Success/Success Mindset


You know when you write or say something sometimes, and it means one thing, and all of a sudden you just come to a cold hard STOP, because you’re hit with what it’s ACTUALLY meant to mean, for you?

I think that life is continually giving us messages, signs, feedback, ‘way-pointers’, HELPING us, and making it (if we would actually pay attention!) EASY for us to get what we want and what we are destined for.

Problem is … of course … most people don’t listen. Me? I’ve noticed that since I consciously made the commitment to ALWAYS listen, best as I can, and always FOLLOW, best as I can, what comes through me and from within me, well?

Life just gets easier and easier, flow-ier and flow-ier, and better and better. In all ways!

When I say yes to my soul …
Life says yes to me.

So, basically, the ‘how’ of my entire business and life is –

I say yes to my soul!

Even better than how killer the RESULTS are from living this way is, you literally never have to think about anything! I mean, you can think for enjoyment and growth, or whatever you choose, of course 

But there’s no requirement to think for reasons of trying to get it RIGHT.

It’s always right
When you follow what’s inside

EVEN WHEN IT FEELS SILLY OR SCARY, by the way. Just on a side note!

So yes. Life, God, our higher self, are all continually working with us to SUPPORT us, and show us where to direct our energy and attention, also our actions.

I saw this again clearly this morning, as I wrote a simple statement in my morning introspection. I was writing a lot of affirmations, I do this every day, along with other forms of tuning in via my journaling, and out popped the sentence:

“I am proud of how I am raising my children”

YES. So much yes to stepping deeper and deeper into THAT choice, and truth!

But what HIT me from it was this –

How about yourself?

And I wrote:

“I am proud of how I’m raising mySELF”

I don’t know how this statement hits you, but for me it felt profound. What if we put the same amount of import onto how we continue to grow and evolve our OWN souls, as what we as parents (or even if you’re not a parent, I’m sure you feel what I’m saying here), do when it comes to how we raise and guide the little humans to whom we’ve been entrusted.

I was going to say young souls, but there’s many times I’m quite certain that the souls of my children are far older and wiser than me!

I think that when it comes to our own growth and development, we DO know it matters.

But when it comes to raising a child … there is an understanding of the RESPONSIBILITY of this. There can be fear attached to it … you don’t want to screw this person up! And then, hopefully, as you grow into deeper understanding of what it means to parent, fear is released as you realise you CAN’T screw it or anybody in it up, so long as you follow what’s inside.

For me as a parent, I know and trust that the answer is to ALWAYS follow what’s inside.

For example: it was aligned for me to put my oldest into conventional schooling 2 years ago, and I’ve loved the school, the process, all of it. 

And now all of a sudden I find – hmmm. I think we’re done with school. So, I LISTEN, always, to those voices and direction. Time to shift. So, we’ll shift, and relatively fast too, as always.

The thing is –

The way I now parent is the same way I do move forward in my own life.

Listen to inner and upper guidance.
Follow without question.
As fast as possible.
All the while releasing the how AND the outcome.
What I noticed though as the DIFFERENCE, when I thought about this idea of ‘raising myself’ versus raising my children, and being a good Mum, is that the idea of raising my SELF felt less important. There was that small part of me, perhaps left over from earlier years, which actually felt like “well yes, that matters, and it’s all very well, but you know – when we can GET to it, when it’s convenient”.Or something like that.Whereas when I think about my children … when something comes through me that I KNOW is the next step … such as shifting to wild and free ‘school of life-ing’ … I feel a tremendous sense of urgency and importance. Not in a FEAR way. More that it is truly IMPRESSED UPON ME that this is what must happen, and so now I will begin to move heaven and earth to ALLOW it to happen, rapidly.Which is to say – I’ll decide, and then it will be done.No moving of mountains required, at least not in a PUSH sense!

And I wondered –

What would happen in MY life, and how I’m evolving, growing, shifting, with business, love, life –

If, when something came through me, I truly saw it as SERIOUSLY FUCKING IMPORTANT.

As a Mum, I’m not prepared to fuck around. If I know something is for the good of my kids I’m not going to DELAY on it. With every day, they’re growing too rapidly to even comprehend! I understand on a deep soul level how important each phase of that growth is, and that the ‘soup of life’ they’re immersed into IN that phase be the right one, the ALIGNED one.

With myself …

I do understand.
I do get it.
And I do (obviously) take rapid and continual action!

But yet … meh.

What’s the difference if I do something at 38 or 39 years old? It’s much the same age …

What does it matter if I go all in today or tomorrow? Today I have things planned …

I’m not saying these are my direct conscious thoughts 🙂 actually I preach the opposite of THAT sort of thinking, all the time!

But yet it’s still there.
I notice it.
An undercurrent, saying –

“She’ll be right mate. No need to rush.”

So today here is what I want to say to you, for me and for you both:

What if you took every message from your soul seriously fucking seriously?

What if you were spurred into IMMEDIATE action, when you were guided to walk away from something, or lean towards?

What if it were CRITICAL to you, and non-negotiable, that when called to answer the question “am I proud of how I am raising my SELF”, the answer could only ever be a resounding of COURSE?!

And what if you started now?