The truth is we can miss so much of what God is showing us in THIS season because the lens we are applying is still the one of the past season.
We are so fixed in our self-created identity, our worldly ‘this is how it is’ identity, and even in the ‘that was freaking awesome’ identity of old that we can’t even imagine those ways not being real.
All of which, if we don’t become aware of it and DO something about it (keep reading!) can result in us continually putting God’s best for us in the blender of OUR best (at best!) and then wondering why on earth it keeps coming out as some pretty similar or perhaps just slightly more wondrous version of the thing we BUILT,
the things WE thought we had to be about,
the way WE committed to having to walk in order to be safe, provided for, accomplished, okay!
But don’t you see?
When God told us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that we are made an ENTIRELY new creation in Him …
we are made an entirely new creation!
This means (when you become saved):
You have a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36)
He is ONGOINGLY redeeming your mind to be the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16)
And the same Spirit, God’s, which raised Jesus from the dead, resides IN YOU! (Romans 8:11)
So …
to paraphrase Paul –
What on earth are you doing acting like everybody else when you got all THAT going on?! Why would you?!
And I guess the answer is – because you are still human. You have a natural side even though you have now become a citizen of heaven, and this earth is your temporary home because you belong to the supernatural. Your soul still wants its own way because that is what souls do!
But as to how to SASHAY FORWARD IN GOD ANYWAY, and KNOW that we are seeing His perspective for us in all we do, and that the vision He has for us is shown and also being brought to fulfilment, well –
fortunately we do not have to figure that out.
We simply need to BELIEVE God,
and obey His instruction to choose HIM as our filter, daily (Romans 13:12-14).
Part of this means remembering that the power of life or death is in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and what you speak and also think WILL be.
So … stop waiting for your emotions to come to the party. Or for your soul to WANT to submit. And simply COMMAND it to be quiet anyway (Psalm 62:5). And DECLARE what God says is for you and true now, whether or not you feel like it or know how!
The truth is that the way is revealed simply by looking to Him.
This morning He reminded me: stop looking to KNOW things and just look to me.
In Him we live and move and breathe and have EVERY part of our being (Acts 17:28), so all we need to ‘do’ …
is look to Him.
The way will be shown because He IS the way (John 14:6).
The steps will be revealed because He IS ordering them (Proverbs 3:5-6).
It’s really not that complicated.
Believe God.
State it.
Walk forward into what is true in THIS season knowing He’s got you.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
Gorgeous one –
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If you’re ready for clarity, certainty, hope and assurance which ONLY comes from Him, and you desire to be mentored, coached, and also SURROUNDED by woman growing in their faith to see a supernatural thing from and for GOD’S KINGDOM in all that they do …
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