Success/Success Mindset


There are a lot of things I say on the internet which are not exactly popular … not just not popular with the normal folks, should they happen to happen across my rambles, but pretty regularly I manage to ostracize the so-called success-minded community as well.

I say so-called, ’cause let’s face it: most people who identify themselves as being an entrepreneur are no such thing, a conclusion I make based on the simple sum of combining their behaviour with their results; the outcome being of course CLOSE TO NOT WORTH MENTIONING.

And as for those – entrepreneurs or not – who ‘hell yes’ over every #bossbabe-esque meme or 1% within the 1% type call to action but then repeatedly fail to simply BE that person, well –

Same same as the previous.

One of my beliefs MOST certain to raise the hackles of the NOT actually 0.01% is that the HUSTLE is a good thing, a necessary thing, a required thing, and indeed also a POSITIVE thing!

I don’t mean purposeless busy work.

I certainly don’t mean never sleeping / resting / being offline, etc.

I definitely don’t mean in ANY way not taking care of yourself!

But what I am talking about, actually, is taking care of yourself on the most important level possible:

The soul level.

When you’re in alignment with your SOUL desires and requirements, who knows that EVERYTHING works better … is easier … you have more natural motivation to do what you need to do in general … and you just access a higher level of creative flow, receiving, and MAGIC?

I KNOW you know that!

But if you’re struggling to GET it, to have AT it, it seems to slip between your fingers a lot of the time and you just find that you’re not in that place ANYWHERE near as much as you’d love to be, then I gotta tell ya –

You’re suffering from a serious and possibly near-critical case of NOT DOING THE DAMN WORK OF YOUR SOUL.

Aka: you have a purposeful hustle deficiency! You poor thing! How did this HAPPEN to you?!

No need to tell me – I know EXACTLY how it happened. Somewhere along the way you bought into the idea that you should only do the work if you were in the zone … if the flow spirit had already graced you with its presence … if you knew what to do and how to do it … if your self-belief and assuredness was rockin’ … if you had the time, the space, the physical energy, the emotional readiness, and a vestal virgin had come down from heaven above with a scroll signed by God AND the Angel Michael telling you that yes my dear –

It’s your time. You have a window RIGHT FUCKING NOW of all your ducks being lined up AND you actually feel inspired too, so GO for it! But only till you’re distracted by what err’body else is doing of course, because we all know what’s gonna happen THEN –

Self-belief will deflate like a limp and sad penis and you’ll go off crying into your acai bowl about how you did try, you really do try, you are doing the work but it’s just so hard …

When the actual truth is that nup. You’re not doing the work at ALL, because guess what? The real work that WORKS is not the bits here and there where you magically woke up feeling on top of your game and had something ready to go and coming through you! The REAL work that works is in the in between bits.

The bits where you’re NOT feeling it, but you tap into what your TRUEST self would be doing and you act on behalf of HER.

The real work is when you show the fuck up regardless of inspiration … regardless of motivation … regardless of whether you’re feeling clunky and clumsy as heck all just because you don’t have your HABITS formed … regardless, also, of whether you’re getting short or even medium-term feedback on whether it’s working!

As in life, so in business.

GOD, if people only took care of their health or attended to their relationships when their SURFACE EMOTIONS FELT READY TO we’d have a world, well –

Rather like the one we do have!

If you want to WIN AT LIFE (and by win I simply mean live the life you know YOU were born for!) then you’re going to have to get crystal fucking clear on what kind of person that means being.

For sure, sometimes when you feel disconnected or not in the zone, your PURPOSEFUL HUSTLE is absolutely to step back, go within, rejuvenate, and a huge part of living successfully of COURSE includes not being on the computer or in any way present for your business.

Like … duh. If I have to explain that I’m not suggesting you just GRIND all day and more at night, you don’t get me at all, never will, and should leave.

We don’t come of the same stock. And I can’t help you, because I speak only to the ACTUAL 1% within the 1%, those will do what it takes, no matter what it takes, UNTIL it takes to have a standard of purpose-driven excellence in ALL areas.

Daily I see people saying shit like “but I’ve been doing it for 6 months now … !”, or “I really do do EVERYTHING …!”, or “I don’t understand why I’m not there yet?”

Don’t you GET it?! You – morons! NO YOU DIDN’T FUCKING DO EVERYTHING, because everything would mean you

And by the way –

6 months? 12 months? And you’re bitching you’re not making money yet? Don’t make me roll my eyes right around the whole world until they hit you in the knees and knock you down like the frail-spirited NON winner you are.


And while you CAN make money in a matter of weeks in this game, or months, it’s rare, and usually people who do that already had principles of absolute success locked in on a deep level from previous shit.

For most people it takes months … years even … to make significant headway.


Or get the fuck outta here, you were never one of us.

There are a million things which go into breaking through to success, not just money flow but FLOW flow.

Your mindset stuff matters.
Your money story matters.
Your alignment MASSIVELY fucking matters, and whether you’re in integrity with what you’re trying to put out there or be known for.
You will have to get clear on your message (this comes through sharing what you have coming out NOW, even if it feels like a MESS … not through WAITING or LOOKING for clarity).
You will have to learn what sells for YOUR true soulmate peeps.
You will have to figure out who your true soulmate peeps are, and how to speak to them to call them in (this also happens from showing up even when you’re not sure, and don’t know!)
You will have to step into LEADER energy instead of (ugh) one of the MASSES energy which, let’s face it, is how we ALL still act in some way, separating ourselves from being ‘worthy’ of being ‘up there’.
You will have to learn how to keep a laser-focus on the actions which matter, and not waste 80% of your time on fluff and bullshit, on building a business with no raw foundation or soul.
You will have to learn what those needle-moving actions are for YOU! (For me – message, sell, err’day, on repeat, no matter what, and do my damn inner work and ALL self care daily too, to allow this through … plus, in all areas, simply follow what my soul says, even when terrifying! Especially then!)
You will have to get GREAT at being in tune with your soul, your higher self, your intuition. This takes practice. DAILY practice.
You will need to learn how to surrender, detach, let go, all the while deciding that NOTHING will stop you. You will need to learn that all of this gets to happen DAILY … forever.
You will need to learn to be in the programmed to upgrade habit of simply doing what the NEXT level you would do, and making that your filter.
You will need to learn how to stay the damn course of your soul when the whole world seems to be trying to imply it’s wrong, or won’t work, or you’re silly, or not good enough, or that you should do what THEY say.

And all of this is just for STARTERS!

AND all of it requires attention DAILY!

If you feel overwhelmed or tired by all of this then go.the

You’re not one of us.

Because how WE feel by the knowledge of all this is determined … inspired … grittier … and ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY CERTAIN THAT WE ARE THE ONE … the one within the one within the one … who WILL make it.

No doubt.
No way.
No how.

If you don’t have that level of certainty, you shouldn’t be here.

But if you do … and maybe you feel lost or disconnected sometimes … or you just have forgotten who you fucking are … then let’s be clear on what I’m really saying with all of this –

Considering there is SO much that goes in to being that next level you, and considering that the way to have it be flow and ease is to simply make it who you are NOW … do you actually think that not FEELING like it is a valid reason for not doing the work?

This is the work.

The work is simply – you be the damn person regardless of ANY FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCE.

There you go – turns out you’ve only got one thing to do after all huh?

Now go do your damn job girrrrlllll.

The job of being you.


📷 with my bestie Kelly Rennie after doing the damn wuuuurrrrrrkkk on a recent little getaway! Namely, the work of staying in a fabulous hotel and having all the dinner and wine, then getting our morning journaling and sweat on. Because #howwedo is to play life for automatic success.

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