Success/Success Mindset


When you’re scared, your insecurities are rising, the death-grip of fear and ‘what if’ ruling you, and you kinda sort are TRYING to ignore but absolutely KNOW –

Fear is winning over faith –

The answer is always, connect back to soul.

Did you know – 
That every move you make, every step you take, every decision you turn INTO, or AWAY from, can either be faith-driven –

Or fear bound?

It’s not difficult to see, in others, where fear has them by the short and curlies and OH so locked up.

They anguish over every little thing that is said or not said about them, to them, by them, by the world at large.

They alternately think that EVERYTHING revolves around them and is about them –

Or that NOBODY cares about them and they’re not noticed or important at all.

They let ego be in charge on the daily, constantly and failingly trying to prove they’re good enough, cool enough, have done enough, should be listened to or liked, and please – !

Don’t leave me, forget me, turn away from!

Please SEE me, please NOTICE me, please HEAR me, please VALIDATE me screams out of their every pore.

What they’re really saying, of course, is just one thing:

Please say it’s okay for me to exist.

Of course when I talk about seeing it in OTHERS, I’m really only speaking of seeing it in ourselves, aren’t I?

It’s not possible anyhow, to see in others something which does not exist in ourselves.

So, there’s that 

And here is what else:

These patterns we play into, they visit upon us for a reason.

perhaps you notice yourself
running scared
unable to fully breathe
when you think about something you want OH so bad!
when you let the worry play out, that surely you’re going to somehow FUCK IT UP
or when you let that voice of fear inside of you rule SO much that you even start to wonder –

Maybe I should walk away?
Before it gets PROVEN to me that I’m not good enough for this?
Or perhaps I can just sneakily SABOTAGE it, yes, that’s it, that’ll work! Not on purpose of course, oh no! Your CONSCIOUS mind isn’t even part of this conversation. (THAT would be crazy …!)

But inside, somewhere, a decision has been made –

JUST when it’s gettin’ to real good.
And I’m flowing and flying and feeling my way through faith and soul and yes –
Imma gonna lose my shit about something
Or just stop showing up
Or throw my toys out of the crib and wail and gnash about it


That way, well, it can never be proven that it WAS too good to be true for me to live like this, have a business like this, make money like this, do LIFE like this, because after all –

I’ll have a perfectly reasonable and justified excuse as to WHY IT DIDN’T WORK AND NEVER COULD.

And here is how this might be playing out for you, right now –

– You make a lot of money, you’re able to be on top of EVERYTHING for a minute and a half, and then you crash it the fuck back down again and suddenly can’t even afford coffee

– You get into shit hot amazing shape, JUST, or NEARLY, and then you start mainlining sugar like it’s going out of fashion and it’s your sole job to save the world from it, or else you just get yourself all in a tizzy and CONVINVED you’re getting fatter by the day no matter what, and so, well, well done – you create it

– Your relationship is in calm and alignment and flow and then you decide it’d be a good idea to randomly just apply your old stories, bullshit, insecurities, drama, whatever into THIS situation, make something out of nothing, and then blame the other person for it just ’cause, I dunno? It was going too well? Just in case? To get in first, before it can be shown that your deepest fear is true and you’re not worthy of love OR the right to exist? All of it? Yikes!

– You have an influx of soulmate clients, your program is selling like a mofo, you’re IN that creative superflow zone and you KNOW you are magic, and then you just, hmmm … stop getting back to people. Quit taking care of your existing clients properly. Don’t even follow up with the ones who are reaching out to inquire. And just to be doubly sure everything ramps down again, you quit messaging | showing up | unleashing your art.

But here is the problem with all of THAT, well the problem aside from the fact that it’s all a FABULOUS way to screw up your LIFE and never get what you want or is aligned for you –

The PROBLEM is, you can run run run run RUN from the world, from your clients, from your business, from your relationships, from money, from joy and peace and happiness and just LETTING it be easy, you can run your whole LIFE from faith based living, if you like, but you can NEVER –

Run from your art.
And the true beat of your heart.

Which drums over and over and OVER again into your soul the deep and unavoidable and at times INFURIATING knowledge –

That like it or not and try to hide from it or not, BABY YOU WERE BORN FOR ALL OF THIS.

God damn it 

You can stomp your feet about it all you like when fear is rising hard, you can try and insist to yourself and anybody else who’ll listen that your fears are valid and worthy, you can repeat sabotage, repeat crash shit down, repeat come at life from insecurity and WHAT IF I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH, but the TRUTH of the matter is you freakin’ KNOW –

You’re buying into a bullshit story.

You’re consciously choosing OUT of faith, when it’s always available.

You’re BEING A BIG OLD CRYBABY ABOUT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, and if you’re not careful?

You’re gonna go ahead and prove yourself right.

Want evidence that you’re NOT worthy, that it CAN’T be this good, that you CAN’T make money from your soul work, have only fuck yes clients, get paid to just breathe and BE, have it be THIS damn good in all areas, PLUS a cherry on top?

GOOD NEWS! You are MORE than capable of finding evidence for all of that, and then some!

You’re DOING it right now.

And you’d ALMOST get away with believing it really WAS just how it had to be, too, if it weren’t for the fact that through it all and no matter how fucking full on it all seems you DO JUST KNOW.

That if you dropped the story.
If you consciously pushed fear aside.
If you came back to your core, and the deep truths which have always been there.

Then EVERYTHING you want and dream of with such deep longing –

Is actually available for you.
Is available for you now.
And that there’s nothing you have to do or prove to get it, have it, be it.

You can spend your whole damn life not feeling good enough, if you like.

And maybe you will.

BUT that actually has nothing to do with whether or not you bring to life what’s inside of you.

AND you know it.

How to stop being scared, quit letting fear win over faith, connect back to your SOUL, and have everything you dream of be your everyday norm?

It’s NOT about getting past all your human shit.

It’s about realising that even in the thick of it all –

Yes, even while you’re feeling all of this –

Even while you are TERRIFIED and unsure and you don’t know if you CAN –

You can still fucking decide.

To connect to soul.

To press pause.

To get into the truth BENEATH the fear.


It’s there for you right now.

And then?

Well, isn’t it OBVIOUS?

You act as the motherfucking version of you who KNOWS that everything she feels inside of her is real, available, possible, even in SPITE of the story.

And you go fucking get it.


Wanna bet?

You only gotta lay down your life …

Either way –

You already are