

So many of the things you will find yourself doing, saying, sharing with the world, as part of the work you are called to do as a messenger, a leader, a truth speaker, one who is, quite simply, CALLED in some way to evangelise, to share prophecy, to be of encouragement and be a bearer of light, a reminder of permission around BOLD authenticity, are also –

infuriatingly –

the very same things which will cause you to feel self-conscious, vulnerability hangover’s out the wazoo, as though you (once again!) made a fool of yourself, people probably think you are silly, or self-absorbed, or just that you can’t seem to keep to any sort of Proper and Important Point, and basically, all in all –

that you should go and bury your head in the sand, forthwith, and then, after a suitable period of self-admonishment, it will be allowable for you to carefully ease your way back in to the hallowed halls of the Real Grown-Ups or Artists, and, in an only professional and high-society manner, teach or share ‘The Things’.

It’s infuriating whilst also quite funny, if you think about it, how perpetually back and forth is the dance between desire to just BE, to ‘not give a fuck’, to unleash WHATEVER comes through, because that is what you must DO,

versus to shut the fuck up, carefully consider every move, and basically only breathe when it’s in the exact sequence allowed and approved by others,

or just what seems like, well, ‘not too much’.

But here’s the thing –

You didn’t come to this earth to be not too much.

You didn’t come here to fit in.

You didn’t come here, in many ways, to walk an easy path.

The road well traveled, and heavily popularised by those who appoint themselves as right, you’ve ALWAYS known, is not the road for you,

not the road of light,

not the road of truth.

This is not about embracing an idea of hardship, or not fitting in!

Embrace your WEIRD … love the FUCK out of that, why wouldn’t you?!

But don’t carry the mantle of being different, or of following the narrow rocky path, as something that is SAD, or BAD, or WOE IS ME, or even, really SO hard at all.

Which is harder –

To take the journey you know you MUST, with all its pitfalls, all its ups and downs, all of the VERY many times you will find yourself feeling as though you embarrassed yourself, are off track, are not being like the others, and so therefore you should DOUBT yourself, and probably – shape up and do it like them?!

Or –

to go to bed each night once again knowing you lived for your continued place in a club you never even wanted to join,

feel ABSOLUTELY disgusted at yourself, is the truth of the matter, for glossing and preening and pretending you care about,

and which in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY goes against soul, against your values, against integrity, against truth, oh oh, and ALSO –

against you being the creator, the messenger, the healer, the evangelist, the WORD –

who you came here to be.


I know which one I’d choose, every single day, and twice on Sundays, and so as best as I can I DO, because I’ve learned oft enough what the internal fallout is when I do NOT.

And also, the PRACTICAL fallout.

Those of you seeking to gain wealth, or fame, or to impact and help others, to be a difference in the world, you KNOW you can’t do it when half your moves are shrouded in lies, in holding yourself back, in untruth.

Look around –

there is NO shortage of people dancing and performing in a way that is acceptable to others, and progresses the median thinking.

That job is well spoken for! And will continue to be filled again, and again, and again, for all of time.


you didn’t come here for that.

And this is about SO much more, besides, than simply that yes, you do have that stubborn bone inside of you where you pretty much AUTOMATICALLY disagree with whatever is popular.

Think about it –

why do you have that? Just to make trouble for yourself, for others? To exhaust everyone with your relentless need to disagree, or be different? To question? Stir things up?

Those who ask questions are those who change the world.

Those who get TF outta the way and let what is in them come through are the ACTUAL ones who light the world up.

Not those who proclaim they are the light,

all the while simply ensuring they are standing UNDER a light which has been marked and ticked off as being ‘the way’.

Never seeing what lies beyond,

or around.

So yes,

it’s about your stubbornness.

But deeper than that,





if only you’d allow it.

When all is said and done, it’s really quite simple –

you can’t claim your supernatural abilities, power, creativity, and truth,

while also toeing the party line.

This is not about being different for the sake of being different.

It’s about being you for the sake of your life.