They Told Me I Was A Sick F*ck
I ran a Facebook promotion over the last few days for a free webinar I held early today. In the comments of the promoted post, I got what I would classify as my first official very real hater attack.
I got called a sick f*ck, someone who wanted to try and sell get rich quick schemes (um, no … those things’ll break you). Another comment said ‘this makes me want to vomit, as if everyone in the world can be a millionaire’ (not what I said anyway) … yet another simply said ‘yep, she’s full of shit’.
As little as a few months ago this sort of reaction would have made me freak the eff out – I’ve been guilty for a long time of wanting everybody in the whole world to love me. Worse still, I’ve been guilty of modifying the way I am both on and offline in order to play it safe so that everyone does like me.
Problem #1 – they don’t anyway. It’s not really possible for everyone to like you. Some people will even dare not to like you without a reason for it!
Problem #2 – life’s just not quite right when you live for other people.
So call me a sick f*ck if you like, but I’m coming out guns a blazing for what I believe in.
I believe in a world in which dreams come true – even the biggest, wildest, most crazy ones.
I believe in making absolute vats of money doing what you love and are called to do.
I believe that if you have such a calling and you ignore it you are absolutely selfish in not sharing your gifts with the world, not wanting to have an impact and in turn help others to live an incredible life of their dreams.
I believe it’s worse to be liked by all – or remembered by none – then to be hated by a few who just don’t get it. I’d rather inspire those who do get it by speaking absolutely brutally truthfully about how effortless it can be to live your dreams, help others live their dreams.
I believe it’s incredibly sad that so many people truly believe it’s not possible to create massive wealth, or that doing so would make you a bad person. You think rich people are bad people? Get used to a lifetime of poverty and battle. The universe ain’t gonna be giving you something that you look down on in others. Just doesn’t make sense, does it?
I believe you can make a million dollars if you want. Per month if you want. No, I don’t make that much 🙂 yet …
I believe that doing so would be for a higher purpose than just for money. There’s only so much money you can spend anyway. When I set my money goals, I claim them as already mine and I add the sentence ‘for the higher good of myself and of others’. Because I believe that having an effload of money gives you an effload of power, responsibility, and a-bility to change not only your world, but the world.
I believe that those who turn their back on reaching for the stars do so mainly out of fear, a need to fit in or play it safe, and a misguided idea of what stability means.
I believe the ultimate stability comes from creating your future, on your terms. NOW.
I believe I will never accept a life in which I jump on someone else’s command. And I believe you should never have to either.
I believe you can be, do and have everything you dream of. Times infinity.
I believe that those who hate are scared, trapped by fear or conditioning or maybe just by all the hate and negativity they’re surrounded by. But I don’t believe it’s our job to try and convinve them to change their minds.
Because I believe in working with those who already get it. Who KNOW they are called to leave a legacy. To live with passion, purpose and absolute flow. And yeah, to make a million dollars in the process – just for starters.
But mostly, most of all, I believe that when you believe –
You’re already there. You just gotta catch up with yourself.
I believe in you.