

Nobody gives AF how informative and powerful your teachings are if they can’t feel your soul.

Nobody wants to know about your soulful ways and depth if they can’t see your silly.

Nobody cares about your silly shenanigans and footloosery if you’re not boldly and audaciously speaking your truth.

Nobody wants your damn truth if you’re not being HUMAN, sharing your stories and where you’ve gone wrong.

Nobody wants to hear a peep about where you fucked up if you don’t teach ’em something that’s directly about THEM.

And nobody wants to know what you think THEY need if it’s clear you’re not giving yourself what YOU need.

Do you see how this stuff works?

How FULLY you need to be you in order to truly rise in this game?

I’m not talking about rising in the sense of making da monies,

getting da followers,

and becoming that ‘badass boss babe’ who is lauded near and far from every corner of the Internets, although sure –

I’m talking about that as well.

(it’s kind of a natural outcome of all of the rest)

But what I really speak of is this:

Rising to the place where YOU were always meant to be.
On the seat of the throne of your damn LIFE.

The one you’ve always seen inside of you.
KNOWN will happen.
But yet often find yourself wondering, well – when? And how? And really, COULD it REALLY?

And you’re so damn intent on MAKING it happen, on doing the things to get to the things so you can one day be the thing, that somewhere along the way you lost track of the fact that actually, no –

It’s not about finding the right pieces of the puzzle of who you could be, and presenting it to the world –


Intentionally being outrageous, or polarising in any way, or soulful and deep and oh-so-spiritual. Adding in so-called play and inappropriateness to your marketing because that’s gotta make ’em think you’re cool right? And some part of you that really just needs attention and validation in a HUNGRY GAPING ENDLESSLY VACUOUS HOLE WAY just can’t not. And then think think thinking about how to teach so that you come across as professional … wise … educated … or someone that bitches would wanna pay.


We see right through you TRYING to add all these ‘essential’ components of personal branding in.

“Stand out! Be different! Be crazy! Be wild! Mix business with fun and silly and straight up fuckery, and then they will see and pay you!”

I mean yeah …


Not like that.


It comes across as a little girl playing dress-ups, performing a wedding ceremony in the lounge room.

It’s cute.

And it’s not real. I mean, sure – we might jump on board for a moment because it’s a bit of fun! But open our SOUL to you, lean in and let go and know that you are somewhere our energy gets to go?

Nah –

Not so much.

Know what is real?

When you put aside what the cool kids are doing, or telling you to do, suggesting you should let infiltrate your brand, and you just BE the mayhem and motherfucking madness and awesome and soul of you.

Maybe that includes ALL the silly and ALL the random and ALL the ‘inappropriate’ behaviour.


More than likely, anyhow, if you’re a true creator, messenger, revolutionary leader brought here to SHIFT people.

As that person, you are going to be everything I listed out above.

DEEPLY soulful.
Wise in your teachings and truths.
Human AF.
Deeply caring.
WILDLY ‘not how a woman / entrepreneur / leader / whatever is supposed to act’.
And so on!

I damn well hope so, anyhow!

But it all HAS to come out in the true YOU way.

The way you would be /
and already are /
when you’ve no concern or even real notice given to how the others are doing it /
what it is that appears to be getting THEM paid,
or laid 😉

You know?

It’s a continual fucking mission, coming back to soul, and acting from that place.

I don’t mean it’s a HARD mission, not at all! But if right now your habit and you know it is that you’re look look looking around always at how THEY are doing it, or that you’re spending more time absorbing how others show up than what you are connecting in to you, well –

There’s a good chance that what is coming through from you is NOT you.

How to just be you, but fully?

Be plugged the fuck in to you, but fully.

Ultimately, it’s pretty freakin’ simple:

What goes in,
will come out.

So really all you need to know, and feel certain you’re on track with, is this:

What exactly are you plugged in to?

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