Never ever find yourself buying into a story that you are still so far from where you want to be.
So right now the money you damn well SHOULD be seeing rollin’ in is nowhere to be heard or seen of, your abs are so well insulated it’d take an entire excavation team to get on in and find ’em, the fuck yes flow and ease you long for in your LURRRRVVVVEEEE life is feeling more like hand over fist teeth-pulling, and to top it all off you can barely manage to roll your ageing body out of bed in the morning without worrying you’re going to pop a joint somewhere, well –
So what?!
You’re not YEARS or MONTHS or WEEKS or necessarily even DAYS from where you want to be, unless that’s what you want to choose to believe.
If you have mentors
a partner
your minister
or whichever oracle you choose to consult
telling you that you’ve so far to go, much yet to overcome, many mountains to climb, but first you gotta find the damn things, well, guess what?
You can thank people very nicely (fuck you very nicely) for telling you about all the woes and hardships you’ve still got ahead of you, if you like, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it on board!
What, you’re going to just ABSORB INTO YOUR BEING everything the world tells you about how this shit works? Or even ANY of it? Newsflash:::
There’s actually no fucking rule that you have to accept ANY of it!
Just because it ‘logically’ makes sense –
Just because it’s how you’ve always done it –
Just because it’s how even the peoples you MOST respect do it –
Doesn’t mean it’s real for you unless you allow it to be!
Because here is the truth about where results come from, and what the deepest part of your soul already knows about this shit:
It’s only as far away as YOU firmly and fully fucking deciding.
You really think you can’t change your body in a heartbeat, have INSANE amounts of money flow show up out of thin air, have your body return to springy youth-like bendiness, your energy and mood lit to the damn heavens, and all overnight?
It’s not overnight success trickery idiot, it’s simply your sub-conscious mind doing the final switch flicking to activate everything you’ve ALREADY ALWAYS HAD AVAILABLE TO YOU.
Not to mention everything you’ve already invested in BEING, and indeed WOULD be, if only you’d drop the damn story of still not BEING there!
This is not about ‘something for nothing’.
This is about the fact that you already ARE the damn person. I’m not writing this for the numbnuts out there who give their lives for watching repeats of The Block and failingly attempting to stay on top of the political climate and that’s IT, I’m talking to YOU.
YOU, who has always done the work.
YOU, who puts energy and effort in.
YOU, who shows up for your damn life, and while there is of course always another level of truth to drop into, integrity to be true to, and always, always, more soul-aligned action to take, and while sometimes you of COURSE sabotage the fuck out of shit, the overall reality is??
You’re a person who presses play.
You’ve always BEEN that way, it’s in your bones, your cells, your very DNA. IT’S PROGRAMMED RIGHT INTO YOU.
And all I’m really saying?
Is that at some point you MAY wanna drop the damn story that you STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH / FIGURE OUT / ACHIEVE / TRIUMPH OVER / this one thing.
Or there’ll always be another thing. And you’ll never be there, let’s also not forget that ‘there’ is a place only found within, hmmm? Hmmm.
And okay –
Maybe you’re scared, maybe that’s it.
Maybe if all of a sudden there were nothing else for you to do and you were already rocking and rolling in EVERY part of your life, body stuff CHECK, money stuff CHECK, biz flow and soulmate badass clients out the wazoo CHECK, relationship stuff JUST so, your whole freakin’ LIFE so damn on point you’d better watch out somebody doesn’t hurt themselves on that shit, maybe –
You’d be bored.
You wouldn’t know who you are anymore.
What would even be the point, what would you DO, if, well, there were nothing to do?!
Well, how about DESE apples –
In order to get all the things? Yeah, sure.
In order to live your damn life?
Prolly more that, huh?
Just something to think about –
As you continue to press press press play on the I’m-not-yet-there-so-can’t
[…] are ACTIVELY calling in hardship and struggle if you are not ACTIVELY expecting people to buy, sales to fly, your marketing to work, […]