What Do You Actually Want?
It’s really hard to be honest with yourself about what you actually want, isn’t it? I don’t mean the obvious stuff … of course you want more money, more time, more freedom, more choice. Who doesn’t?! But that’s a pretty vague list of stuff if all you can do is say it like that, and it doesn’t really have any specific meaning to YOU.
If you want to achieve incredible and out of the ordinary stuff in your life and truly be able to say you have it all, you’re doing it all, you ARE all that you could ever want to be then you have to get crystal clear on what all of that would LOOK like. You have to be honest with yourself about exactly what you want – to the smallest detail – and precisely how you’d like to make that happen, and you also have to be honest with yourself about what you DON’T want.
This level of introspection and honesty can be very confronting and uncomfortable. You might feel like you’re being selfish or arrogant, or else you wonder how it’s possible, or you’re scared of what it’s going to take, or it just seems so far away that really can’t FEEL it, and so it’s easier to put off your big dream goalsetting for another day, another time, another life. It’s easier to KID yourself that you’re taking action each day when what you’re really doing is busily avoiding a DELIBERATELY created future.
But here’s the thing:
You’re going to be busy anyway, right?
Time is going to pass anyway … right?
You’re going to struggle and even perhaps suffer, and you’re going to endure and you’re going to Get Shit Done anyway … right?!
So why not do so deliberately?
Why not make the daily TOIL based on deliberately creating a business, a life, a you that you really really REALLY want?!
I know I said it’s hard to be honest with yourself about what you really want, but I think the hard part is actually getting over the RESISTANCE around just sitting down and doing so.
So let’s NOT talk about it anymore, okay? Because I could very well write an entire post right now seeking to inspire you and empower you with the idea that you CAN have and be and do it all if only you decide what ‘it all’ is for you and then you set your mind to making it happen, but you know what? I think you already know that. And I think you need to today DO something about it.
Like this:
1. Get out your journal, or open up a new file. Write out EVERYTHING you want to be, do and have within 7 years from now. 7 years is a GREAT ‘long-term’ goalsetting timeframe. You can achieve practically anything in 7 years and setting goals for that far out, while possibly daunting, gives you permission to TRULY dream your dreams and not feel panicked at how the frick you’re supposed to do all THAT so quickly.
2. Take your 7 year goals and break them down into 1 year goals. Pretty simple. Keep the categories of ‘be and do and have’. Make sure you’ve covered all the areas of your life that matter to YOU.
3. Take your 1 year goals and break them down into 1 month goals. It’s okay to start small! If you take action each month on your 1 year be and do and have goals then guess what? You just might actually achieve them. And if you achieve your 1 year goals and then set new ones also in keeping with your 7 year goals, and then you do those as well, then guess what? You just might achieve your EVERY dream!
4. Take your 1 month goals and break ’em down into goals for this week
5. Take your 1 week goals and decide what are the MAXIMUM 3 key items you need to do today
I know this is a much more clinical sort of post than what I normally write for you, but honestly, success is a very simple beast, and if you’re not currently getting to where you want to go then it is pretty much DEFINITE that you’re not adequately or regularly defining where that is and then ACTING accordingly.
One of the most powerful ways to achieve your every dream is simply to decide what that dream is, and all that it entails, put it uppermost in your mind on a daily basis, and then do the required work each day to get it.
So enough fucking around, yeah?
Enough waiting and wondering when you’re going to get your shit together and how you’re going to get ‘there’.
Enough spending day after day NOT acting deliberately, not creating deliberately, and