Success/Success Mindset



A few months back, while leaving an audio reply for one of my Inner Circle private clients, I came up with a realisation about manifestation, which completely blew my mind and changed EVERYTHING.

And if you too have long ‘believed’ in manifestation and you know deep down that your mind creates EVERYTHING, but yet for some reason you find you still can’t seem to completely make it WORK, then I’m gonna let you know that THIS?

Is going to blow your beautiful mind.

Are you ready for this?? It’s simple … but the most powerful and transformative things always are!!

And I can tell you that when it comes to getting rich AS FUCK … or really to receiving / allowing in ANYTHING in your life … it’s going to make things so.damn.SIMPLE.

Not to mention obvious!

Okay –

So let’s play a game of imagine.

Let’s imagine that you and I, we grew up since day one in a world where everything we could see and feel inside of us was available, not only in a general sense, but also specifically TO us, and also, right away.

Let’s imagine that our parents –

Our teachers –

EVERY single person of influence we’d ever encountered in our lives had taught us that HOW LIFE WORKS is that you think about what you desire or choose, you see it in your head, and that THAT is where reality comes from.

And let’s imagine that actually they didn’t even TEACH it to us, because it wasn’t, well, a concept to be taught.

It was just fact.
How life works.
How life has always worked.
It was fact that you were born knowing, which they reinforced into you purely through how they lived their LIVES.

They wouldn’t really need to TEACH it to you, except perhaps in the same way that we learn what breathing is …

And let’s imagine that they TOO had never had to ‘learn’ this, because they were born knowing it –

As was every person who came before them, influenced them, guided them.

And let’s imagine –

That as you went through your school years, your formative years, the ‘school of life’, so to speak, that every single thought –

Belief –

‘Program’ –

Idea –


Which was implanted into you –

Backed up the pure and simple reality that reality IS a product of thought.

That if you want something, if it comes through you AS a desire, a dream, a mission, a purpose, a calling, then – duh! – of course you just THINK it into reality.

And that maybe somewhere along the way you encountered somebody who grew up in the OTHER school of life, the one where it’s taught that things come from DOING … from joining dots … from step by step and follow the RULES and there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way … and when you met this person all you could think was how SAD you felt for them, and also how ODD it was, how bizarre, that somebody would actually think that way!

What a funny … and TERRIBLE … idea! But also just, ha –

How ridiculous.


Can you imagine?

Can you imagine, who you’d be right now, if you ALWAYS KNEW AS FACT, the stuff you’re so desperately trying to MAKE yourself believe, then somehow act upon, and create from?

Can you imagine even, perhaps the way MY children are being raised? No, not FULLY in this manner … but a helluva lot closer than you and I were! Noticeably enough that, to my 8 and 4 year olds, the idea of thinking about something then getting it IS fact. They don’t question it. They never have. IT’S FACT.

Can you imagine how this will impact who they choose to become, what they allow or do not allow or stand for, as adults?

Can you imagine how it’s already influencing them, right now?!

Can you imagine what would be different in YOUR life, right now, if you too had ALWAYS thought this way??

So much!

And here’s the thing –

If you can imagine it –

You CAN fucking create it

But here is what else:

The MOST treacherous downside of trying to learn how to manifest, or trying to change your beliefs, or trying to ‘be that person’ who you’d be if you’d always thought this way –

Isn’t it obvious?!

You’re trying to DO manifestation.
You’re trying to ACCOMPLISH belief changing.
You’re looking for a step-by-step for something that, inherently, refutes the need for step-by-step, and which, BY DEFINITION, is about ‘there is no how!’

It’s kind of crazy –

If you think about it –

To try and find or follow a ‘how’ in order to become the version of you who knows there is no how

Don’t worry … I’m not laughing at you TOO hard … I did the exact same thing, for so long!

And then, one day, I realised –


What if I just grew up in the wrong school of life?

What if I’d ALWAYS thought that way?

What if I just BECAME that person, and knew that whatever I decided WOULD be what I then got to become … or have … create … or allow?

TOTAL paradigm shift.

INSTANT flick of the switch.

And that’s the point, isn’t it –

There is no try, in order to be a believer.

You either are –

Or you aren’t.

Just like giving your life to God, it’s something you simply decide, in that moment.

You don’t have to try.

Don’t worry if you don’t ‘feel’ it, either, when you decide to believe.


Welcome to the new you!

But you DO get to practice, daily, being all that you’ve chosen to be and all that you are still becoming.

You do get to CONSCIOUSLY align yourself, in the direction you wish to go.

You do get to SHOW UP AND TUNE IN, then act accordingly.

The good news??

In reading this, you just did that.

The better news??

When you join me in my new Money Blocks & High-Level Wealth Consciousness Course, I’m going to work with you to align you to being#wealthyaf and FULLY being that person.

Pre-work happens live in the FB group Monday.

Come play in the real school of life with me, here —>