Do it NOW … No Matter WHAT!
Make Space, Do It Now, Start the Thing, Do it Now, Get Uncomfortable, Do it Now, Follow Your Heart, Do it NOW … No Matter WHAT!
Do you ever feel as though we really just have the same conversation over and over again?
I don’t just mean me to you (or you to me, if we’re doin’ that already?!), I also mean me to me and you to YOU.
Me, in my head, every freakin’ day, for example:
“I need to step up! Today is the day! I HAVE to finally DO this. No more excuses!”
On the one hand, sure, I get a lot done, I have done a lot already, I’m good enough, I am enough, my hair looks good and people like me! I know
But also? There is SO much more I wanna do, or more releveantly, MUST do, am being commanded to do, from within, and sometimes I feel like it’s EATING ME ALIVE that I’ve not yet DONE so. You know?
Sometimes when I sit down to write my morning message to you – like, right now, this! – my mind tries to talk me out of it.
“You’ve already SPOKEN about that, Kat … like – a million fucking times! Are you REALLY gonna talk once again about pressing fucking play, doing the work, being the next level version of you, going ALL the way in, now?”
And my answer, mostly ALWAYS, when my mind tries to talk me out of doing the work, when resistance rears its head and tempts me to hold back, play small, back off, PAUSE from fear, is simple:
Why yes.
Thank you for asking.
But yes.
Thank you for asking
Because here is what I know for sure.
As I sit here in the members lounge at the gym, a little early for my PT session, so, as always, making anywhere I AM into my own personal office, my head unreasonably sore when I didn’t even DRINK or anything last night, my body apparently just cleansing itself from God knows what for the fun of it, meaning that I feel kinda off and NOT in the zone, NOT really like writing –
Here is what I know for sure:
The magic appears when you show up daily.
NOT trying to write or sell or create or unleash the ‘best thing ever that gets you the result’.
Instead just showing UP.
Day in, and day out.
For your message.
For your art.
For your tribe.
For your SELF.
I’ve written and created and otherwise unleashed some AMAZING fucking content over the years.
I’ve written things that have brought me to tears, given me goosebumps, literally sent chills up my spine at the magic in the words.
I’ve had livestreams which have been LIFE-changing to people, so deeply powerful where they in the message and divine truth coming through.
I’ve created programs which have COMPLETELY transformed participants, to where they all of a sudden started to allow in things they’d been holding unwittingly at arms length for YEARS.
I’ve showed up in ways that have been BEYOND hilarious … crazy … the most fun ever … TOTAL fucking flow.
And I’ve made millions and millions of dollars online.
“Yay Kat”, I hear you thinking. “Alright already, what’s the point, or do you just want a gold star and a fucking trophy or something?!”
Here’s the point, and here’s what you might not think about; what a lot of people don’t consider –
NONE of this would have, COULD have, happened, had I not made a decision, in 2008, when I was just launching my first ‘real’ blog, a few years after starting to experiment online, that no matter what I would just keep going. No matter what I would show UP. Be consistent. Make SPACE, for something to develop.
I didn’t come online to be an internet marketer.
It wasn’t my goal to make money online.
I wasn’t THINKING about building an empire!
And I had no idea I’d end up like THIS – all loud and ranty and red-haired and badass and shit.
But I did know I had a dream. I did know I was born for more. I did know there was something INSIDE of me which wanted out, which HAD to come out. And I did just fucking BELIEVE I was going to live an extraordinary life. Do something amazing. Make a fuckload of money. Impact a fuckload of people. And maybe?
Even change the world.
I don’t know what it was inside of me, nearly 10 years ago, after fumbling around with blogging and building my own websites for a year or two, that made me so decisive that I would show up.
But I can remember it clearly, like it was yesterday. I remember saying to myself, the day I launched “Body Incredible”, August 2008, my first ‘real’ blog, saying ALOUD to myself over a glass of Austin’s Shiraz (amazing!) and while eating roast duck with spinach and cherries at my then-partner’s incredible restaurant –
“I have no idea where this will all go. But I do believe it will go somewhere. I believe I am born for more. And I believe that if I just keep going and be CONSISTENT, no matter WHAT, then something will happen”.
I’m not making this up. I really said that. And I really meant no matter WHAT.
No matter whether I feel like it.
No matter whether I know how.
No matter whether it’s working.
You see, I’m a believer. I always have been. You too, for sure, or you wouldn’t be here! But, being a believer is not enough. You DO have to show up. It DOES have to be daily in some form. You MUST listen, when you receive guidance from within. And you MUST, repeatedly, YES fucking daily, put purpose ahead of your own drama and bullshit.
Because I made this decision at the start, I was able to keep going when my subscriber base didn’t grow by ONE PERSON for 18 months. EVERY DAY I kept going. Would you do that? Do people do that? Do people realise I didn’t just wake up like this?
No matter what.
Because I meant it, I was able to keep going when launch after launch failed, for years it seemed, 2 people buying, or NO people buying. The embarassment AND the frustration.
No matter what.
Because I meant it, I continued on when I ended up over 100k in debt and nearly bankrupt and couldn’t even buy COFFEE, and it just went on … and on … and ON … for months!
Would you do that?
Have you?
Comment! Let’s honour your fucking resilience because FEW WILL DO WHAT IT TAKES.
No matter what.
Because I MEANT it, and I knew I was born for more, I showed up for YEARS feeling disconnected from my purpose and ‘not knowing how’ to make money doing what I love, call in my soul tribe, really break through.
I just kept going.
No matter what.
And I just kept making space.
No matter what.
Here’s the thing; my point –
You can be a ‘researcher’; a wannabe who spends their life waiting to be ready, waiting to press play, buying into a bullshit story that they CAN’T yet, or repeatedly going to bed at night without doing the thing –
Or you can make a decision that from this day forward, you’re the person who does the fucking thing.
It’s one or the other though baby.
Your choice.
No matter what.