I hate when I’m not feeling the message come through, don’t you?
When flow ain’t there, the Muse is on hiatus, the restless need and DESIRE to unleash, release, let forth is present, but when you go to put pen to paper –
No fabulous downloads or earth-shattering reams of wisdom and ponderment. Nothing to even garner a single ‘like’!
It’s outrageous. Annoying. Infuriating, actually. The worst! Doesn’t God know I need to CREATE right now? Humph!
Of course the truth is that there is no such thing as not feeling the message, the art, we’re talking after all, about the very beat of your heart!
Assuming you’re here in the physical –
And reading this –
And assuming that I am here in my human form right now –
(which is a reasonable although not necessarily certain assumption!)
And writing this –
One would therefore also have to assume that our hearts are currently beating.
And if THAT is true, then here is what else we know for sure:
The art is present.
In attendance.
Messaging waiting.
On you!
Oh, but you’re not feeling it, you feel disconnected, there’s nothing inspiring within you at all, no nothing!
You have no ideas and probably you should just go somewhere and human all day like the normal people because clearly today is not a day to create!
But then again –
(your soul whispers)
A day to create
When you were born
A creator?
And then again –
(a little louder this time!)
Is it actually even POSSIBLE
To separate
The creating
From the creator
The message
From you?
And then again – !
(LOUDER still, for those in the back!)
Haven’t YOU YOURSELF, yes this you right here Your Honour, haven’t YOU YOURSELF at times boldly affirmed that you ARE the message?
And indeed the entire point?!
That you are a living
So if this is true and we know it is true and we would never deny it being true indeed we have VERY much at times shouted about how true it IS –
Then really,
I ask you – !
What in the actual darnation are you on about
(yep, said darnation)
– in saying that you can’t connect, you’re not dropped in, and nothing is coming through you?
Next question – !
ARE you or are you not making space – ?
SITTING in that space – ?
And also REQUIRING the download to appear?
Because I’m gonna tell you that if you’re simply UNAVAILABLE for the message to NOT show up,
And you refuse to accept its hiding,
Never mind your own nonsense about whether or not what IS coming through is good enough, real, new enough, will ‘work’ … let’s not forget that ours is not to edit or filter or QUESTION the message, ours is simply to LET IT OUT JUST AS IT IS,
Then show up it will.
Just like this.
Right here.
A message,
About something,
Or perhaps nothing,
At all,
Would you like to know how it is I’ve built a multi-million dollar online business, all based on me just being me, writing and speaking and unleashing my soul’s truths and crazy onto the world and by breaking ALL the silly internet market-y rules?
How it is that I am one of the VERY few entrepreneurs who play at this level financially but who are also FULLY in alignment, integrity to soul, and the whole entire thing is built simply on following purpose, passion, flow? Who TRULY love every aspect of what they do AND their communities, and who just let it be EASY? Pretty much everyone else who can say the same is my friend or my client! It’s a small group …
But NOT unavailable
To you
And you know this.
Here’s how:
I am the person who showed the frick up –
Every day
Writing thousands of blogs
Doing thousands of live videos
Launching hundreds of programs and offers
Some of which failed dismally
Will never be remembered by anyone, or so it feels
And some of which ‘worked’
But really what worked is simple:
I showed up.
Every day.
Whether I felt like it.
Whether I didn’t.
Whether the message was present.
Whether it was not.
Whether I knew how.
Or no.
For my message.
For my SOUL.
And for the continued beat of my heart.
I still do, this is the ENTIRE foundation of this empire.
And I wonder,
(don’t you?!)
– what might happen if, from this moment forward, you did the same?
For REAL though.
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