Success/Success Mindset


It’s time to lean back into the remembrance of your soul, to lean back and let go, to lean back, completely spread open and TRUST –

In who and what and ALL that you always knew, and were.

Do you realise,

as you add things,

as you muck around and fuss around wondering or worrying about what you need to DO, or add, or fancy up, how to explain it better, present it better, wrap it better, MAKE IT SO THE PEOPLES GET IT, do you REALISE –

how you destroy your message?

how you make a mockery of your gifts?

how you CONFUSE those who, if you’d only speak directly from your soul with NOTHING added or held back, such that you reach in and grab THEM by their soul, would otherwise just GET it?

Do you realise you’re almost confusing God Himself (well, obviously not, but at least eliciting the occasional eye roll and weary shake of the head), with the way you try to IMPROVE upon, or bother about the ACCEPTABILITY of, the original freakin’ blueprint of YOU?

It’s quite funny,

if you think about it,

that you have spent all this time making your gifts and soul work ‘not good enough’, failing to own your own God-given awesome, refusing to accept the inherent natural value, power, and worth of YOU –

and yet you somehow think you are the one who can fix up or improve upon it? In your human state? Heck, even in your superhuman state, the place where you’ve dropped completely into the flow, you are neither here nor there, you are simply fully NON-being, quantum AF, even THERE –

no girl.

You can’t improve on all that you always were, how you were crafted and molded; what you were BORN for.

You can’t improve on something that WAS always and only CAN be – complete. Whole. Perfect. Pure. DONE.

Your job was NEVER to be the editor or critic of your own work, your soul, your truth, you are the damn VESSEL.

You know this.

Your job is to let it out.

Not to manage it.

Not to pretty it up.

Not to fancy that shit in ANY possible way, and certainly not to damn HIDE it, run from it, pick and choose which bits you’re going to allow forth into the world.


Because here is what happens, when you give ANY thought or consideration to how, or whether, or in what sort of proper way you needa get what’s in you out –

You DON’T.

You simply don’t get it out.

And no matter how much you publish, produce, package up, sell, create, DO –

You fail to launch the most important thing of all.


Consistency, and discipline, feel difficult, a continual and never-ending battle to motivate yourself to DO, when the only thing you ever needed was to BE.




Nothing added.

Nothing removed or hidden or pushed down either.

You can do life this way if you like,

continually making it so damn hard on yourself if you like,

wondering why your very lifeforce seems to be draining out of you if you like,

shaking your head and crying to yourself at times about how endless it all is if you like,

and then getting up every day, day after day, and somehow managing to get your shit together to DO something, if you. like,

and you will live a life in which you’ll most likely create success well ahead of the 99%,

because let’s face it –

it’s not hard to do THAT.

But a life of passion?

Of deep connectedness to purpose?

Of going to bed each night knowing you not only lived the damn thing but you are BEING the damn thing, of being all that you always WERE and yes JUSt that?

A life of flow upon flow upon flow upon motherfreaking SUPERflow, where you dance between worlds and energetic planes as your reality, where for you outcomes are plucked from the heavens like choices off of a sushi train of life, and you choose to just ALLOW it to life, and SCREW the damn how – ?


Not that.

Not for YOU.

Not when you’ve chosen, consciously freakin’ chosen, no need to pretend otherwise, to be a shadow version of yourself, a greyscale ghastly horrible photocopy, a SOMETHING rather than the NO thing and EVERY thing you came here to be.


You don’t get to BE the damn flow when you refuse to SUBMIT to the damn flow.

And as a result –

Your relationships will be good, perhaps great, but fuck yes? Yeah … nah.

Your money will come because you fight for it, hand over first, you DO the damn work, but rivers and never-ending flow of abundance, WEALTH (not just money!) that shows up like magic, as if from nowhere, and the more that flows towards you the more that flows towards you, for the greater good of ALL, and it’s so.damn.FUCK yes? Yeah … nah.

Your business will grow, bit by bit, and certainly ahead of the rest (except for those who don’t PLAY only in normal), and you will have clients, you will have leads, you will ‘monetize like a mofo’, yay for you! But SOULMATE FUCK YES CLIENTS AND COMMUNITY AND OPPORTUNITY WHICH JUST THROWS ITSELF AT YOU, AND THE VERY COSMOS ITSELF WORKING FOR AND WITH AND BEHIND YOU ALL DAY EVERY DAY?

Yeah … nah. Not so much.

And what it comes down to is oh so simple.

Oh so obvious.


And that thing is this:

How on earth do you expect to magnetize a fuck yes EVERYTHING to you when you refuse to live a fuck yes life?

Only a complete moron would expect an outcome of fuck yes to come about from a life of repeatedly falling for everything that is NOT that, and being too damn FEAR-led and scared to stand ONLY for truth and ONLY for ME JUST BEING ME BUT BEING ALL OF ME IS ALL THAT IS OR EVER COULD BE REQUIRED.


Continue to be a complete moron if you like.

Comfortably moving forward with the pack if you like.

Spending your days working hard in the 2D / 3D world, DOING but yet never fully BEING, if you like.

Bemoaning to everybody how hard life is if you like –

Or perhaps taking the deluded pathway of superiority, in which you talk about how you value happiness ahead of money or success or FLOW if you like, by which I assume (read: KNOW) you just haven’t figured out that you were ALWAYS GIVEN THE CODE TO HAVE AND BE IT ALL,

if you like

And at the end of the day, that’s your right and your choice.

You’ve always been allowed to do what you like,

be what you like,

it’s the infinite choice we were all born with.

Question is –

Do you like?

Remember –

Life is Now. Press Play.

Kat x


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