It's SUPPOSED to Fucking Hurt
Alignment, Entrepreneurship

It’s SUPPOSED to Fucking Hurt!! Embrace It!

At some point you’re going to have to acknowledge that if you don’t start taking serious aligned action NOW –

Time is going to run out.

I was watching a man across from me just now in the cafe where I was writing, watching him carefully mark pages in a travel guide about Sicily, taking notes as he went. He was wearing a suit and tie and no doubt about to start his day here in corporate Melbourne. And maybe I’m being a bit too assumptive here, but the image I got was this is somebody who gives their life to the man and who is now planning a trip of a lifetime. The attentive way he went through the pages, coupled with the somewhat downtrodden suit, showed the story of somebody who doesn’t exactly get to travel at the drop of a hat. This trip is a big deal, maybe even a once in a decade sort of a thing.

When I on occasion stop to think about how the other people live, by which I mean people who do normal sort of work in a normal sort of way and have a normal sort of amount of escape from that work, I sometimes find myself almost stunned by the horror of it.

You have to go and give 5 days out of every 7 to something you don’t LOVE?
From 9am till 5 every DAY?
And probably a whole lot more besides that?!
And you make HOW MUCH?! Do you mean a day, at least a week, right?! No that’s in a YEAR?! How is that even possible?!
the actual.

When I actually sit here and try to comprehend this whole way of living it just seems flat out RIDICULOUS. If I didn’t know myself that it was true, and somebody told me that people live like that, I’d think they were lying. I’d think they were JOKING, how can it be true?! Even though I DO know it’s true I still can’t quite believe it. It is honestly just incomprehensible to me that this can not only be a thing, but it’s a thing that the entire world (albeit us crazy few) seem to be buying into!

I mean you’d have to ASSUME that there is some kind of massive fucking payout at the end of all that, in exchange for giving, let’s see, oh yes, only your fucking LIFE for it!

But no –
You get to the end –
And maybe you get a watch or a pen on the way out.
And then see out the rest of your days counting every penny carefully and hoping, basically, that you run out before the money does.

It’s outrageous. And the reason I don’t think about it much, apart from the fact that I’m pretty consumed with my own work most days, is because I find it too painful. I look at people I know who are KICKASS at what they do, and then I hear what the wage is and I just feel OUTRAGED. I feel like I want to go on some kind of vendetta against the man, whoever the fuck he is!! It’s one reason why I make sure I always pay well over the standard rates, as far as my employees and team go. I just find the whole system of how people are treated in their jobs APPALLING. It makes me fucking angry and I wish I could save the world, as pretentious or dramatic as that sounds!

And then I remember that basically this whole business is me going on a vendetta against the man, that it’s not my job to save anybody, that EVERYBODY gets to choose what they want for their life, and that all I can do is keep showing up and sharing my message all day each day, to the best of my ability, and hoping and PRAYING it hits home.

It’s hard for me to accept that most people will simply never listen though, or they may listen for a moment, perhaps even say they’re going to take action, but then ultimately they will continue on the path they already laid out for themselves.

It’s safer that way.
And even though the future looks FUCKING AWFUL as far as I’m concerned, it’s KNOWN.
And so they tell themselves –
It’s fine!
It’s not so bad.
This is how it is, this is just LIFE!

And I just want to shake them and scream NO! This is not how it’s supposed to BE, this is not what you were born for, there’s so much more out there and you can have it ALL, don’t you see!

I always did believe that deep down everybody just secretly wants to be an entrepreneur … that it’s my job to save and help them … but the older I get the more I start to think that even if of course everybody does want freedom and choice, many people genuinely WANT what they have chosen.

I guess ultimately everybody wants what they have chosen, even though they may well rail against it, because if they really REALLY fucking wanted something different they would CHOOSE it.

Regardless of knowing how.
Regardless of how scary.
Regardless of the risk.

And really –

CAN there be a risk greater than risking your life, your purpose, your desires, for so-called SAFETY and fitting in?

I personally find the idea of living THAT life to be extraordinarily risky, not to mention stupid.

But I understand that, no matter how much I try to push them, the truth is that not everbody can think like I do, find safety in risk, find security in leaping repeatedly off the cliff and taking responsibility for your own outcomes.

Not everybody?
Not even 99%.

There’s a reason I talk about the 1% within the 1% within the 1%, it’s because it’s a REAL FUCKING THING, and less than 99.99% of you are EVER going to achieve your dreams.

I AM the 0.01% baby, there’s never been any doubt.

AND I KNOW YOU FEEL THE SAME WAY TOO, but here is my question to you:

Are you showing up like it?
Are you living it?
Are you, basically, yes, actually fucking PROVING it, because otherwise?

You’re just hell yes-ing on a life you’re never going to live.

And here’s the thing:

EVERYBODY who follows me says they are that person.
But the REALITY is that even in THIS community there will be maximum 1 in 100 people, and probably less, who achieve what they say they will and what they are more than CAPABLE of.

Just look around.
You know that what I’m saying is true.
That’s just how it IS, always, there’s no way around it.

So the question is:

Who are you?
And can you PROVE it?
Not because you need to prove it to me, obviously. But because if you’re just talking –
But you’re not repeatedly laying yourself on the line, you’re not repeatedly leaping, you’re not repeatedly jumping into the fray no matter how scary or how much it hurts then I’m SORRY, but you’re just not ONE of us.

And here is what it comes down to, really, and why most never stood a chance and SHOULD pursue the ‘safety’ of the norm:

It’s SUPPOSED to fucking hurt.
It’s not ABOUT finding a way to get there so you can live with ease and kick back.

The reason so few can EVER make it even a little way along this pathway is that they continually move away from pain, day in and day out they try to lean towards ease, comfort, safety.

Want to know my secret, and those of my friends who are up here with me?

We love the fucking push.
All we ever did –
Really –
Was found and EMBRACED the pain we want to live with forever, and then LEARNED TO FUCKING LIKE IT.

So when you wonder how it is –
That I get up so early –
Stay up so late –
Write SO many thousands of words per day –
Never stop –
Push in EVERY area of my life –
REPEATEDLY invest money I don’t have to go to the next level –
REPEATEDLY jump so far out of my comfort zone I forget it was even there –

The answer is simple.
I genuinely love the feeling of leaping screaming into the wind.
I LIKE the taste of blood in my mouth.
I ENJOY getting hit because it makes me stronger.
I like feeling my eyes burning and my heart pounding and NOT KNOWING IF I’M GONNA MAKE IT BUT THEN I DO.
I llike to push and push and push and just when I think I can’t go any further I dig SO deep within and find out that actually?

I was just getting warmed up, and actually?

The more often I leap the more I can find that really what I was born for –
Was to fucking fly.

