

“There was something about you that was just more vulnerable than what I expected … I felt like maybe your self-worth .. like, hmm … I don’t know … there was something there that surprised me. You were different to what I expected, a little”.

Most people who meet me in person for the first time make some sort of comment about how I’m different than what they expected. Nicer, usually, is what they mean 🙂

But this comment about my self-worth; that I don’t hear so often. It’s not however the first time.

I see it in photos as well, or live footage from when I’m on stage.

Online I am this powerhouse of a woman, aggressive, on fire, firm in her power and truth.

In person I am a powerhouse, aggressive and passionate about my message, a little goofy perhaps but when it comes to business I freakin’ know I’m here to build an empire, make and impact millions, change the world.

The results show up accordingly, in my income, my impact, my tribe.

But Kat the woman?

Kat the woman, is still learning to fully command her power.

Kat the woman, still has more than a hint of insecurity and self-doubt forged by years of being uncool, unsure, in fact sure she was NOT good enough or pretty enough and probably wouldn’t be ever accepted.

So what, you may wonder? Nothing wrong with a hint of humility!

Sure – maybe.

But just think about this for a second:

In my business I am absolutely fucking SURE of my message, my truth, my God-gifted right nay RESPONSIBILITY to build an empire and impact and make millions.

I do not fucking QUESTION that shit.

I know that I know that I know that I KNOW that is my destiny and also THAT I WILL AND ALREADY AM FULFILLING IT.

And what did I say above?

The results show up accordingly.

I have a nearly multiple 7-figure income based on my current revenue.
I just had a 100k cash received week.
I’m being seen.
My shit is amping up.
I’m everywhere.
I am born for this.
My tribe is following and growing accordingly.

There is zero question that I’ll scale this thing to 8-figures and SUPER FUCKING FAMOUS within the next 18-24 months, if not sooner.

Let me ask you something:

Do YOU have the same level of certainty in your message, your truth, and the empire you SAY you’re here to create?

Because I can tell you if you don’t know that you know that you KNOW your seat at the top table of life is not only reserved but freakin’ butlered, gold plated, and black Uber escorted, then you probably ain’t gonna turn up and sit down.

When I heard this comment about my self-worth recently, it made me stop.

I wasn’t upset or anything, but I wanted to know more. What exactly was I putting out that he was seeing behind the strong powerhouse leader who most of the world sees?

Most people aren’t self-aware enough within themselves to ever pick up on insecurities or limitations within successful people. Only those who themselves have a level of success, strength, and personal growth can truly read beneath the surface of what a leader shows the world.

He read it.
He is not the first one to read it.

And it made me stop and wonder:

Where in my life are my results right now reflecting this slight inability to fully believe in my right to be here?

I can tell you HANDS FUCKING DOWN that that shit has had a big impact in my boundaries in MANY of my relationships over the years, and what I’ve accepted as okay or ‘what I deserve’.

I can tell you with certainty it’s also impacted on how I treat myself in terms of my deservedness to have nice things, spend money on myself, or even take time for myself.

The underlying mantra I long didn’t realise ran through my blood?

“Not for you”

How this showed up, a few ways:

I would pay all my bills and everyone else but I would never have money left over for me.
I would allow my nice possessions to become destructed, broken, faulty.
I would always be SO freakin’ busy that I never had time left over to relax, breathe, stop, have fun, and my ‘self care’ was always stuff I felt I could justify because it served a purpose beyond just THAT IT WAS NICE.

I honestly walked around for years with the belief that it was WRONG to take time, money, or even energy and emotional connection from another person unless it was business or ‘must do’ related.

These are all things I’ve long been conscious of and worked on.

But still that mantra lingers a little, at times. Still it shines through. And the reason I write about it is it just makes me CURIOUS to know in what way this is still impacting on my outcomes.

The truth is that how other people see you is HOW YOU ARE.

Think about it:

YOU see when people are overly hyper happy but really they’re insecure, scared, falling apart.

YOU see when people aren’t grounded and their energy is here there and everywhere despite what they’re trying to portray.

YOU see when people are born to lead a fucking empire versus trying to fraudulently appear like they have something they should be paid for.

If you see this stuff in others …

And you can pretty easily see the road their limitations and the stuff they’re ignoring is taking them on …

Then do you think maybe others can see it in you?

It’s not really about what other people think, of course, but here is what does matter:

What part of yourself are you ignoring or pushing down which, if you don’t pay it attention, will create a future less than that which you want?

The reality is that if you want to predict the future just look at who you are today.
What you believe about yourself, business, success, the world.
Your honest feeling about how it’s going to wind up looking for you.

And ask yourself?

Is that the future I want to create?

It’s easy to predict the future.

Just look at who you are right now, and multiply that shit. And if that scares you because OH FUCK I don’t want to amplify THAT, then the solution is simple right?

Put on a new set of beliefs, ones that AUTOMATICALLY support you getting to where you want to go, and start playing a new tune.