
Do You OWN Your Awesome?

Here’s a wake-up call to (hopefully!) slap you in the face and make you sit up this morning:

For as long as you continue to NOT own how awesome you are at doing your REAL thing, you will continue to NOT make:

– Money
– An impact
– Or the life you really dream of

From doing that thing.

You may well TRY, you may well dip your toe quite far into the water, you may even plan and prepare and Do Real Stuff to do with doing your real thing, but you just won’t go all out if you have not FULLY taken ownership of just how fucking AWESOME you are at this thing.

You’ll play it safe because part of you – a part you’re listening to and acting from! – is telling you every day that you can’t make money doing that, nobody wants to listen to YOU talking about that, you’re not at that level yet, or you’re not good enough, or life couldn’t be that great.

Or whatever other rubbish your mind conjures up to essentially tell you that your dreams aren’t possible, appropriate or simply okay for YOU.

So even when you have a bit of a crack, tentatively put yourself out there in the way you long to, it will simply fall flat. NOT because nobody wants to hear it, or hear it from you, but because the way you’re putting it out there? Is bullshit. You’re being almost APOLOGETIC about it. Shy. Careful. Retreating quickly, before you even really finished. And running back to the so-called safety of being who you think you have to be in order to continue to survive this whole business game, let alone grow.

You can’t call it a leap of faith if you’re still clinging to the edge, you know! And it’s simply not possible to know what IS possible if you don’t THROW yourself off that cliff and put yourself in a position where you WILL figure the fuck out how to fly, and how to have a damn good time doing so.

If your belief around that idea is ‘but what if I fall’, then it’s very simple:

You’ll never change, and then you’ll die.

And the reality is, this is how most people live their lives. So you’ll be in company. Whether it’s good or inspiring company, who can tell? Not me, because I long ago chose to live my life in the DISCOMFORT zone. I learned that actually the things which at first appear scary, even terrifying, painful and just downright impossible are the things which, once I get over myself and just leap into them, bring me the greatest joy, reward, and success. Yes they still require painful effort and it’s still scary!

But wouldn’t you rather live with the JOYFUL pain of striving fully towards your dreams, then die with the awful knowledge that you instead chose the safe or comfortable route and actually, now that you think about it, you don’t feel so comfortable about the whole thing at all! Never mind safe, and when it comes to safety, security, and putting up with doing what works because you’re scared of what might happen if you lay yourself on the line for your real dreams; for the true life you long for, let me tell you:

The most likely path to monetary success, as well as to any SIGNIFICANT (to you) fame and freedom? Is showing up and serving in the way you were born to. Based on who you really are. What you truly believe in. And what it is you really want to stand for.

If you stand for nothing, you WILL die for everything. Always trying. Always experimenting. Always trying to find a way to ‘succeed’ doing surface shit that nobody cares about or really needs, not even you. Spending your entire life looking for the quick fix, the magic bullet, the thing that will allow you to reach your dreams without doing the real work, without having faith, or true commitment, or courage, without reaching into your SOUL and pulling out what is in there and what you are MEANT to share with the world.

It might not feel like the quick fix, the way you’re doing it right now, but it amounts to the same thing. Believing that if you just do it this way you’ll make money and then you can do what you really want. Sounds like a get rich quick scam to me. Only problem is very few people get rich this way, and even if they make MONEY? They ain’t rich. And as for the quick part, well you tell me? How’s that working out for you so far? Or are you just hopping from scam to scam like the rest of ‘em, while those who are truly leading from within and creating the revolution they were born to create are foregoing so much of the things you think you ‘have’ to do, and simply showing up each day, owning their awesome and sharing it with the world, often in the VERY simplest of ways, and there they are – the breath-taking arrogance of it! – making the money, the impact, AND the dream life!

Not because of how they deliver their services –

Or how they go about doing a launch –

Or anything at all to do with how they do the ‘job’ of being an entrepreneur, a successful business person, a leader.

But because of how they do THEM. Because of who they ARE, and how they let it out into the world.

These are the people who stand out.

They are the ones who make a TRUE impact.

They are the ones you NOTICE, because they’re real, what they’re saying MATTERS, and it is DIFFERENT.

You’ll never be different if you base your success on how the world tells you to create it.

So how do you become one of them? How do you become someone who people sit up and LISTEN to, want to hear from, are DESPERATE to work with, and how do you do it in a way that feels so damn right for you that you honestly have to pinch yourself each day that you get to do this, talk about that, live like this, be know for THAT! Because it feels too easy, almost wrong, it’s so natural, it’s so AWESOME?!

It’s very simple:

You have to start by OWNING your awesome.

You have to make up your mind – today – to own who you really are. What it is you truly stand for. What you believe. And most of all how you can HELP people.

You have to decide – today – that not for one more moment will you talk about or agree to coach on bullshit nonsense that you don’t really care about, aren’t really that great at if you’re being honest, and deep down don’t think MATTERS.

You have to act – now – OPENLY out and proud about what it is you do, and why people should listen to you.


Nobody’s gonna know what your true message is if you don’t tell ‘em, are they now?! And you’re not going to get anywhere of any note if you mask your true message in a sea of nonsense you think people want to hear or that you have to say, like some kind of leadership or transformation buffet.

Imagine if you went to church and instead of preaching the true Word of God that you knew that church stands for, they spoke about it a little bit but mostly eagerly told the congregation about all of these other ways to God, based on what people wanted to hear or not hear.

It might be a ‘nicer’ message on the surface of it, but you wouldn’t really think much about the convictions of the leadership in the church, and you’d wonder why they even bother calling themselves a church if it’s just a building where they teach the same stuff about life that’s taught outside of the building but they throw the word God in every now and then. And whether or not you agreed with their true message (if you could even identify it in all the mess) you wouldn’t go to THAT church to hear it, because they’re not really preaching it!

What are YOU really preaching?

What do you really BELIEVE in?

And does the world know it?

There are so many ways to get your true message out there, to do the real work you were called for, to make the money, the impact, and live your dream.

But there’s no point fucking around trying to figure out how if you haven’t fully owned what.

So today, a challenge for you:

Fuck all the shoulds about what you think you have to be doing, and make a choice. To own your awesome. To OWN your awesome. To own your AWESOME, baby, and to share it with the world.

You’ve got this.