your life.

Don’t you see? Don’t you REALLY fucking see?

This is your life.

It’s happening right NOW.

You are, right this very moment, USING IT UP.

And if you’re not prepared to do something about making a change today you very likely never will. You can try and kid yourself otherwise, but that’s just the way it GOES.

Most people continue to do what they’ve always done. Not because they’re incapable of change and not even because they’re not prepared to do the work but simply because they don’t do it.

Because day after day they tell themselves they need to be more sure, know more, figure something out, somehow be WORTHY or READY.

It’s time to grow up and acknowledge the path you’re on, and whether it’s taking you to where you want to go and if it’s NOT then it’s time to make an instant change. Firstly to actually DECIDE what you’re committed to.

NOT decide what you want.

Not THINK about what would be awesome.

But to DECIDE what you are COMMITTED to.

What is the NON-NEGOTIABLE outcome you’re going to make the fuck happen that you now choose to be so damn committed to that it’s fruition is FOREGONE CONCLUSION?

Fame, fortune, acclaim – you can have it all, but only if you first LOCK IN THAT DESIRE AND DECISION TO GO GET IT, no matter what.

And then? Well then m’dear it’s time to do the fucking work!

YES you can do the fucking work even if you’re not confident, not clear, feel as though everything you write or say is complete nonsense!

YES you can do the fucking work even if you have no idea where to start never mind what comes after!

There is ALWAYS an action you can take, right now, today, this moment.

So –

What do you want to do?

Who do you want to BE?

And when are you going to wake the fuck up and step into being her?

Enough screwing around gorgeous.