Success/Success Mindset


I’m not aiming for some kind of end goal where I get to slow down, relax, do less, and sit around with my kids and one day Grandkids.

I will NEVER stop doing what I want, and I will CONTINUALLY wake up and do what others WON’T.

If you follow me, and you’re actually that 1% within the 1% BORN for it person, you get this. But maybe it’s time you got the fuck OVER it, and on with it.

The truth is there’s really not much else I’d rather be doing, ever, than the hustle. It’s what I live for, it’s what I was born for, and I hope it’s what I’ll die doing.

I love the hustle so much that I prefer it above EVERYTHING else. Everything. The UNSPOKEN part of this which nobody dares to talk about because it’s TOO FULL ON, but which I shall nonetheless talk about is that yes, I prefer it above spending time with my husband and my kids.

I prefer it above spending time with my family and other loved ones.

I don’t really HAVE many ‘other loved ones’ aside from family and those friends who are so close I consider them family anymore. My current friends are entrepreneurs; how could they not be, really? Who the fuck else would I want to socialise with except people who get me and I them, and I can tell you: MOST people don’t get us.

I prefer the hustle above EVERYTHING.
I don’t WANT to ‘relax’.
I don’t WANT to watch TV.
I don’t WANT to ‘sit around’ because it’s a holiday or downtime and apparently that’s supposed to make me feel better. It DEFINITELY makes me feel worse, much worse!

What I was thinking about this morning is that the reason I love the hustle this much is because my life IS the hustle, that’s the life I was born for. The hustle isn’t something to try and fit in, between the OTHER stuff. The OTHER stuff is the stuff that has to be fit in, squeezed in, somehow, and the God honest truth is most of the time I’d RATHER NOT.

I believe, flat out, that if you don’t feel this way you’re not a true entrepreneur, you weren’t born for it, you can build yourself a hobby biz if you like, but you’re certainly not here to LEAD and by the way that’s FINE, I don’t mean it’s a bad thing, not at all! You just don’t belong here, in this community, following me.

This is for the hardcore ones.

The badasses who will stop at nothing.

The BORN hustlers who adore their family, kids, friends, who love the idea of a book on the beach or a cocktail at sunset as much as the next person but who 99% of the time are still gonna choose the hustle instead, or at least bring it along with them.

This is for those who go to bed with ideas formulating in their minds and then wake up with half an article or video or program screaming to get out of them and get made, for the ones amongst us who have such insane am amounts of energy everybody assumes we’re on something but really we just can’t keep UP, with ourselves.

This is for the ones who TRY to fit in, still, sometimes, particularly when it comes to partner and kids stuff, or family stuff, social ‘musts’ that we feel incredible amounts of guilt about at times, and yes we DO enjoy all of that stuff and actually we DO make time for it, contrary to what I seem to be saying here, because it does fucking matter, but make no mistake about it: the hustle comes first, it HAS to come first, and if it’s NOT done first then it’d be better for everybody else if we just kept away, did our thing, till done.

It’s a good idea in theory, but the thing with THAT is we’re never done, we don’t want to be done, it’s not possible to be done, because that would mean being DONE WITH LIFE.

This is for those of us who were wired to succeed, dominate, conquer, and rule. We were BRED for this, through our DNA not our nurture, and the WORST thing we could ever do to ourselves or let someone else do to us would be to try and tone it down, slow it down, be LESS than, or fit it into some kind of tidy and organised piece of our lives so that then we can … what?

Do the OTHER stuff the rest of the time?!

The TRUTH is that even of all those who call themselves entrepreneurs, very few actually ARE, at their core, in their blood, in their DNA, and have no CHOICE about it.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t like putting on a freaking spring outfit.
You don’t get to choose it!
Entrepreneurs are BORN, not made.

You can decide to BE a person in business, to BE somebody who wants to make money working for themselves because of COURSE it’s a better choice than a job (well – depending upon the person, let’s be honest!), but that doesn’t make you an entrepreneur.

If you’re a true entrepreneur there is no discussion needed, you know you are, and you hardly need me to provide some kind of barometer.

If you’re a true entrepreneur I am writing this for you just to say I GET it.

I GET the struggle of trying to understand why all the STUFF that people want to try and live their lives for doesn’t fill you up, the fact that everytime you do LESS hustle because you think you need to be present with the non-hustlers, or because it’s ‘just for a day’, etc, or because you at times listen to the bullshit and even start to believe you DO need a break, you instead find yourself wanting to SCREAM AND SHOUT AT THE TORMENT OF LIVING SUCH A BORING LIFE, of not CREATING, of not HUSTLING, and you feel like you can’t BREATHE.


I get that you feel this way even after 30 minutes of non-hustle, that you’re a completely over the top selfish bitch diva who wants everything her way, now, if not sooner, and no matter what!

I get that you just can’t TAKE the normal stuff, that it’s not just that you prefer the hustle but that the NORMAL life stuff is like poison to your soul. You can literally feel your soul shrinking and your life-force draining out of you!

I get that you QUESTION this, often, still! And you wonder what’s wrong with you, or if it’s just because you need to ‘get ahead a bit’, so that then you can relax.


I get that you’ll eventually learn that that’s okay, that STOPPING isn’t the end goal here; the end goal is LIVING, so EMBRACE WHAT YOU WANT TO LIVE FOR, and just admit it –

You want to live for the hustle.
The truth is you can’t NOT live for the hustle.
You MUST live for the hustle.

Does it mean you can NEVER do the other stuff, you have to lock yourself away from the world, just you and your craft, alone forever?

Sounds like a dream … šŸ™‚

But really, no –



But the ONLY way this can work is if we take care of first things first. Which means first things ALL THE DAY LONG, as the core FOCUS of the day, most of the time.

Honestly – HONESTLY now! – when you last took a day off because you thought you ‘should’ or it seemed like the right or needed thing to do did you feel BETTER for it, or worse?

Okay then.

YES you can spend time with your partner, your kids, your loved ones and MAYBE even sitting on a beach somewhere, but the only way that can BE okay for you, where you don’t find yourself slowly but surely IMPLODING and wanting to rip heads and assholes is if you get your shit DONE.

So get USED to it.

Get used to getting up early, staying up late, pushing just as much as you BREATHE.

Get used to the knowledge that no you don’t EVER need to kick back on the couch and relax, get OFF your ass and when in doubt CREATE CREATE CREATE.

Get used to the fact that you ARE this fast-paced, often angry, never satisfied, VERY impatient person and that that DOESN’T HAVE TO BE A BAD THING! Slow people are ALWAYS going to make you want to rip your hair out (or theirs!). People who need to relax, to chill, to BREATHE are plain and simple NOT YOUR PEOPLE. Stop trying to fit IN with them!

You were born for the fast lane baby, embrace it! You KNOW you thrive on the thrill, the chase, the BREATHLESSNESS. You know you freaking well LIKE it when it burns and hurts as well! And you know that the less you try and do, the more you try and tell yourself that the end goal is to stop or even to SLOW?

The faster you’ll die, whether still upright or not.

This is who we are baby.

We do what we want.
We do what they won’t.

We are the storm.
