Maybe the fact that you still don’t have what you want yet, and your growth feels so slow, is not actually anything to do with your manifesting powers –
Your work ethic –
Or even how real and raw you are, lettin’ it all hang out and THEN some!
Maybe you have ALL of that going on all ready, you are the hostest with the mostest up on your social, and you’re letting the truth be heard like your life depends on it, and yet STILL –
The numbers just ain’t stacking.
Your message of power and soul, which you KNOW can heal people, shift them, transform them, from the inside out, is falling on so few ears that it’s basically a crime –
Your bank account is perpetually just HUNGRY –
And the general level of people knowing about ya?
Which is all there is to say about that!
So you’re at it every day, you’re digging in deeper, you’re doing the damn inner work, you’re doing the aligned practical shiz too, you are putting yourself out there and you’re swinging the bat HARD, and yet STILL –
It’s moving so damn slow that it’s starting to feel like the payoff is gonna happen more in the lifetime of your grandbabies grandbabies rather than yours!
Sure sure, you get that a little adjustment each day, a small move into deeper alignment, an 0.01% improvement across all areas of your life DOES indeed add up over time, but HEY –
You are consistent as fuck!
You have been staying the damn course for so long it’s hard to remember if there was ever a time when you and the course were not as one!
You have NO issues with failing to do the work.
You coach yourself out of this demanding diva-esque mindset often of course, reminding yourself that you ARE doing what it takes and it IS about just keeping on keeping on and besides – look how far you’ve come, but still –
Surely at some point there just gets to be a WHOOSH, an opening of the floodgates, a sudden and RAPID uplevel, even a little one!
But yet you know it’s not a generally attractive or helpful energy to be in, the whole ‘why not me?’ thang.
So you sigh, and you journal, and you return to doing what you need to do today, ever onward, ever the MOST persistent of them all, telling yourself to just.keep.going, but do you know do you know do you KNOW –
That there actually might be something in all that suppressed frustration you’re feeling?
Something that would help you,
Fire you up,
And SHOOT you into the heavens?
Namely, that it’s not always a bad thing to get SHITTY about a situation!! Don’t be so damn woke that you forget that there can be purpose behind a frustrated energy. That leaning INTO it, and really letting the shittiness wash over you, can serve you as a way of KICKING YOUR ASS to make a change.
Yeah, you DO need to keep on keeping on each day, that’s for sure, but at what point did you decide you have to ACCEPT slow growth?
On the one hand, when you look back, your next level success absolutely WILL have come from the fact that you adjusted just that teensy little bit each day, deeper into flow.
At some point you got your ‘this is bullshit!’ energy on.
You went full #fuckthisshit mode, didn’t you?
The heavens fucking opened, the seas parted, the impossible became real, and you didn’t look back for a SECOND as you just blasted into the great beyond, fist out in front of you Wonder Woman style.
Stop kidding yourself that you EVER have to accept ANYTHING.
You can simultaneously be the person committed to doing what it takes, no matter what it takes, UNTIL it takes, and you can ALSO decide that it is BULLSHIT you’re not yet making that money –
Seeing that following –
Reaching those millions –
Featured in the media ALL.THE.TIME –
Do you really think that anybody who has THAT title didn’t have the AUDACITY to demand it, claim it, insist upon it, and make it BULLSHIT that they weren’t there yet?
Do you really think that anybody who is at the TOP isn’t absolutely diva-esque and insistent that things just get DONE for them, called in, fingers snapped and heels clicked and SO IT FUCKING IS?
Stop lying to yourself.
You may be telling yourself that you’re being consistent and real and definitely doing the daily work, and that THAT is what it’s about, but the truth is you’re hiding.
You’re letting fear drive you.
Worrying maybe you don’t have what it takes, after all, you’re not good enough, really.
You wanna be the Queen you BETTER damn well go and claim it.
You better get that crown and set it RIGHT on your head.
And you better sit your ass on the damn throne TODAY, head held up regally high and eyes looking coolly at the world spread before you as you cross one leg over another, the unasked question simple:
“What are you gonna do about it? I just took the damn throne, yes indeed.”
Let’s be clear:
Playing worker bee is never going to get you to the throne.
Be careful who you’re choosing to be,
And what you’re accepting as your reward.
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