Success/Success Mindset


Maybe the reason your offers aren’t quite selling the way you want them to, everything feels OH so slightly uphill (by which I mean most DEFINITELY completely uphill!), and you have a constant and unshakeable sense of dis-ease, is that you’ve already energetically SHED –

The old you, and BECOME –

The new you –

And your soul simply hasn’t been loud enough in informing your brain of said situation –

And that, coupled with the fact that you already have the neurological pathways for being the OLD you 100% ‘down’, it’s kind of rote, you don’t have to think about it, of COURSE you show up like this, sell like that, coach on such and such –

Means that you’re continuing, long after the curtains on that act closed, to play a game of business and life that is JUST NOT YOU ANYMORE.

Can I ask you a question?

When you look into the future, I mean WAY into the future, let’s say the vision BEYOND your current vision, a place so far away (but yet of course also so close!) that it’s totally safe to assume that at THAT magical point you’ll have fully sorted out your shit and you’ll be BEING who you’re fully meant to be –

Who are you?

What are you known for?

What is the work you DO with your clients, your community, the world?

And what is the work you have categorically left behind? Proud to have done, and invested time in! Absolutely you were GOOD at it, in fact great! But no –

It’s just not what you were ever going to end up having define you, it was never your REAL ACTUAL THING?

I’ll hazard a guess, and I’m sure you know EXACTLY what it’s gonna be!

The work that the future you, the empowered you, the IN her power you, the one who has ABSOLUTELY stepped into being all that she was ever meant to be, THAT work?

Is exactly the damn work you’re doing right now, isn’t it?

Oh, no need to get triggered, I KNOW you’re also doing the real work, the deeper work, the SOUL work, the FLOW work, the work you can’t not! ESPECIALLY when it’s in conversation with your existing clients … your mentor or peers … your own journal … and of COURSE you let that deep true work be part of your MESSAGING – !

But being known for it as your THING?

Standing FULLY for it, and not trying to be seen, heard, paid, with anything that is NOT that thing?

STOPPING to sell or put your energy and emotion (nay, your life!) into a single offer or product or service that is in ANY way not that thing?

Yeah …


That hasn’t happened yet.

You think about it.
You dive DEEP into it in your inner work.
Possibly you even bemoan it to me, either directly or simply via transmission and that’s why I KNOW this message is for so many people right now, not just the several private clients with whom I’ve in some way already discussed it.


You just don’t press play.

You dither.
You dip one toe into the ocean of being THAT you, and then you run screaming out.

So cold!
Too scary!
There might be SHARKS!

Can’t do it.

And, you return to what is safe, what is known, what you’ve PROVEN, over and over again, you’re good at selling, at standing for, at being known for, at HELPING people with, the same damn stuff you’ve always known that, whilst you may well be living for it for right now you CERTAINLY should not be dying for it.

And yet you are.
And yet you continue to choose to do so.
And yet you may well give your ENTIRE life for, if you don’t change now.

Don’t you see?

EVERYTHING worth having, requires you at some point to be brave enough to walk away from the thing that is NOT that!

This is true with business.
It’s true with what you’re selling in said business, what you ‘know how to’ make money with, what people know you for.
It’s true with relationships, whether it’s getting to where you ONLY have soulmate clients and friends, or also of course with being with the LOVER you know you’re meant to be with.
It’s true with everything.

Often, we create a life in which we have things ‘pretty damn good’ …

We’re safe.
We know the ropes!
The internal pathway is SET!
And we have a certain level of success, which ALMOST convinces us –

Just keep doing this.
What if you walk away from it and the REAL THING DOESN’T WORK?! What if you find out that actually it’s TRUE, and you’re NOT good enough to be known for the real thing, have the real thing, BE the real thing?!
What if you end up with NOTHING?!

If you’re like 99.99%+ of people, you therefore STAY THE DAMN COURSE with what you’ve already invested so much into.

Blissfully unaware that the whole point of investing all that time and effort was NOT so that you could then continue to give your LIFE for that stuff, but instead it was to TEACH you stuff, to READY you for the next level of who you are, what you were born for, what you deserve, and what you absolutely GET TO HAVE, if only you’d say yes to it!

Problem is –

You ain’t no 99.99% bitch baby, are you? You da 1% within the 1% and you KNOW it!

You don’t have the luxury of being unaware, you NEVER have had.

You’ve always known when it’s time to walk away from something.

You’ve ALWAYS felt the soul nudge.

You’ve ALWAYS known when, no matter how scary or unavailable or impossible it may seem, something next level and BEYOND is waiting for you, and’s.time.

And right now you damn straight KNOW, don’t you?

That you’re shifting away from being a coach.

That your calling is to head an EMPIRE.

That you came here to be a VISIONARY.

That just through your PRESENCE people will be transformed, changed, want to hang off your every word.

And that as for what you’re mean to be SELLING, known for, RECEIVING from?

It’s literally –

Your presence.
Your energy.
The power that emanates from your every pore, when you’re JUST BEING YOU.
The DEEP soul truths which bubble up, and which you feel an URGENT need to share with the world.

Lemme tell you something about making MONEY –

If you’re in any way trying to sell shit, the content or message of which you do NOT feel an URGENT and pressing need to KNOW share with the world –


You’re building a house of cards.

And, worst of all, you’re allowing yourself to be KNOWN for something which is



In the sense that, it means the people who your TRUE message is meant to hit, WILL NEVER KNOW YOU.

Never mind in the sense that, it means YOU have to walk around every damn day knowing that once again you FAILED TO PRESS PLAY.

Failed to live, really, because what is living, if living is without letting our SOUL breathe?

It’s nothing.

Nothing very much at all.

And this is why you feel so lost, so low on energy and motivation, so despondent, in a way, although you do a damn good job at smile smile smiling anyway, as you show up for a message that is now stale, and offers which, frankly, you really don’t give a shit about.

And, of course, it’s why, try as you might to pull out your VERY best trick from WAY down in the bag, it’s just.not.working.



Thank GOD, for the protective power of your higher self, who knows that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH NOW, and that since you APPARENTLY aren’t gonna listen just to the simple knowing TRUTH of your soul, your attention may well be got if the whole damn (WRONG) enterprise just starts to slowly but surely grind to a halt.

Thank goodness!

Because if this didn’t happen, there’s a VERY good chance you would continue to build the ENTIRELY WRONG LIFE.

For real though!

Want to know something COOL, and awesome, and that you ALREADY KNOW?

It’s not as though there is actually some long and mystical road ahead, to become the real you, and be known for that.

There is in fact NOTHING you need to do, and you are ALREADY CREDIBLE AND WORTHY. (Or else, you wouldn’t see and feel it inside of you).

And as far as it being ‘way away in the future’, that’s also bullshit!

It may be the vision beyond the vision, and it feels ‘safer’ to imagine that it’s way away, in a magical place for a tomorrow well beyond tomorrow, and so therefore you don’t need to worry yourself about it, but ACTUALLY –

Actually –

It’s right here now.

Just waiting for you.

As it’s always been.

And as it will continue to patiently do.

Softly calling

Softly asking

Patiently wondering

Will you say yes?

Here is what it comes down to gorgeous, and it’s VERY simple –

You can continue to push shit up a hill to try and succeed at the wrong fucking life –

Or you can let finally GO. Say yes to what’s inside of you. Stop trying so desperately to keep yourself covered in the mask and skin of yesterday.

And let us see your damn soul.


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