Discipline & Flow


I’ve paid significant amounts of money, many times over, to people who have never made anywhere near as much money as I have and likely never will … yet who have powerfully helped ME with my money or growth shit.

Don’t get what is supposedly socially / industry ‘required’ mixed up with what.is.true.for.YOU.

Some of the people who have helped me the MOST have charged me the LEAST. Some of the people who helped me to move past my money not-enoughness, and were directly impactful on my path to making millions, charged me so little it still makes me feel strange years later.

In some cases I think these amazing humans were not owning their worth and probably we should have just mentored or guided each other, as I definitely would have preferred them to charge more! I always just prefer EVERYONE to charge what is ACTUALLY aligned.

But in other cases, they absolutely 100% were in soul alignment with their ‘supposedly’ low pricing. They had no desire or requirement to charge more just because they could, or some would say should.

How to price is: how your soul nudges you to price. The end.

It has nothing to do with, should have nothing to do with, ‘what the industry or world or whoever is triggering you right now is pricing, or expects’.

How to know whether or not you can help people shift or breakthrough on shit is: you know that you can help people shift or breakthrough on that shit.

It should have nothing to do with: did you already make some kind of magical special level of money that now allows you to help people with their money shit. Or indeed whether or not you did ANYTHING. Whether or not YOU personally did a thing has zero.to.do.with whether you are here to help OTHERS do a thing.

We really need to stop perpetuating that shit. Your soul knows its place. LET IT BE THERE.

In the end, the entire thing comes back to – are you doing what you’re meant to do? Are you being who YOU are meant to be? Are you allowing yourself to grow, receive, be seen, unleash, from what is in YOU? Etc. Etc. Etc.

Yes, part of how I got to MONEY rich is by commanding what most would consider to be high prices for my private client work. But I did so whilst at the same time consistently offering more low cost and also free programs and courses then just about anyone else out there, and I continue to do that! I broke and break rules not because that makes me feel badass or edgy but because … it seems to on repeat be a natural fallout of me simply BEING me. Turning my gaze away from what is expected or ‘the done thing’. And creating from withIN.

Living and doing business this way … not shockingly … is also precisely how I became rich BEYOND just the ‘money’ bit. Rich from SOUL. Rich IN soul. Rich WITH soul. Abundance of all things that I always knew were there for me, from the inside out.

And I’m tired. You know? Of seeing incredible soul led leaders | healers | messengers | creators who are not saying yes and planting the flag that they came here to plant, because they’re freakin’ worried that they’re somehow not allowed to, or it won’t look right!

MAKE NO MISTAKE, YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT. Also what looks right on you is what is right for you. Just saying

And it’s on you to choose it.

So … go choose it.

And? I’ve just opened Rich From Your Soul Work, one of my best-selling and most holy WHAT just happened LOW cost courses, LIVE again for the first time in 2 years!

11 days to connect you back to core,

drop ALL agenda and strategy,

and have you realising | feeling | knowing | LIVING that the pathway to rich, seen, known, YES, in ALL the ways?

Is and always has been to just.be.you.

Details + your place here: https://thekatrinaruthshow.com/richfromsoulwork >>> enough with shadow life-ing the real mofo you.