

Just because you’ve made bad decisions before, invested in things that turned out to not be aligned, said yes thinking it or they were going to save you, and now you feel a mixture of mild embarrassment that you got sucked in mixed with frustration and anger that it wasn’t what you thought –

Doesn’t mean you can’t still trust in yourself to always and only make the right decisions, now, right here.

I know it burns and you FEEL burnt, but is it really going to serve you to continue to worry that you CAN’T trust in yourself, that you don’t know your own mind, that you can’t access full and CERTAIN intuition?

Also –

It’s not especially serving you to carry the mindset of “I made the wrong decision. I got burnt. I invested in something that turned out to not be aligned. I gave my money / time / energy / emotion / self to the wrong thing. It was BAD and I DIDN’T GET WHAT I WANTED!”

How is that helpful?

What if –

You always made the right decision – 
Everything was always working for your greater good (and the greater good of others) –
Everything really did always work out perfectly for you –
And you could ALWAYS trust in what you were being guided to from within?

What if you needed to do whatever it is you did, because it was a lesson in remembering to in future trust in YOU, and believe you could do it from your madness, your crazy, your soul, and not from following the rules?!

Sure, maybe you paid 10k, 50k, 100k, or more, to learn this lesson … multiple times!

It was still an EXCELLENT FUCKING DEAL you got.

And just so you know, I’ve done that too. Yep, multiple times!

I’ve said more than once, “well, that was 50k invested into remembering to fucking trust in me again!!”

Money well spent.


You can roll your eyes if you like and think of this as idealistic reframing, but isn’t all of LIFE just a reframe?

You’ll see what you believe and choose to, and if you CHOOSE to believe that you always make the right decision, guess what?

You’ll notice that life really does seem to somehow be now working with and for you. You’ll naturally always find the reason it WAS good, great, the best thing you could have done!

You can choose now to own all your past choices and make them ONLY good –

Or you can continue to live in fear of your own self, perpetually anxious that you’re somehow gonna screw up your life because YOU CAN’T BE TRUSTED TO CHOOSE RIGHT.

I know which one I’d be choosing.

And here is how you know for sure:

The choice that is right for you, is not only the one that that still and small voice inside is guiding you towards. The one that keeps on tugging at you, and you feel a yearning, no matter how much you try to drown it out with logic. But it’s the one that, when you think about making that choice anyway, in spite of the fear, AUTOMATICALLY EXPANDS YOU.

Yes, you would feel scared, nervous, and a sense of pressure to make that decision. But mostly you would feel lightness and exhilaration, excitement and anticipation at what’s to come. BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU SAID YES TO FAITH. AND TO SOUL.

The other choice, the one where you follow so-called logic, or reason, do what seems ‘smart’ or what you ‘probably should’, ‘at least for now’, when you tune in to how you’d feel after making that choice, it’s undeniable:


You said yes to fear.

You acted against faith.

You listened to the whispers of your soul and said nope! Not yet! Can’t trust myself! Too risky! Not safe!


And what a shitty fucking feeling that is to live with, the feeling of ‘I can’t afford to say yes to me’.

But also –

For how long exactly are you planning to pay that price?


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