Success/Success Mindset


You’ll never have it all figured out, you know?

The end goal is not getting to perfect, getting to done, getting to where you are THERE, and now – !

You may sit

Twiddle your thumbs

‘Netflix and chill’

For the rest of your Godforsaken days

What, you thought that you were doing all of this, pushing at all of this, bearing the relentlessness, the turmoil, the ebbs and flows, the God damn UNCERTAINTY, so that one day it would ‘pay off’, meaning …

You don’t have any of that any more?

That makes no sense baby.

Don’t you THRIVE on the thrill of the chase, the adrenalin, the push? Don’t you love the uncertainty of not knowing if you’re gonna make it, if you can really take it, if you can bear it until it breaks through, the PURPOSEFUL pain of standing up and strong for what you desire and believe in?

Don’t you remember who you ARE?

You were born for this push.

You LOVE the not knowing.

You ADORE the overcoming.

And whether in love, or money, or life, let’s get real here –

If you were done you’d be bored as fuck.

And probably end up fat and frumpy as fuck as well 

So, this idea that you’ve got to figure it out ‘better’, that you must be doing something wrong for it to sometimes hurt and FEEL bad, that maybe you’re not good enough or else it wouldn’t BE like this, all up and down and topsy turvy and shit, well –

Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, you’ve just been conditioned to believe in a fairy tale idea of what being SUCCESSFUL actually looks like?

Don’t you know that REAL fairy tales, the originals, are horrific as FUCK? There are ups and downs and gruesome grisliness all OVER the place! It’s about the LESSONS, the GROWTH, the WILL SHE SURVIVE this, and then how she BECAME the next level her as a result.

And then?


So when love feels messy –
Treacherous –
Or you just have no idea WHAT the fuck is going on even though of COURSE your soul knows –

Or when your money shit is so inside out you don’t even know which way is up –

Or when you THOUGHT you’d broken through to superflow and then somehow you’re once again back in the muck, the quicksand is RISING, and you feel stagnant and stuck as ALL get out –


You’re doing it exactly right


The more that something IS tumultuous and chaotic and random and you feel like you’ve simultaneously been hit by a truck, thrown against a wall, gone 3 rounds and then been put in a tumble dryer –

That’s when you know it’s true soulmate shit

I don’t mean you don’t get to experience bliss

Suppppperrrrr superflow, of COURSE

And ALL the marshmallows and unicorns you like!

But that’s just one part of it

Not a motherfucking end goal, duh

The ACTUAL point is growth

And the perseverence of the human fucking spirit, yours

If you KNEW this the whole time, if we’d been RAISED in the stories of yore, and initiated into understanding our own intuition and psyche and just how life actually WORKS, from a young age, can’t you see that we wouldn’t be doing our own heads in continually trying to wonder why we’re getting it so wrong when actually that’s not TRUE?

Can’t you see that we’d just see if for what it is and know that this is HOW it is

(meant to be)

Can’t you see we’d EMBRACE the furore, EMBRACE the fire, charge INTO the fray when it’s surrounding us, and always KNOW, that if we just followed soul, then surely surely, as it always does and must –

That sun will rise again

ALL you need to know is does your soul say yes

And ALL you need to do is what it guides you to

That’s actually the whole fucking story, and it IS that easy

But when we talk about it being ease and flow and bliss, make no mistake –

The EASE bit is that DUH – your soul has the answers and is telling you, so you don’t ever need to worry about what is RIGHT and TRUE

That doesn’t mean you won’t be tested, again and again and again, and learned, so many times over that you lose count

And you know what?

Thank God for that.

Drop the conditioning

Embrace reality

You are EXACTLY where you are meant to be.