I was thinking this morning about how big my money goals are, how far I’ve STRETCHED myself around what’s possible and okay, and how really I don’t feel like anything has changed about ME in order to take my income to the multi 7-figure mark but all that actually changed?
Was I had a reason to do it.
Aka I made up my fucking mind and knew WHY.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that if I don’t have a purpose to achieving a goal I just won’t do it. I’m willing to concede that I COULD do it, I think we can do ANYTHING we set our minds to, after all! But I guess that’s the point, and a slightly surprising one to realise:
I’m just not driven by money.
I’m not driven by having abs.
I’m not driven by achieving a COOL or a RICH or a HOT goal just for the sake of it, so therefore I DON’T have my mind set to it and therefore I WON’T achieve it!
What I will achieve however, every damn day of the week and twice on Sundays, is anything I ACTUALLY fucking want. And THAT is why I’m making more and more money, with abs plus anything else I want that’s high level and awesome 🙂
More on how that works in a moment but first check THIS out:
When I told myself at the start of the year that this is going to be my TEN MILLION DOLLAR YEAR, and when I then quickly elevated that goal to TWELVE (because a million a month is a nice round number, don’t you think?!) deep down I knew I was fucking kidding myself.
Why on earth would I make a million dollars a month?!
Well, ACTUALLY the real question is, and one I remind myself of frequently now that I’m WELL ON MY WAY TO HITTING THE GOAL, why on earth would I WANT to make a million dollars a month?
Pay attention closely to what I’m going to go through here, because if you can get this?
You can have anything you want, ALL of it.
In January this year I made cash received around 92k, my goal for the month was 90k.
February was around 83k income, and my goal for the month was 134k.
March I hit 123k, a record high at the time, and the goal I shot for was 200k.
April 182k, goal was 200k.
May 257k, with a goal of 400k.
June 264k banked, goal I’d set was 600k. Honestly, I’m pretty pissed at myself about only climbing 7k in June, and very aware that I slacked off half the month! I wouldn’t be pissed if I’d gone all in, but I know I didn’t and that’s what annoys me.
But how interesting, right?
If you look at the breakdown I think it’s very interesting:
January I hit 102% of my income goal, 102% of 90k ACHIEVED – smashed the goal but it was NOT a stretch goal as I’ve previously passed 90k in a month many times.
February 62% of 134k was achieved.
March 61.5% of 200k was achieved!
April 91% of 200k achieved!
May back down to 64% achieved, but of a goal twice the size, namely 400k goal.
June, exploded my goal up to 600k and hit just under 43% of the goal still.
Now JULY my goal is 1,000,000 … I decided to stop fucking around… so far after tracking 7 days of it I’m at just under 75k income which is 7.5% of my goal so far for the month 🙂 …. let’s say I continue without scaling UP this month I should easily hit at least 30% of my goal for this month.
I’m being pretty conservative with that estimate as I know myself well enough to know that now that I’ve mapped all this out and looked at it this way I’m a’gonna REV THIS BABY UP!!
But even if I stay on this exact path, and hit 30% of my goal, well SURE – my percentages are way down again!
But 30% of a mil? Is 300k baby, cash received, which’d make this month my biggest yet, AGAIN, and you can bet your ass that either way I’ll push BEYOND that beyond this month. The goal and the result.
Looking mathematically, it’s fair to say I’m on track for 3 million this year.
Thinking about it REALISTICALLY (!!) aka based on what I know to be true about ME and my beliefs, intents, commitment level and DETERMIFUCKINGNATION, I see no good reason why I won’t hit 12 million this year if I simply keep scaling up my GOAL.
Aim for the stars and you might not hit ’em first time, right, but you sure as hell will end up a lot further from the ground than what aiming for the rooftop would’ve got you!
Anyway, coming back to the earlier point at hand – the reason I’ve been able to STRETCH my goals and therefore my income is NOT just because I plucked bigger numbers out of the air. It’s because I LOOKED at those goals and achievements for the first few months of this year and realised that if I was going to get ANYWHERE close to 12 mil this year I was going to need a bloody good reason to do so.
I don’t mean anything fancy by that, quite the opposite! I just mean I was going to need to HAVE a reason that actually drove me. Well, to put it more accurately, a bunch of reasons – enough of them to add up to 12 mil, to be even more precise.
The point of that is not what MY money goals are, or what my ‘true’ goals are, for which the money obviously just serves a purpose, the point is that if you want to go FURTHER in any area of success you need to stretch your ideas of what is possible, aim BEYOND where you actually want to be, but also that you NEED TO KNOW WHY, so if you don’t HAVE a why then get your ass down and figure it out! And if you want a bigger result just get a bigger why!
Here is a reality of being RICH: the money is going to need to go somewhere.
Figure out where you want it to go, based on what ACTUALLY really matters to you, and the receiving of it will be easy.
I can honestly tell you that ANYTIME I set out to achieve results but I’m not actually ‘pressed’ to do so, by the desire to achieve / have / become / do whatever the result itself represents, I just don’t achieve them. There’s no NEED to, no purpose attached, and so I guess deep down I just don’t care enough.
We are always driven, in the end, by what we care about.
Stop chasing cool goals and get clear on what it’s actually about, for you, then go get yours.