

Do you know what’s crazy about how hard you let it be, this whole wealth creatin’ thang?

It was never supposed to be something that’s out of reach.

It was made available to you before you were even born.

When you were nothing but a thought, and perhaps not even that, it was WRITTEN that wealth is yours for the taking.

In fact, wealth is so inherent to who you actually ARE, at your core, that it was written as part of you at the very same time that YOU were written into being you.

The original BLUEPRINT, for you, is one that inherently INCLUDES wealth.

There is, in an absolutely literal sense, no separation between you and wealth.

So this whole thing you do of chasing wealth … trying to figure out how to get it … almost as though you think you need to TRICK it into being yours … or at the very least you think you need to do certain things and then you get it ’cause you EARNED it or somehow “made” it happen …?


That’s not actually a thing.

It never WAS a thing.

So the whole thing about how you make it a thing – and don’t worry, no judgement from ME; God knows I did the same thing too, for AGES before I figured this out! – well –

It’s kinda stoopid. Or funny. Depending on your take!

It’s also, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, PAINFUL. Exhausting. Never-ending. You’re actively and daily creating a life which is RELENTLESSLY impossible to win at, because how can you WIN at something which inherently assumes that what you desire exists OUTSIDE of you?


You can’t.


Stop trying.


GTF over the idea that ANYTHING you desire would EVER exist anywhere BUT inside of you, and step INTO the truth of knowing that if you can see it, feel it, think it, KNOW it, somewhere in your heart, your soul, your minds eye, or wherever the fuck it is that you DO see things?

Then that not only means it’s available to you (God doesn’t give you a dream that’s not yours to dream!) –

And it not only means it’s available to you now (you can’t see things that don’t also EXIST now … the fact that you can see it means it exists, which means it’s available, there’s not some sort of pre-order system with dreams unless YOU decide for there to be)

But it also means it’s available IN you.

This does NOT mean:

– You have to somehow get / earn / trick it into being in you
– Or that you gotta PUT it in you
– And nor does it mean that once it’s in you you must then tiptoe around cautiously for fear it somehow sneaks out of you, like water through a sieve

Do you realise what I’m saying to you right now? What God THROUGH me is saying to you right now? What this divine download I was COMMANDED to share with you right now means?


You don’t feel it, you don’t see it, you don’t quite know how to access it?

Cool. I get it. I was there too, for SO damn long. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there. And it doesn’t mean things can’t change in the blink of an EYE, either.

Do you believe me?
Do you believe GOD, more importantly, when he says (and he did say, over and over again!) that he wants you to prosper?

The first step is belief.

I know it’s hard sometimes, to believe.

But remember –

Belief is a CHOICE darling. It’s a motherfucking choice. Same as faith, while we’re at it, and also very relevantly. Why don’t you just choose belief, and faith, now?



Belief, faith, ALLOWING the outcomes of those things, these get to be practiced.


How do you practice?

Going within.
REMINDING yourself of what you have chosen to believe, and of how you choose to see the world and of who you choose to be.
Doing this daily.
Doing this for the very sake of doing it, not because it ‘gets you’ an outcome, even though of course, it does.
And over time, the outcome is that these beliefs, and a faith and PURPOSE driven life, become inherent TO WHO YOU ARE, just as it was originally, before a whole bunch of external stuff clouded you up and shit.

Speaking of purpose –

And speaking of prosperity –

And speaking of being wealthy AND fancy as fuck, and how God wants you to be both –

What do you think being PROSPEROUS is all about anyway?

What does WEALTH actually mean?

I believe that FUCK yes wealth includes physical wealth, MO-NEY, riches, and all things VIFP. Of course!

But I also believe that when God said – over and over, don’t forget! – that he wants you to be PROSPEROUS, there was a little more to it than just a nicely filled bank account.

I think you know that as well … but possibly you forget it at times. Possibly you forget, or maybe you have just never fully acknowledged, that it is PURPOSE, and living for yours, which allows wealth.

You cannot create wealth – TRUE wealth, in all areas or indeed ANY area –
From a place of the wrong service.

Which means that when you allow fear, resistance, self-doubt, the DEVIL inside, to rule you, as I know you DO (being all human and all!), that you PUSH WEALTH AWAY.

I imagine God looking down –

Rolling his eyes –

Shaking his head –

Maybe laughing, maybe crying, or maybe just waiting, patiently –

As you run around doing ALL THE THINGS because you’re so desperate for money, and because in your reactive state you’ve bought into a story that you can’t step into PURPOSE, or allowing ALIGNMENT to guide you, until you get your head above water, or forge ahead, just a little!

I used to do this too …

It didn’t fucking work …

You are WASTING your time!!

And I bet it’s not that fun either.

Wanna know what’s fun? Fucking PURPOSE baby, and living for yours. Fuck doing ANYTHING you think you NEED to do, and fuck letting fear OR money rule you.

You ALWAYS HAD IT AVAILABLE to you, as much as you DECIDE to ALLOW is there, right now, where it’s always been, SINCE BEFORE TIME BEGAN.

And one day, when you get really sick and tired of being so damn sick and tired from a) not pressing the fuck play as you KNOW you are meant to, b) chasing ALL the shit which doesn’t even fulfil you anyway, and c) KNOWING each night as your head hits the pillow that once again FEAR WAS IN THE DRIVERS SEAT –

You’re going to wake up.

As I did.

And you’re going to say fuck this shit.

As I did.

Except it was more like –


And you’re going to FINALLY, FINALLY give in.

Give in to God?? That’s really not even where I’m going, although I do believe this is the same thing –

Give in to YOU.
Give in to being who you always CAME here to be.
Give in to putting first things first.
Give in to FLOW.
Give in to DESTINY.
Give in to following that still small voice.

And when you do, I can tell you that you’ll feel so happy and free you won’t even CARE if you never make another cent again, and you’ll also have COMPLETE confidence that of COURSE your every need will be taken care of, and you’ll know that NOTHING else matters or ever did, and so basically you will be DONE, in the most fabulous way, but also?

When you finally give IN to being who you always were?

Don’t forget this one small thing:

God WANTS you to be wealthy as fuck.

So you might as well ask.
Have faith.
And receive.

You actually get to receive whether or not you do ANYTHING, including pressing play on your soul work.

But you may want to consider this. And here is the ‘trick’ we spoke of. The ‘aha; I KNEW there was a catch!’ thing.

Ultimately what wealth means?

Is waking up every fucking day and pressing fucking play.

You can do that anytime.
From anywhere.
And you’ve always been able to.

At some point I suppose, REALLY –

You’re gonna get sick of trying so damn hard to be everything that wasn’t originally written into you.

You’re gonna finally press play.

You’re gonna finally let it be easy, just ask and live in faith and receive.

And when you do, perhaps you’ll look back and be GLAD of how long it took, because, like me right now, it will allow you to PASS ON THE WISDOM OF EXPERIENCE to others.

But unless it’s that you especially want to KEEP ON LEARNING those lessons –

Why not just make the day you FULLY actually acknowlegde: