

God had good things to give you the whole entire time. You just weren’t listening.

God tapped me on the shoulder in my early morning pre-waking dreams, and I heard Him say – “I had good things for you the whole time. You just weren’t listening”.

– “That’s so good God”, I thought. “Of course”.

And I knew He was telling me to write about this today. I tried to hold on to the exact wording He’d given me, but fell back into another hour or so of slumber.

And asked Him to bring it back when I woke. So here we are 🙂

God has been doing such a NEW thing in my life this past day … week … moment … month … year. lol. It just gets more and more WOW each day though. Which, honestly, is how life in God IS.

“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” (Proverbs 4:18)

Literally our days get brighter every single day in God, til the full light of day meaning: we join God in heaven! How good is that? All of it!

And … it’s become my simple wonderful shocking incredible ‘how can things even be this great’ reality.

Sometimes I just pause and shake my head to try and COMPUTE it all.

The things God has been bringing through me …

The work He has been having me pour forth … and also let go …

The prophetic writing He has been giving me (this makes me shake in reverence and awe. It is a BIG big anointing, and one I take with absolute fear of the Lord and a daily RE-submission to humble myself fully before Him).

The EASE … even as there are still areas of my business and life which have gone FLIPPING CRAZY and tumultuous in the extreme … what I FEEL is … ease. Joy. Excitement. GIDDINESS. I was moonwalking and dancing to Fortnite songs while playing soccer with my son yesterday and just thinking –

I’M JUST SO HAPPY ALL THE TIME. Regardless what is going on! And watching the joy and bubbly delight on HIS face as we kicked the ball around, seeing him receive MY joy and love in being with him was just … everything.

Life in God is just … everything.

I have had more stripped off and fallen away from me this year than what I would think a person could handle, and certainly assimilate. Well – a person could not! A woman walking ever deeper and more excitedly in Christ? IS.

The RENEWAL is not complete. And never will be. But in a literal sense – oh boy, if you knew what had gone on BTS! (I’ll share this next week I think. I feel a special live webinar event coming on!)

But yet here I am. Flowing in PEACE. And the joy of the Lord literally bursting out of me.

What this has meant, does mean, and will continue to mean, for my business and for YOU is … incredible. Awe-some. SO humbling. Makes me want to drop to my knees in praise and tears and shrieks of love and laughter. Which I do!

The Secret Garden … my new and sole membership / low cost mastermind, brought FULLY to me and through me by God … is just … head-shaking-wow.

(Have you seen? You have to join. It’s at www.thekatrinaruthshow.com/thesecretgarden. We begin next week! And yes. It’s crazy walk-right-in-affordable thank you Lord).

The entire SALES page was written by God, through me. 80% of it is pure prophetic writing. It shocks me. It excites me. My mind tries to convince me this is not real. My spirit rests in Gods mercy, grace, and COMMANDS.

I walk every day ever more obediently and determinedly into “WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR ME LORD?! Take what you need to take! Shake what you need to shake! Wake what you need to wake! Pierce my heart again for you!”. Ps I recommend praying over your SELF like this, not just over others!

I have zero desire to HAVE a desire outside of Gods.
And I hand myself over to Him daily as a living sacrifice, ever seeking greater wisdom, discernment, HIM.

It …
As He said. LOL.

My new book, Possess The Land is entirely prophetically written. I have not even re read it since writing it. My human is not yet ready to!

PLEASE share with me when you read it. Message me on IG, or anywhere. Tell me how He moved you. And THANK GOD FOR ANYTHING YOU RECEIVE FROM HIM WHICH COMES THROUGH ME. It’s ALL Him. EVERY thing in my life which is good and wonderful is GOD, and every thing I previously did which was not so good He is and has turned to good! Amen!

Please also leave me a review, on Amazon, for Possess the Land. Thank you!

What else?

It’s time to tell you about my new podcast. I re-launched my podcast! And didn’t tell anybody. I’ve been just … in it. Letting God FLOW. Learning how to hand over beyond all of me. Dropping dropping dropping my FORMER ideas of what business OR life is. And thus ONLY acting / promoting / sharing / creating as God tells me. And He tells me I need to get that podcast rolling properly!

The new podcast is called Faith Fire & Flow. It is … pure downloads, messages, sermons, and also interviews with the most faith fire & flow humans I know!

The relaunch kicks off with my incredible friend Ashya, and her story of creating a global swimwear empire off the back of a rant on an IG story!! I am super proud to share that as she shares I was one part of prompting her that YES SHE SHOULD GO AHEAD WITH THIS THING. And wow wow wow wait til you hear and see this story! It is so inspiring! She is just an incredible entrepreneur, creator, friend, and mother / wife / woman of God!

Listen here on Spotify!

Listen here on iTunes.

Here is the thing.

(There is always a thing).

God has … just SO much for you. Do you get that?

It’s … crazy. Wonderful. Amazing. Shocking. JOYOUS. And it’s also a responsibility, a gift, an anointing and an appointment which you can ACCEPT,

or no.

I should also mention that when you do … life as an entrepreneur / woman / mother / human who desires to do and be all things she CAME for …

truly becomes SO FREAKING EASY. Because GOD is working it not you! Let HIM open the doors and He’s the one who is keeping ’em open and bringing the goodies through!

Seriously. I feel like I’m doing nothing except saying yes and LOOK WHAT GOD DID.

“Do you realise I had so many good gifts for you this whole entire time?”

Yes God.
Now I do.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



Please let me know when you read POSSESS THE LAND and when you listen to Ashya’s ep on the Faith Fire and Flow podcast! I would so deeply appreciate a review for either or both, as well!

And … THE SECRET GARDEN! You have to join. It’s just as simple as that!

It is my all new and WILL be sole membership space. It is crazy low cost and I LOVE that. It is in The Secret Garden, which is the vision God showed me for my business. So where else would we be?!

And the schedule for initial trainings is up … now! Details + your place at www.thekatrinaruthshow.com/thesecretgarden

I’m so excited to see you in!



  1. […] gave me a vision today, a vision of rest, and comfort, and care, a place from which all that SHOULD be done, was, a place from which you can create, pour forth, […]

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