{a bedtime story, of alignment and asskickery, for grown-ups who want it all}
I want to tell you a story about being a winner, the 1% within the 1%, a superhero badass MOTHERFUCKER who is so highly driven mere mortals don’t even see her flying up overhead.
No, you clown, I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about YOU, and why it is that every-time you start to actually make the money you want or get within a whiff of it, every time you finally get your shit together with your business, your body, your relationship and maybe even your LIFE, you seem to go slipping down some kind of unavoidable slope of despair before you can really get a grip and enjoy the fruits of your labour never mind SETTLE into your success.
And okay, okay, sure – when I say I’m talking about you of COURSE I’m talking about me, but really? This IS all about you honey, because here’s the TRUTH:
Winners hate fucking maintaining success.
WINNERS hate maintaining success.
TRUE winners kind of even hate fully ACHIEVING success.
They’re fine when they’re ON THEIR WAY … they’re motivated as FUCK when they’re just starting out, and they’ll push harder, longer, faster, more thoroughly than ANYONE when they’ve got their goal in sight and can smell taste imagine nearly feel what it will be like.
But come around that final corner, the hard work all but done and the joy of ACHIEVEMENT in sight where you can JUST about grab hold of it, and what do you do?
Why, you back the fuck off of course.
You slow down.
You pull up.
You wonder whether it was a good idea at all in the first place.
Or else you somehow and without even really notice it come up with a multitude of ways in which to sabotage, destroy, or otherwise completely devastate yourself, the goal, those around you, and for good measure your relationships and your health while you’re at it.
And I know, I know, sometimes you DO IN FACT ACHIEVE THE GOAL, actually get your sweaty little hands on it, before you go through this process of systematically tearing shit down, but either way, there’s really no other way to look at it except for the supremely odd yet actually completely EXPLAINABLE reality that you?
You just hate fucking achieving your goals.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone – this syndrome is pretty much par for the course amongst ALL winners.
Unless and except for one thing.
And this one thing is something that EVERY winner who wants to actually win the ultimate prize of not only feeling the rush of accomplishment but changing the way they live their LIFE, to where their business, finances, body, personal life, EVERYTHING is actually truly and really and just keeps getting better.
In other words: winners who are really out to win.
Oh, so you wanna know what the one thing is, the thing that will let you actually achieve and also MAINTAIN the results you want, and then the next step after that, and then the ever-loving never-ending ALWAYS next step after that?
The thing that will put sabotage, procrastination and giving IN to overwhelm and resistance completely and once and for all out of the picture?
The thing that will let you finally nail down and LOCK THE FUCK in the basic shit you KNOW you should have mastered long ago, thought you HAD already completely mastered, wonder why they fuck you’re still even having to THINK about?
Let me tell you:
When I share this with you, you’ll understand why it is you:
– Get to a certain income level and then plateau off
– Or somehow have nothing to show for it when you do make more
– Or end up crashing back down the entrepreneur money rollercoaster to where you’re just about worse off than before you set out to achieve this next level
– Or sabotage some OTHER part of your life instead, as punishment to yourself for the God-damn GALL of you to think you can actually have it all
– Or why it is that you find yourself feeling SO in the zone and aligned with what you’re doing and selling but then your relationship blows up – or your weight blows up – or plain and simple what you THOUGHT was so perfect in your biz suddenly makes no sense and you’re quite quite certain that everybody thinks you’re a moron as well and YOU definitely know you have no clue what you’re actually talking about and so you RETREAT
You get the idea.
I said I was going to tell you a story, but if you’re waiting for one with a high feel-good factor and a snuggly bedtime ending, you’re going to be sorely disappointed, because here is how this story plays OUT for most of life’s would-be winners:
You achieve shit (almost)
You sabotage said shit
Or alternatively sabotage or otherwise blow up some other good shit in your life
Or simply sit back BECAUSE you achieved shit, forget that that doesn’t mean you’re done, and then one day wake up and wonder why the fuck nothing MEANS anything to you anymore, how it is you got so stagnant, and why it is that despite still doing what you did to GET here (mostly) you’re fairly certain you’ve slipped a lot further back down that hill than what you swore you ever would.
Sound like a story you’re at ALL familiar with?
Sound like one you’d like to be DONE with?
Let’s talk about a far more interesting story then. One in which you actually get your shit together and start moving FORWARD and UPWARD in life, not just in one area, and not just as a two steps forward than perpetual one step back sort of a dance.
A story in which you actually fucking win, dominate, achieve your every dream or goal and then some.
A story about being an ACTUAL FUCKING WINNER, not an eternal wannabe.
Oh, and when I say a story? I mean a smackdown of truth.
1. Keep Striving or Find Yourself Dying
First things first, a quick test:
Why do winners like to win, and make awesome shit happen?
If your answer is because they want to GET there, BOOM, you’re out, you failed winner school and that’s probably why you were nodding your head so much to everything we just spoke about.
Winners like to win because they LIKE THE THRILL OF THE CHASE. If you’re not STRIVING you might as well be DYING, so find something to strive for!
What this means, from an actionable standpoint: you do NOT want to let your sweet ass ever EVER get to the end goal without first setting up the next hill to climb. This is precisely why performance coaches to professional athletes will tell you that there needs to already be a NEXT RACE or hurdle in sight before the star goes out to perform on the big day. Athletes, stars, WINNERS who don’t have something to strive for get depressed, fat, and broke. Roughly in that order usually, but hey, who’s counting?
Action this shit, and learn from it: In business, for entrepreneurs, what this means is that if you GOT to where you wanted to go, or you can see the end in sight and you don’t already have the challenge and nervous anticipation of the next big thing you’re going to have to deal with or chase down like a motherfucker after it then YOU WILL STAGNATE.
And probably end up depressed, stressed, fat and broke as well, wondering why you can’t seem to get your game face on.
You need a CHALLENGE, bitch, that’s what winners live for, not for the fucking END goal. There is no end goal!
2. Daily Wins You Crazy Over-Achieving Perfectionist!!
And okay, okay, I feel you getting all geared up and excited about ALL THE BIG AWESOME SHIT YOU’RE NOW GONNA GO OUT THERE AND MAKE HAPPEN.
Just slow your horses, okay? I mean sure – HAVE your BIG AWESOME SHIT HOT GOALS.
I know, I know – you’re suddenly committed to making an extra million bucks this month! Having a fitness model body before the next moon! Moving in to your dream penthouse apartment within 30 days! Switching to all organic home-made and entirely raw food, hand-prepared lovingly by yourself under the light of the early morning sun! You’re going to be a PARAGON OF PERFECTION and change your whole life overnight, bring your EVERY bucket list fantasy to reality, stat, and just you wait and SEE!
You’re not.
HAVE your big goals like I said, but let’s take another quick test right now:
Aside from the STRIVE, what is it that winners NEXT most get off on?
Ding ding ding, YES, the thrill and sense of pride of KNOWING YOU DID IT (but yet that there’s still so much more to go!) right now right here.
Meaning: daily wins. Winners need daily wins, and sometimes more. We need VALIDATION, reassurance, a pat on the back and the knowledge that we’re DOING A GREAT JOB. Yep, we’re basically 6-year old school kids.
So, here is how to action this shit and benefit from it: set yourself up DAILY to win. Since we know you DO want to dominate in all areas, I’d be setting up daily wins (ones you definitely have to PUSH for, mind you) in all areas.
Visibility / fame
Personal life stuff
Remember: MAKE IT SOMETHING WORTH STRIVING FOR, or else why would you bother?
3. Feel Into the AWESOME of the Outcome
When you don’t FEEL like it, or you can’t seem to get your shit together, you do NOT have a motivation issue.
You have an association issue.
You’re not effectively LINKING the Doing of the Work to the big-picture win you’re shooting for, OR you haven’t yet set up the next phase BEYOND that win (so motivation is slowing down because you don’t want to let yourself GET there), or else you’re not feeling into the awesomeness of the SHORT-TERM win.
So, get specific:
How are you going to feel when you get through the day eating and working out in the way you SAY you want to? Imagine how awesome that will feel, how proud of yourself you’ll be, how much you’ll know you’re OWNING it!
How ’bout doing your sales activity for today, or your content? No, you fool, you can’t go into a days work with the goal to make a million, go viral, rule the WORLD, without also having the short-term ability to win TODAY. So, what do you need to do today to know that you NAILED it? What are the SPECIFICS? How are you going to feel about it afterwards? Get your head in the game and then get to fucking work!
But remember that the big picture and next level shit BEYOND that needs to be there in your sub-conscious as well. It all plays in TOGETHER and you can’t focus solely long-term and expect to be motivated, but nor can you focus only on winning today and expect to be driven like a bat out of hell from within.
4. Keep on Moving
Flat out, winners don’t do well sitting around.
We stagnate and crumble FAST, easily talk ourselves into the depths of despair, start to question EVERYTHING, and rapidly fall into a pattern of not giving a fuck about anything, least of all ourselves or anything we might need to do in order to actually PROGRESS.
This doesn’t mean never take time out or off, but here’s a tip:
Plan your downtime and have it as another thing you DO, that you actively look forward to and are able to ENGAGE in, not as a sabotagy cop-out or turn to for when you lose momentum because you forget to keep moving, keep pushing, keep playing the game and striving.
Also: winners need variety and to be challenged in a myriad of different ways, so set your business and your LIFE up so that you get to mix up your routine, your activities, your short-term goals, your everything and so that you ALWAYS KEEP MOVING.
You gotta be lining up your next big hit before you barely even get started on knocking back this one.
You’re addicted to the CHASE, it’s like crack to you, life is POINTLESS to you if you’re not burning out your lungs and spitting up blood sweat vile as you tear your skin trying to make that final lift.
ADMIT IT, you LIKE the push, you WANT the push, you can’t survive WITHOUT the push and the fear-joy-thrill-everything of not knowing if you’re gonna make it.
And that’s what it’s about really, isn’t it?
We weren’t born to sit on our asses and wait to die, not in general but even not as a result of being able to say ‘I made it’.
You’ll never make it, you’ll never get there, you’ll never be done, and that’s OKAY in fact it is AWESOME.
So the sooner you stop looking for the way to complete all your shit and kick back, and the sooner you instead start CONTINUALLY striving for the next big thing you’re going to have to face into and figure the fuck out no matter (and maybe ESPECIALLY) how scary it may be, the quicker you’ll be able to actually fucking win and then STAY there.
The real secret to being a winner is not that the race is never won, but that you?
Girl you don’t WANT the race to be won. So aim higher. Push harder. Win TODAY but already be looking to what’s up next. And most of all?