Everything that you’ve called into being in your life right now, which once upon a time you did not have and just decided you were gunna, is there because you held the vision and refused to let go.
That car you wanted, that house you wanted, that purse you wanted heck, that pair of jeans you wanted back in high school, all of these things showed up because you finally got to a point where you stopped wishing and dreaming about ‘maybe one day’, you threw doubt off the damn rooftop, decided you didn’t really CARE ‘how’, thank you very much, and you locked in that motherfucking target.
Because you actually meant it, when you decided, the faith you needed SHOWED UP.
Yeah … faith shows up when we require it, girl, and make space for it. It does not show up in advance when your lazy ass is just sitting around wishing and one-daying and hoping you’re magically gonna wake up and became a driven badass who gets what she wants, but always!
Because the faith showed up, you were then able to HOLD –
And HOLD –
And just.keep.holding –
Until the tension on the energetic cord between you and the thing, the cord created when you threw out that commitment, when you made the decision and thus hopped through time and space and into a place where it was already done, the tension eventually, through your unwavering faith and ‘holding’, got to a point where it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR THERE NOT TO BE A RESPONSE.
And ‘it’, the thing you’d locked your sights on had to snap into the physical now, it had no other choice, it simply followed the LAW.
Whilst you may well have ‘done things’ along the way to getting or being or having the thing, whilst there may well have been effort exuded, of course, the truth is, when you think about it, or try to explain it –
That was just by the by.
It’s ‘whatever’. Doesn’t matter what anybody else says or whether or not they understand it, YOU know that you got the damn thing because you refused to take your eyes your heart your soul off the mofo vision, you were RELENTLESS in your faith and determination, and you just flat out didn’t back down.
This level of said faith and determination, relentless unwavering focus on the end goal, is of course what allowed that tension to grow, and it is also precisely what killed dead the doubts, fears, ‘what ifs’ which naturally come up whenever we decide to go next level.
BEFORE you made the commitment, before you threw out that line and let the hook sink right in, your DECISION tethering your ‘now you’ to the ‘future now’ which you would then call in to the ‘now now’, BEFORE that, you let your fears, doubts, uncertainties, and wonderments about whether YOU are good enough, rule you.
You didn’t understand that the only way to kill that shit dead is to commit ANYWAY, throw out the damn line, create the energetic cord, and then simply let reality reel it in.
Once the cord is formed, it is AUTOMATIC – it is law! – that fear and its ilk will not be able to withstand.
^^^ Exception: if you are a weak willed pussy who is addicted to the stories fear tells you, and you have a long set pattern of FOLDING instead of HOLDING, thus breaking the cord and having to start all over again. Yes, I’m speaking to all of you who journal and ‘do’ the fuck out of trying to create your dream life, but never actually hold your ground when it counts, for long enough that it then HAS to work. How long is long enough? Duh, til it’s done.
Every time it popped up you simply swiped it aside. Take that motherfucker! Not today Satan! And you RELENTLESSLY CONTINUED TO MOVE FORWARD AND INTO THE OUTCOME.
^^^ the relentless moving forward often just is about your ENERGY, I don’t even mean doing anything. What you SHOULD do, if anything, is precisely, but also ONLY, and definitely ALWAYS, what you are shown to do as you go. Be honest about that shit, don’t pretend you don’t know when you are being shown! Don’t forget to also be in a daily conversation with God and your own soul, so that you are accustomed to listening!
This is how you got the shit which is not part of your life but once upon a time felt so far away.
Material stuff, ‘being’ stuff, body stuff, love stuff, all the stuff! It all works the same way.
Which brings us to now:
What do you want that you don’t yet have?
I’ll bet the STACK on the reality that right now your approach to getting that thing is you are TRYING.
– Trying to figure out what you need to do
– Trying to weigh up pros and cons of the ‘what to do’ bit as well as the outcome itself
– Trying to get some kind of clarity on whether or not you’re good enough, or if it’s actually possible
– Trying to fucking believe in yourself, or even in the thing!
– Try try trying your way out of ever having it!
What do you need to DO then?
All of the trying.
All of the doubts.
All of the ‘what if’s’ and ‘what about’s’.
All of the ALL of it.
Black or white, yes or no, DO YOU WANT THE THING?
What is the EXACT thing you want? Don’t go dialling it back sister, you STOP receiving when you’re not honest about your actual soul desires, be bold enough to go STRAIGHT to the end goal and claim the actual real thing!
And, are you ready to DECIDE?
No buts. No ifs. No what abouts. No NOTHING. Just –
Are you willing to take a deep breath, throw your shoulders back and your breasts forward (always a great way to start the day), and DECIDE.
Line thrown out. Hook sunk. Energetic cord CREATED. Tension starting to build, just a little bit. Faith ACTIVATED. Oh, and what I didn’t mention so far, allllllll the ideas and magic and creativity and know how you could possibly need will now start to drop down for you. You can only pull it down once you throw out the line girlfriend! You’re crazy (NOT the good kind!) if you think you can get the ideas and downloads you need to be the person who gets the thing without freakin’ COMMITTING, first!! That shit is shown to you AFTER you commit. What, you think you get the training and tools and support of a warrior without committing to BEING said warrior? #facepalm
So there you have it.
That’s how it’s done.
The stuff you don’t have yet, say what you like, jump up and down if you want about all the reasons why it’s different for YOU (all you’ll do is show precisely who you are, a NON-starter who is never gonna have jack shit), but the reality is you just didn’t decide, with the full certainty and determination of your soul behind you, and allow a connection to be made in the energetic that ultimately would HAVE to result in your physical world being changed.
Of course you also gotta have the guts to stay the course, refuse to fold no matter what, refuse to dial back or start compromising all over the place like a total wimp when at first you don’t get what you want, refuse to DISCONNECT FROM THE TARGET, and meanwhile, without pause or hesitation, move relentlessly forward into the fray exactly as and when and how you’re guided to, until it is DONE done, but hey –
You’ve got that, right?
Let’s just remember –
You can’t see what’s on the other side of the looking glass until you go through.
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