I’m sorry, but if you don’t look #hotAF, you’re simply NOT going to get the same growth / following OR money results that you would if your energy was motherfucking magnetic and ATTRACTIVE.
Before you get your knickers in a knot and COMPLETELY lose your shit, or start espousing to all and sundry about the horror show bitch that is Katrina Ruth (yeah I did just tag myself … lol), let’s talk about what HOT is.
Hot is an ENERGY.
Hot is something YOU get to decide.
Hot is what you choose to embody.
Hot is you owning your POWER, and the natural gifts of persuasion, influence, messaging, TRUTH which you were given.
HOT has jack.fucking.shit to do with some sort of physical breakdown of your attributes.
If you want proof, just think back to a time in your life when you thought somebody was good looking initially, then got to know them and couldn’t even understand HOW you could have possibly considered them hot.
Or, when you didn’t really give somebody a second glance at first, and then after a while you could barely stand to look away from them.
I repeat: hot is an ENERGY.
It’s how you move … and I don’t mean sexually, either … it’s how you move and exist in your SKIN. In your SELF. In your SOUL. It’s your smile, the shift of the shoulders, your cheekiness or playfulness, your exuberance and joy for life, your love of yourself and of others, your commitment to purpose and to passion. God! PASSION is one of the hottest fucking qualities to see in another person. I meet a passionate person and I can’t look away if I try. I want ALL of them , in whatever way is aligned with that person
What hot is REALLY is simply this:
Owning your fucking power, your TRUE self and every part of who you are, and letting the world see it.
THAT is fucking hot. As fuck
Wanna know what’s NOT hot? Try try trying to do business and life right so that you meet some random markers of what hot | successful | rich | happy or whatever is. Also not hot – bitching about how other people show up when it triggers you but really they are just shining so damn brightly that it’s holding up a mirror for you
Today, commit to turning it the fuck on, using the powers and gifts you were born with, and letting the FULL magnificence of your hot lil’ self shine through.
Here’s something else about that, which is cool. Speaking of the physical side of things – when you step into your TRUE flow and power and let your happy, fun, playful side out, you naturally detoxify and release cortisol, the stress hormone, which keeps you FAT!!! So in a very real sense, shining your light and choosing a high vibe inner state, where you focus on your OWN message and path and let your true badass out, will make you PHYSICALLY fitter and in better shape!!
As I said … that doesn’t automatically equate to hot, but let’s be honest – most of us want to feel and look our best with ease!!
So yeah …
I said it …
If you’re not hot as fuck then you’re limiting your growth and you WILL be less successful and also paid less.
Deal with it.
And then step into the motherfucking flow and fun zone.