

I had my first ‘you’re looking great!’ compliment this morning, as I walked into the gym, ready to smash it OUT before my Soul Shifts & Money Makin’ event which is happening in just an hour or so here on the Gold Coast.

Not that I haven’t ever had anybody told me I’m looking great before. lol. But, specific to how focused I’ve been on SHREDDING the fat back and returning to a state of physical excellence, heck, even exceeding previous excellence, of course!

About 4 weeks ago I decided I was just NOT OKAY with where my body was at physically.

Isn’t it funny how saying something like that right away makes you feel self-conscious?! I actually feel a mild sense of shame, like I’m somehow breaking some sort of girl code by admitting I want to be LEANER HOTTER SEXIER ALL OF IT.

Well, you know what? #FUCKBODYLOVE and the horse it rode in on. This is not something new for me to say, by the way. I’ve said it the whole damn TIME. I motherfucking DESPISE the movement that tells women to accept their bodies at any size, and PERPETUATES TERRIBLE HEALTH AND RISK OF CHRONIC DISEASE AND DEATH! Not to mention everyday discomfort and difficulty!

Let’s be clear – your BODY is not YOU. Self love is not body love. Your body is not your self. Your body is your physical house, and if it’s in disorder then that IS an issue.

You can love your self and accept your SELF and also not accept the state the physical you is in. In fact – one begets the other, I would say!

So, stuff feeling bad about owning it. Yes, I was already ‘above average’ fitness / health / etc, but did I come here to be fucking average, or even ‘above average’? Hell to the NO, and I’m guessing you didn’t either.

I believe that every cell in your body knows how to be perfect, perfect for YOU, and that some of them have just forgotten how. I believe this applies equally for every bit of your soul and ENERGY knowing how to be perfect for you, and knowing the innate blueprint or code to success in business, money, life, everything!

It’s all connected, all of the time ๐Ÿ™‚

So yeah – I decided I was no longer available for the ever so gradual but ever so definite increase of body fat around my hips, thighs, stomach, but also that I just knew I was NOT operating at peak energy, mental focus, va-va-voom.


I flicked the motherfucking switch.

I thought about it for a week or two.
Resisted like a mofo.
Tried to tell myself all sorts of stories that I could just continue to manifest / quantum this shit and didn’t have to change how I was eating or up my training and get more specific with it.
KNEW I was full of shit, because HELLLOOOOOO – quantum shit brought into the now only works if you’re in INTEGRITY with your now ACTIONS (as I’d been teaching my clients right around this time hahah!), and I KNEW I wasn’t.

I knew I was eating a LOT more processed sugar than what I was telling myself.
Too much wine.
Not enough greens.
Probably needed to support my body with some liver and estrogen detoxification.
Needed to lift heavier, up the HIIT, stretch and release more.

Basically the whole thing was a shambles!

If you think I’m being too hard on myself, you can think again or else just leave –

In BUSINESS as in FITNESS as in LIFE you’re either DOING WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, or you’re not.

There is no grey area.

Half assed work / focus / attendance to what needs attendance gets, unsurprisingly enough, half assed results!

So there.

Sometimes we all need to be reminded of that, me included!

So 3 weeks ago from yesterday, I spent a good hour or so in the morning mentally smacking myself in the face everytime I imagined having wine and chocolate, and replacing it with an image of a cup of herbal tea and sliced cucumbers (lol … I really did though, I was scared of not feeling ‘able’ to resist otherwise, and KNEW I would just justify that it didn’t matter), and, well, that was it.

I haven’t cut wine or sugar out 100% because I don’t feel good about set rigid rules in dieting just like I don’t in business. But I DO feel good about being in SUCH deep integrity about how I am now treating my body.

Wine and processed sugar back by 95%.
TONS of green organic veggies being smashed back each day.
Lean proteins, good fats, etc.
Supplements for detoxification.
Training like a DEMON.

This is not a nutrition / hormone balancing post though. This is a post I will definitely go into more depth on probably next week (I’m holding a short-term goal right now for my 39th birthday which is 6 days from now, and a photo-shoot I’m doing that day), but right now it’s a post about holding the VISION.

Because here’s the thing –

While my energy and mental clarity started to shift literally within a DAY (causing me to realise in somewhat horror just how sub-par it actually had been … which is scary considering it WAS already leaps and bounds ahead of the norm!), my BODY shape didn’t really feel like it was doing what it was told.

I found myself frequently feeling disheartened that I wasn’t instantly seeing in the mirror the vision I saw in my head.

It made me feel like giving up and just soothing with food.

I know, I know, only 3 weeks. #eyeroll. But, as anybody who has gone ALL IN on something (whether food or biz stuff) will know, if you REALLY change your game and go all in and then 3 weeks passes and you feel like you’re not quite sure if anything has changed the way you WANTED it to, you start to feel like it isn’t fucking fair!

YEP, it’s pretty irrational – especially if the 30 weeks before that (for example) were NOT aligned action!!

But, nobody ever accused me of being overly rational ๐Ÿ˜‰

So anyway. Multiple times I had to REALLY remind myself of everything I teach and preach and also KNOW, about success, from so many years being so success-driven and CREATING epic results, also from the numerous times previously I’ve changed my body when I let it slip, or from the literally thousands of people who I have helped to transform their bodies, money situation, business, life!

And the reminder was –

Stay the fucking course.

Hold the vision.

YES you have a short-term goal, but you have a long-term life (hopefully!) and that’s what this is actually about.

All you can do is all you can do for TODAY.

One of the things I kept thinking about, especially over the last few days, was how good it would feel when people started to notice.

I visualised not only next week’s photo shoot, and other things beyond that, but I also specifically felt into the actuality of people coming up to me in the gym (or wherever) and saying ‘wow, you’re looking great!’.

I’ve done this body transformation thang a few times (post pregnancy for example, and also every time I did go off track over the years) and I know that there’s a tipping point.

You feel –

It’s not working it’s not working it’s not bloody WORKING, no FAIR!!

*foot stomp*

This is the point (with fitness / fat loss / messaging / showing the fuck up for your soul work / EVERYTHING) where most people give in, become flaky, inconsistent, PROVE that it can’t work.


And hold out for that tipping point, it IS coming.

So this morning when I got that first compliment, smiled and said ‘thank you!’, I knew I had to write about holding the vision.

Everybody thinks that success is just about doing the work, and of course it IS – the inner and outer work, showing up for whatever is in integrity for YOU.

But really?

Success is just about holding on when every part of you is shrieking you should just give up, or change course.

Today, why not commit to being the you who holds the damn vision, no matter what it takes and for as LONG as it takes, until it takes, and THEN KEEPS GOING.

You know what’s even better than seeing you’re getting EVERYTHING you dreamed of and wanted?

Feeling the feeling of doing the bit that actually creates that.

Remember –

The outcome was never the actual reward.


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