

It’s time to shed your sabotage, and the not-good-enough-bullshit holding you back and keeping your dreams, and the life you know you were born to lead, at arms bay.

Don’t you see?

If you don’t say yes TODAY, then you never will.

This is how life works.
It’s how it IS.
It’s the cold hard reality which most people spend their entire lives avoiding, telling themselves that there’s still time and that their reasons for NOT yet pressing play are valid.

Wake up:

There’s no more time.
Your EXCUSES are not valid.

They may well be real – REALLY real, even! But that’s not the same as valid, not when VALID means ‘good enough reason for you to not do what you say you’re here to do’.

You can either continue to hang out where you’re at now, no doubt not a terrible place at all, but certainly not what you see INSIDE of you, and know is available, or you can press the fuck play on your dreams.

But you can’t do both.

When given the choice, 100% of people – at least in THIS world – will say they now choose their dreams over their bullshit.

But talk is cheap.

At the end of the day – like, the actual end of the day, when your head hits the pillow at night – you either did what you said you would, and you feel damn PROUD of yourself –

Or you didn’t.

There is no in between.

And here is what else –

You don’t owe the world, or anybody in it, ANYTHING.

It’s Christmas time and your soul calls you to be alone, go within, write or work or create, DO it.

You’re either following your soul’s true pathway to all your desires –

Or you’re not.

It’s VERY simple.

Wanna know something else???

You might take this as awesome, or it might be extremely upsetting, depending upon your mood –

EVERYTHING you see inside of you is available to you, was in fact divinely GIVEN to YOU, yes YOU, specifically, or you wouldn’t see it, AND it’s available to you now.


This has ALWAYS been the case, so yes indeed that DOES in fact mean that all of the dreams you’ve dreamed up UNTIL this point and yet not acted upon were in fact available.

And you let ’em go
Like sand through an hourglass
Just slipping away

I guess that’s the downer bit, if you want to see it that way, but the FABULOUS news is that it’s still true right now.

Which means, YES, that whatever it is which is popping into your head RIGHT THIS MOMENT –

As a desire
A wish
A fantasy
A dream

Is available to you.

That stage you see yourself speaking on, that audience of millions, that message of power, that level of being known, that next level version of you inside AND out, ALL of it is real.

ALL of it is available to you.
And ALL of it is available to you now.
You can only SEE what’s also available, now. That’s how it works.

Want more? Just keep looking for more, seeing more, and then THAT becomes available, but also, at some point –

You’re gonna need to pull the trigger.

Which simply means this –

Quit being such a crybaby about how hard it is, how scary it is, what people might say or what might happen. Quit acting as though all you have available to you is what you’ve ALREADY created, in the physical sense.

And instead, simply start living based on what you see inside of you.

Actioning what your soul guides you to.

Following the INNER commands which you KNOW are true.

And trusting in the literal fact that if you can dream it, you are SUPPOSED to achieve it.

If you believed that
And you acted on it
Where do you think you might be a year from now, or even, a month?

It’s time to stop playing life in the world of the normal people –

When you could never do normal if you tried –

And you never even WANTED to.

It’s time to own your power.

It’s time to step UP.


It’s time to shed the sabotage.
Get over your BS.
And just start BEING the version of you who comes out to play in your journal –
In your heart –
And in your dreams.

If you show the world who you really are –

The world will believe you.

The reason you don’t have what you want yet, and are not where you long to be yet, is simply that you’ve been showing an outdated version of you. Running an old code, like nobody remembered to update the system.

Well, guess what?

The next level you is waiting.

In fact, she’s been in the wings the ENTIRE fucking time.

And when you let us see her –

We ARE going to believe you.

Do you believe me?

Can you FEEL this?

You KNOW I’m right.

And I know it’s SCARY, but tell me this:

What scares you more, putting yourself out there and CLAIMING what is yours as well as FULLY living your purpose – ?

Or never even fucking trying?