After I had my first child, well, if I’m honest about it, even before she came along, I became obsessed with losing the baby weight and getting back to what I felt was my true and REQUIRED identity as soon as possible.
I was so fixated on ‘having to’ drop that weight as soon as humanly possible (fuck humanly, I was gonna go beyond that!) that I even brought my workout clothes and Nike’s to the hospital with me. Having never given birth before I did not realise that it was legit the funniest most ridiculous thing in the world that I thought I could maybe just casually go for a run around the nearby gardens, you know, while the baby was sleeping.
Well, obviously THAT didn’t happen, but as soon as we got her safely home, I was out the door, literally, within the hour, to do my first post-baby workout. Wait 6 weeks post-partum? I DON’T THINK SO. I did a 25-minute bodyweight only very careful little session at the gym up the road while her Dad took care of her, and I promptly passed out in the middle of a set of on my knees push ups. lol. After that I decided maybe it wasn’t the worst idea to follow the rules a little … or at the very least, the rules of my own body … but the reality is that, hmmm, no, I really didn’t.
I didn’t listen to the doctor’s rules.
I didn’t listen to my own body’s needs.
And I certainly didn’t listen to that higher self side of myself who would have known to TRUST.
And, while I was certainly present and in attendance with my baby, LOVING getting to know her and being a Mum, and having plenty of time to do so since I had organised my business in advance so I could almost fully step back, there was this thing that just hung over me the whole.damn.time.
I was DESPERATE to lose that baby weight. I was OUTRAGED that the whole ‘breastfeeding will do it’ thing seemed to be a scam. I was FURIOUS that months after giving birth, despite being consistent as fuck with (yes, after that first day, appropriate and gentle!) exercise, and watching everything I ate, I had literally lost NOTHING – nothing! – since the initial weight loss of the baby and everything that comes out with it coming out!
I was SO sad. So contracted. Yes, happy and proud and excited as a new Mum, of course. But underneath that just really really disheartened at why my body wouldn’t do what I wanted. Prior to being pregnant my identity had been VERY much about looking a certain way as a fitness girl, and, suffice to say, I hadn’t really fallen in love with ME yet.
But this isn’t a story about how I could or should have just enjoyed the journey and let nature take its course as far as losing the baby weight. That’s all as may be, but what I’m really here to share with you today is how it DID in the end happen. Which served as a lesson for me that I’ve drawn on many times since, with myself, with clients, maybe today with you.
See in the end, when I did lose the baby weight, it happened out of nowhere, like woah, in a matter of a couple of weeks I went from sad and heavy and sorry for myself to holy shit lean AF, abs, the whole shebang, and just rocking my DREAM bod.
Was it a timing thing, was it finally just long enough after the baby? Did I go on some kind of mini detox or bootcamp?
No. Nothing like that, nothing even similar.
I firmly believe it was down to one very simple decision I made, one statement I said to myself in my head which just CLICKED IN AND THEN I LIVED FROM IT.
I was walking through town, back in my hometown of Melbourne, I stopped for a coffee in this cool little very Melbourne-esque coffee jaunt which had about 50 wooden chairs hanging upside down from the ceiling, and as I waited for my coffee I stared up at the chairs, just kind of blanked out and gazed into the nowhere, and, as is sometimes the case when you stop THINKING, something hit me with full force truth:
What if I just decided to start ACTING like a fit / hot Mum?
As I stood there, still waiting, I started running over all the ways I’d not been acting at ALL like a hot and fit Mum.
My very posture and demeanour as I walked around town had been one of self-consciousness, ‘don’t look at me’, I feel gross, the antithesis of how a hot / fit / or simply, more relevantly, IN LOVE WITH HERSELF woman walks around.
When it came to food, I’d been OBSESSIVE about ‘having to’ eat perfect, beating up on myself for any exceptions. This is not what fit / hot / in love with themselves people do; they definitely eat the cake if they want it!!
Same with my approach to exercise.
But mostly it wasn’t in anything I was DOING, it was just in how I was seeing myself.
Waiting to get there.
DESPERATE to get there.
Feeling not good enough until I WOULD get there!
Can you relate? Perhaps a particular area of your life is coming to mind right now? Hmm? Hmmm!
Anyway, it was like a thunderbolt from God. The heavens (well, chairs) parted so to speak, and I just saw the light.
I literally walked out of that coffee shop, head held high, like I was the Queen of the world, and I just LET GO FULLY of every part of me which didn’t already FEEL fit, hot, in love with life and herself!
After that, I did, well, nothing!
I continued to exercise, continued to eat well, continued to live my life, but the ENERGY had shifted. I wasn’t doing it ‘to get there’, I was doing what felt right for me, and I had already APPOINTED MYSELF AS BEING THERE.
I became the hot / fit Mum I wanted to be in that moment in the cafe and it was DONE.
Reality? The physical reality? Had no choice but to catch up, and catch up it did, in a matter of weeks, almost without me noticing. By which time I was not necessarily ‘whatever’ about it, but it definitely felt more like a cool ‘cherry on top’ bonus rather than something I HAD to have, or was weeping at finally having achieved and now being free, you know?
Can I ask you something?
When it comes to making the money you want to, and finally being TRULY in abundance and money freedom, are you desperately longing to be there, walking around smile smile smiling but underneath it feeling ANGRY, FRUSTRATED, EXHAUSTED, SAD that you’re not there yet and WHEN WILL YOU BE?
There is no in between.
You don’t have a money-makin’ strategy or systems problem, you have an IDENTITY problem.
And the sooner you quit trying to be perfect –
Do it right –
Do more –
And just own the energy of BEING A WEALTHY WOMAN –
the sooner reality will have no choice but to catch up with you.
Here’s the thing about being the wealthy AF you:
Yes, she still ‘does the work’.
But she does it from a place of simply doing what she’d be doing as a natural outcome of being her, not in order to try and GET to an outcome.
If you want that flow and ease life you know is there for you, you HAVE to release working towards outcomes!! And it has to be now.
By definition, if you’re trying to get somewhere, you are reinforcing that you are not there!
it’s not just about your actions, is it?
How does the wealthy you walk?
Hold herself?
How does the woman who EXPECTS her shit to sell out,
money to ALWAYS flow for all her needs,
and biz and life in every way to JUST keep leveling up,
play life?!
(truth time!)
how do YOU right now?
And if there’s even a little bit of a gap between the two?
You know what to do.
Think you don’t?
Your soul says otherwise.
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