Entrepreneurship, Purpose


You need to stop getting so emotional about success, don’t you think?

This back, this forth, this will you, won’t you, this maybe, this when, this oh my fucking GOD will you just do what you SAID you’d do and finally get on with it –

It’s enough.

And you do know it’s a daily thing, right?

This resistance, this urge to not do what you need to be you, this desire to run and hide FROM you, even though all you really WANT is to be you?


It’s normal.

I have it too.

Every day.

In some way.

So sorry! You’re not that special after all, and nope, there’s nothing wrong with you gorgeous, you’re just an artist!

A pretty fucked up one, for sure, but here’s the thing:

Aren’t we all?


Yes. Yes we are. It’s WHO we are. It comes with the territory. And really – ! We wouldn’t want it any other way, because the fucked up crazy chaotic lose your fucking mind if somebody even DARES to interrupt your flow side of you is the side of you that means you can seriously have it ALL. The dream of making money doing what you love, getting paid for your art, it’s NOT a pipe dream. I know! I freaking DID it man! I was the broke, ‘starving’ artist who also hustled as an entrepreneur, went back and forth and EVERY which way trying to find a way to monetise me, got myself in over 100k debt and nearly went bankrupt, compromised my truth, fought to be me, went so far out of alignment that for a time I thought I’d never get back, but through it all just NEW –

If I only just stick to it? I can do ANYTHING and as part of that I can hell YES make money doing what I love.

I never lost the faith, not even when I at times LITERALLY ended up on the floor in the fetal position, crying and gnashing my teeth and wondering what the FUCK I thought I was doing!

Do you ever feel that way?

What am I saying, of COURSE you do! But tell me this, honestly now –

Do you still have faith?

Even in the most TESTING of times, do you KNOW, as I always knew for me, that if you just.keep.GOING –

You can have it all.

On your terms.

The way you dreamed of.

You fucking know, don’t you! Admit it! And why wouldn’t you WANT to admit it, of course you do, of COURSE, but maybe here is why –

If you admitted then you’d have to also admit that you’re not DOING it.

You’re not going all in.

Not even close to!


After day.

After ever loving DAY.

Saying you will.

Saying it’s time.

Saying enough is enough!

And then?




And oh SURE, don’t worry, I know! You write SOMETHING … say SOMETHING … create SOME sort of shit, but really that’s what it is, isn’t it?

It sure ain’t the REAL shit, not what’s inside of you, not what you WANT to be letting out, no, the truth is you’re not even really scratching the SURFACE!

I get it.

I know.

Me too.

Except, actually? NO. Not me too. Do I still feel all the resistance, the fear at times, the just not feeling like it? Yes.

But do I do the work anyway?


Because once upon a time, I told myself the same stories you tell yourself now.

That I couldn’t.

I wasn’t ready.

I didn’t know how.

What if this and what if that and what would people say and what if my worst fears of rejection and more came TRUE!

Long story short?

I realised that my worst fears weren’t my worst fears at all.

That what would really be fucking scary was to never even actually try.

And that what I REALLY couldn’t do for another day, another moment, eventually another BREATH, was to keep fucking kidding myself that I was showing up when I OH so wasn’t.

I got tired.

Of dreaming.

I got tired.

Of waiting.

I got tired.

Of seeing.

That if I kept going like this?

I’d see my life –

Pass me by.

Be gone.

And not even in a blaze of fucking glory either, just GONE.

And for what?

Some hustle, some money made, some people who thought I was COOL or that I helped THEM get in shape or make money or what the fuck EVER.




Came to DO.

How about you gorgeous? What’d you come here to do? Are you even TEN percent of the way close?

In the end I got so damn tired of my own bullshit that all of a sudden I just didn’t care anymore. I just didn’t care to LISTEN to my own whinging and nonsense and IRRESPONSIBLE lack of follow through garbage. I just DECIDED –

To flick the switch.

To stop giving a fuck.

About what they’d say and whether it would work and what the fuck EVER, and most of all, MOST of all, and this is what I REALLY want you go understand and know –

I had to stop giving a fuck about not FEELING like it.

About getting mired down in the NEVER-ENDING swamp of resistance of fear of ‘but I’m not inspired today!’, or ‘I don’t feel the flow today!’, or ‘I don’t have anything to say today!’, or ‘maybe it’s not aligned anyway!’

And I realised:

That if this was for real, this idea that I could do it all have it all let my message out be known for me that I could even freaking BE me I was going to have to JUST


ON with it.

Stop fucking GIVING a damn about whether or not I felt like it! Flick the God damn switch. Remove emotion. Do the WORK.

99.99% of artists, creators, those with something powerful to share are walking around thinking that MAKING it for who you are and doing your true work in the world is about romance and glamour and flowing and oh! I feel so goooood!


The 1% within the 1% of us who actually MAKE it, hell YEAH we get to feel all that good shit, in fact I can’t speak for others but I know I get to feel it a LOT.

I get lost in fucking flow DAILY.

But do you know how I do that, how I’m so fucking ‘LUCKY’?

It’s because I grit my teeth and I look the beast in the eye and I do the WORK, first, no matter what, in order to ALLOW that.

And do you know how I then get to make the money I do, and the impact I do, and the everything else that I do, as a result of that flow, that creation, that art, that UNLEASHING?

It’s because I do my fucking job.

You wanna be a writer, WRITE.

You wanna be a speaker, SPEAK.

You wanna be an artist, CREATE.

You wanna be known for who you are, SHOW THE FUCK UP.

You wanna make money, fucking SELL.

You wanna build an empire, GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT.

Writing this blog happened in about 8 instalments this morning, in between 3 different locations and about 15 minor meltdowns by my 3 year old who got pumped full of sugar last night at ‘movie night’ with his Dad 🙂

It’s not always like this.

Sometimes it’s fucking BEAUTIFUL.

The point is –

I do my job every day no matter what, and THAT is fucking beautiful, actually, I think.

The POINT is –

You can have everything you dream of. All of it. Be known for what’s inside of you and even change the WORLD.

But it ain’t gonna happen while you sit around waiting to FEEL like it or waiting for aligned flow to come down from heaven above and fill you with its power and glory.

Stop being such a naive romantic STARVING artist.

And go do the fucking work.

