Success/Success Mindset


I just had the most amazing coffee catch up with one of my great and most UNAPOLOGETICALLY badass friends.

I got up thinking we’d been talking for about 40 minutes and realised an hour and a half had passed! And boy oh boy was it an hour and a half of fire and brimstone and gettin’ geared UP. Also of talking love and life and shit haha.

You know how some people just GET it? They see the world the same sort of way that you do, and they’re equally as ready as you are to do the WORK? For me, it’s always felt rare to find someone – friend … coach … client … human of any kind – who actually has the same level of all-in willingness that I do.

Somebody who does not fucking care how much it hurts.

Who will push THROUGh that purposeful pain and become expanded, larger than life, lit up BECAUSE of it.

And then bounce on the heels of their feet up to the heavens, eyes bugging out of their heads, and ask – WHAT NEXT?

Somebody who will do what it takes.

No matter what it takes.

Until it freakin’ takes, and THEN.KEEP.GOING.

All the while (duh) finding the better way, the more flow way, the more yes way, the ALIGNED SOLUTION way, because they are unavailable NOT to find that way, and you can bet your bottom dollar they’re GONNA find it, improve on it, and probably bling it up while they’re there.

These kind of people are the ones who WANT to be called out on their shit, who get EXCITED when they figure out their own weakness or way of not operating from their core truth, because hell to the YES they’re gonna now go sort that out, STAT!

My friend is EXACTLY like this, and he is one of only a very small handful of people in the world who I can bring a TRUE level of fire with and know that a) he is there for it, and b) he will serve it right back at me.

People like this are like the rarest of rare black diamonds, and being around them even now and again is like a fuel injection from the COSMOS, to light and lift and power you up for days!

Having them as friends … mentors … clients … and therefore CONTINUALLY in some way gettin’ to fire up with them, well? It’s a game-changer. 

But here is what will often happen.

When you bring a person like this into your space, 

when you allow them to straight up tell you what you already knew but perhaps didn’t clearly see … or own!

They will quite possibly slap you in the face, pour a bucket of ice water on your head, and then give you a swift uppercut to the jaw just for funsies to follow.



Because here is the reality of being THIS kind of a person.

We WANT to notice our own shit. We WANT to be made aware of the places we’re operating from weakness or fear rather than aligned POWER, and strength. We WANT that backward horse kick to the ankle if it wakes us back up to who we actually are! 

And most of all?

We want to own what we’re actually here to do and where we are not ALL the way choosing into it.

I love nothing more than getting that ‘AHA’ around an area of my business or life where I’ve been kidding myself! Telling myself a story that I ‘had’ to do such and such a thing, because of ‘such and such’ reasons. When really the choice I’m making is only KEEPING me in the exact same situation that I’m REACTING to to try and get out of!

As entrepreneurs one of our PRIMARY roles needs to be able to step back, have that birds eye view, and notice the places we’re being WILDLY inefficient ‘because I have to because blah blah blah’. Or the places where we are trying to create a new outcome by reacting to fear of whatever the previous outcome created!

And our primary role FROM that place needs to be – CHOOSING courage to do what actually needs to be done.

Cutting through the bullshit.


SAVAGELY tearing stuff down if needed.

And ultimately?

Being true to the actual motherfucking vision rather than to your fears and crybaby what ifs.

Because here is the reality so many will never dare to face:

You’re either responsible to your fear, or you’re responsible to what’s inside of you.

And if what’s inside of you, by all accounts from looking at how you’re showing up, is fear or excuse-making or ‘I had to because – ‘?


You want a life created based on what the DEEPEST part of you knows is available? Probably gonna need to act from that deepest part of you. Or else quit whining that you don’t have what you want, when you continue to respond to what you have.
