Success/Success Mindset


If you’re not turning up the dial and continually expecting a new level of normal, making aligned adjustments accordingly, in how you show up, what you yes or hell NO to, it’s more than likely that what you are adapting to is less, or at the very best – same same.

Unless you happen to be surrounded ONLY by badass high-level soul-led peeps who do the work and have a standard of excellence in every part of who they are, then really, if your own internal choices and REQUIREMENTS aren’t adjusting you up, well, what IS?

You can be conscious as fuck around abundance being infinite, money as accessible as air, KNOW that it’s all so damn easy to just inhale and see show up, but if you’re not CHOOSING it, DEMANDING it, INSISTING upon it, unavailable for anything less than it, and also actively creating your environment around you to pull you up then baby you are not gonna be CLIMBING up.

It’s just simple mathematics.

As humans we don’t ever stay still. We are always adjusting in one direction or the other, continual small movements in the fibre of who we are, which over time result in outcomes.

The kind of home you live in.
The cars you drive.
The regality with which you hold yourself, or no.
The quality of your relationships.
The fuck yes-ness of your business.
The ease with which you can always pay for whatever you want and need, and still have a surplus left over.

These are just a few of the things which WILL respond, in one direction or another, to the energy you’re putting out there and who you are CHOOSING to be.

If you can’t with certainty – right now – point to all of the behavioural and belief ways in which you are CHOOSING to play big, whatever that looks like for you, then guess what?

You’re choosing to adapt to small.

You may well be working your ass off and doing all the things which should result in, well, results, but we KNOW that that’s not where success and flow and a fuck yes life come from, so who are you actually kidding right now?

Where are your damn STANDARDS girl, and when did they drop so far, become so blurred around the edges, so easy to ignore or push aside?

The reality is that whenever you’ve had fuck yes results in your life it is because you insisted upon it.

You demanded it, gradually came to expect it.

And you aligned your inner and outer self accordingly, until you became an easy match for that next level of your dream.


When did you get so lazy?

When did you stop turning up the dial?

When did you stop holding yourself to an energetic and physical standard of excellence, and acting accordingly?

And, well, for how much longer would you like to keep on coasting this way?

Yeah, maybe you’re ‘fine’, maybe even better than fine, maybe part of the problem here is that you are head and shoulders above most people you know, and it brings up some feelings of fear around rising even higher and what that would mean, but still –

When did fine become okay?

When did ‘great’ even become okay?!

What happened to fuck yes? What happened to amazing? What happened to living every day with the exhilarating thrill of knowing you were stretching BEYOND your already high standards, and continually insisting on seeing your ‘normal’ rise?

Look, there’s nothing wrong with being happy, content, having enough …

But that’s not really what we’re talking about here, are we?

This is not a conversation about whether or not you really ‘need’ –

More money
More high vibery
More EXTRA-ness
And so on

We’re TALKING about who you are as a person, and what needs to be in place for YOU to be truly lit up and in your most expansive energy state and you and I BOTH know that FINE AIN’T NEVER GONNA CUT IT.

You get this, yeah? Fine ain’t NEVER gonna cut it.

You can be appreciative of being at a place in your life where you no longer struggle the way you used to,

Happy and proud of yourself you’ve come so far, and really have quite an awesome damn life,

Grateful as fuck for all of it!


The truth is it was never the next level of money or success or what the fuck ever that drove you, it was the very fact you were PUSHING.



And going after a next level which you didn’t know if you’d quite be able to keep up with or even catch in the first place, but my GOD the fun of it all.

And now …? Well, now. The fun is controlled. The thrills and risks long ago minimised. You did the damn thing, you created a life which would be MORE than enough for the typical person and so you’re wondering what’s wrong with you that you still feel something is missing.

Wanna know what’s missing?

The thing that is MISSING is YOU.

YOU, insisting upon a life which by definition requires you to EXPAND.

And maybe it used to be that the way you took care of that was because you legitimately freakin’ HAD to, in order to keep your head above water or just start to hit some of the most basic of your goals and life needs and wants, and now … well now, you don’t NEED to anymore, because you got your shit sorted, at least to a level of FINE-ness … 😉 … but don’t you see?

YOU STILL NEED TO BE LIVING LIFE IN A WAY WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO GROW AND EXPAND!! To challenge you, excite you, scare you a little bit, require you to take massive leaps of faith and demonstrate once again that YES bitch, when push comes to shove you DAMN well are the person who is gonna back themselves!

That bit will remain unchanging,

till the dusk of time.

Lemme ask you –

When was the last time you REALLY stretched, leapt, made a choice which terrified you but yet you KNEW was a soul fuck yes and that you had to?! Hmmm? Hmmm!

And yet you wonder why you feel bored so much of the time
And the truth is, while you’re DAMN happy and proud, etc, of how far you’ve come –

You are living lazy.
None of it TRULY excites you.
Not like back when you HAD to damn well push, and leap, and fly, or, or, or ELSE!

And you’re sick of it.

So, what’s a girl to do when there’s no ‘livin’ on the knife edge’ REQUIREMENT anymore?!


De-associate the whole ‘expanded flying high striving to be the next me’ excitement bit from outcomes.

Once upon a time you hadda do what you hadda do or you would have SUNK.

And so you learned how to overcome, how to push past pain and fear, how to become stronger for it, how to be the BEST.

And you became this woman.
This badass.
This leader.
This inspiration!

And got a bunch of nice things and shit 😉

Now, you have it, you are it, it’s all taken care of, to that level of FINE-ness and maybe even beyond, and so you’ve lost your NEED to drive.

But actually –


You’re just confused 🙂

Allow me to clear things up for you:

The NEED to drive and strive was never about getting to ‘fine’ with money, with stuff, with life. It was never about breaking through to a level of enough-ness and past just-survival. You just got it all connected to that.

The need to drive and strive is inherent to who you ARE.

The need to take risks is a FUNDAMENTAL FUCKING NEED.

The need to challenge and push and do crazy shit and chase fucking unicorns just because you damn well FEEL like it and it’s FUN is part.of.your.soul.

You’ve forgotten who you always were 🙂

It’s great you figured out how to get to fine, and even beyond.

It’s awesome you created success to the level you have.

It’s NOT okay you ever thought this meant slow down on being you.

Dig your damn heels in sister.

Remembering who you always fucking were.

And today?

Speed the fuck up at being you.


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