What To Eat: A Peek Into My Food Journal
It’s all very well reading the articles I put together for you about what you should eat, and how much of it you should scarf down each day but sometimes it just helps to see it all put together. And with that in mind – and given that last week wasn’t the first time I’ve been asked exactly what I eat – I decided to give you a little sneak peek into my food habits for a day.
You’ll know by now that I’m pretty big on a good breaky. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I ate a non-cooked breaky. It has to have been years ago.
Yesterday I had one of my quick’n’easy favorites – 2 organic eggs scrambled with goats feta, and served with organic mushies, spinach, a half avocado, and 4 slices of free-range organic ham. I cooked it all up (well not the avo) in a little coconut oil, and voila –
Breaky kept me going for a good 4 or so hours, but I kept any potential hunger at bay with some fresh seasonal cherries while I worked on my writing. This was a bit of an indulgence actually, I’m not a big fruit eater due to the high sugar levels, but they were just too good to resist.
Lunchtime of course, saw me out and about in the gym, but fortunately I’d remembered to bring my food from home (I always prepare lunch from home, but sometimes forget it!), so I was all set. What I did forget to do was take a photo for you – hey, I was hungry! Anyway, here’s a hint –
Yum yum. Oven cooked duck (I only had one small duck, not the whole family), with baby bocconcini, rocket, a few large green olives, and plenty of oil drizzled on top.
Dinner was a late one. I didn’t get home until 9pm last night, but it wasn’t hard to throw some water on to boil and quick-steam some celery and cauliflower with a little fresh coriander. I pan-fried 3 organic lamb chops in coconut oil, and served with some leftover avocado.
Not a bad day’s eating, if I do say so myself! Of course, not every day is quite so ‘clean’, and I did forget to mention that organic decaf coffee in the morning. Hope this gives you some ideas for your own eating plans – and truly, it doesn’t take long to eat this well. It’s more the idea of cooking that seems overwhelming, most of the meals I prepare take 10 minutes or less. It would definitely take longer to go out for take-away.
Your food is pretty similar to mine in some ways. For breakfast I had a large salad with walnuts and a little bacon. Lunch was yellow tail Shahimi, miso soup and a some steamed spinach greens. (Its not dinner time yet!)
This brings me to an idea:…