You Will Write it Into Reality

Everything you create in your life and also everything you FAIL to create will come about as a direct outcome of you writing it into reality.

What do I mean by write it into reality?

I mean you write your reality. You GET to write your reality, you can choose right now to write your reality, you have absolute POWER to write your reality entirely based on what you want no matter how farfetched it is and how clueless you are about HOW.

But also this:
(And this is BIG, okay?)

Not only do you GET to write your reality but you ARE writing your reality.

The reality you HAVE right now is the one you wrote.


ORDERED, by fucking design, so best you not be bitching about it!

What future have you carved out in the past few hours, day, week?

What future are you LIVING right now because of what you wrote previously, over and over again until it came true through, not only (and perhaps not at all) the written word, but your thoughts, your spoken word, fuck even your breath?

You WRITE your reality into existence.

Your WORDS have power.

Even the ones you don’t say aloud, and perhaps especially.

Write that shit down.

Again and again.

Until you believe it.

Until you are living it.

Until you ARE it, and it is you.

It’s irrelevant that right now –

Your dreams feel impossible, out of reach, even ludicrous.

It’s irrelevant that right now –

You have no idea where to start or even if you do DARE to ask.

It’s irrelevant ALWAYS –

That what you really want is too much, over the top, selfish, or just plain INSANE.

The only question you need to ask yourself, is do you want the dreams you’re trying to dream?

And if the answer is hell to the YES, well then SERIOUSLY honey:

When are you going to actually start dreaming ’em?

When are you going to take time from running flat out on the hamster wheel to just clearly write the fuck down what you want?

When are you going to get it through your head that your THOUGHTS are what dictate your ACTIONS which become your HABITS which become your RESULTS which become who you ARE which becomes your DESTINY?

So when you’re oh so busy each day, keeping up and getting shit done and trying to stay afloat –

And you tell yourself you don’t have TIME right now to think about the bigger picture or even the shorter one, to state it and therefore start to CREATE it –

And you’re wondering why you’re not THERE yet, why it’s not really WORKING yet, why things aren’t coming together faster –

Well don’t you think it might – MIGHT – just be because 99.99% of your energy is going into keeping you where you are now, and then bitching about what you don’t like about it?

Small fucking wonder you don’t have the future you say you want, because you’re not actually saying you want it!

So here is something right NOW to write down, and write into reality:

Your thoughts BECOME your reality.

Your THOUGHTS become your destiny.

What you’re giving your time and your energy to right now is what you will CREATE.

So if you want a new reality?

Write that shit down.

Write it down.

Do it now.

STATE what you wish to create.

Claim OWNERSHIP over what is to be yours.

Don’t QUESTION the how or the whether you’re worthy or anything else.

Just write it down.

Speak it out.

Breathe it into your SOUL.

And for the love of God stop bitching and moaning about not being there yet. You’re exactly where you want to be, and you’ve got what you asked for, nothing more and nothing less.

Want more?

Start asking for more. Start doing some work.

In Hustle Bitch I cover:-

– You Will Write It Into Reality
– STOP Being Such a Whiny Little Bitch
– This Might Be Why You Don’t Have What You Want.
– You Have What it Takes
– Will You Surrender to All of It?
– What Are You Waiting For, Really?
– This Will Destroy You
– Keep Fucking Going
– Phoenix Rising
