Success/Success Mindset


It’s critical, if success on your terms MATTERS to you, that you get really really REALLY freaking good – now! – at deleting every single thing that does NOT properly you forward, in alignment.

You can take two equally crazy-busy-frenzied-HUSTLE-driven entrepreneurs, one of whom is rich, hot, happy, successful, MAKING it, and the other of whom is struggling their out of alignment ass off and doing a bunch of shit they don’t wanna do, for people they don’t really wanna do it for and in a way that doesn’t SUIT them, and do you know what the key difference will be?

The successful one has learned to focus on what matters.

Do first things and ONLY first things first, then repeat.

Act FROM the belief that the creation of their dreams is a DONE FUCKING DEAL and so they better get to work doing their part!

RUTHLESSLY eliminate, ignore, walk away from anything that does NOT meet the above categories, no matter how pressing it may seem!

The UNSUCCESSFUL person, or if we’re being nice let’s say the person who is ‘kinda’ making it yet continuing to sink under a mountain of overwhelm, is trying to do everything.

For everyone.

All the time.

They are living under the DELUSION that success means doing ALL THE THINGS. Do you do this? Are you walking around every day trying to keep up with doing ALL THE THINGS? All the things you SAID you’d do, all the things OTHER people say you should do, all the things you COULD and therefore you suppose SHOULD do? ‘Cause if you are, I gotta tell you:


Quite the opposite, in fact!

One of the toughest lessons I had to learn on my pathway to where I am now, a lesson I will happily admit I CONTINUE to need to remind myself of often, is that the ONLY way for me to accomplish dreams as big as mine is to have laser-fucking-focus ON the accomplishment of said dreams.

Tunnel vision, baby, and I don’t fucking CARE what’s going on outside the tunnel.

A side note:

Laser focus means ACTION based on that laser focus! Don’t tell me you’re focused on your vision if your ACTIONS demonstrate you’re running around like a headless chicken trying to clean up MESS all the time, or deal with the small shit!

Laser focus means you learn to be OKAY with chaos.

You get USED to knowing that no, you will NEVER be on top of getting back to everybody, answering every message or notification, and certainly not completing all those ‘would be nice to get done’ tasks on your list.

As far as you’re concerned, the SKY COULD FALL DOWN AROUND YOU, and you wouldn’t notice because you’d be doing what you need to do, lost in the flow of UNLEASHING what you CAME here to do.

Which brings me to this:

If you had to, from today, STOP doing all the random shit you’re currently doing in an uncertain quest to get SOMEWHERE, and start doing ONLY what YOU are most called to do, EXACTLY WHAT WOULD THAT BE?

If I told you you’re not allowed to make a single move that doesn’t comprise you creating, leading, unleashing, performing, BEING the revolutionary fucking STAR you were born to be, WHAT WOULD YOU ACTUALLY DO ALL DAY?

Do you know?

And could you – WOULD you – do it?

Or do you have all sorts of REASONS why you need to first prepare, get ready, finish this, find out that?

The latter will kill you, you know. It’s how you wind up LIVING A LIFE OF BULLSHIT instead of ever really pressing the fuck PLAY.

The ONLY way to press play? Is to press fucking play!

The ONLY way to get known for what you were BORN to do? Is to do it!

All day.

Every day.

And I know it seems somewhat REVOFUCKINGLUTIONARY

To think that you can’t get famous for being you without showing up and BEING you

To think that nobody’s gonna pay you for your TRUE work if you don’t create it … all of it … daily …

But there you have it!

So, what are you gonna DO about it?

What are you gonna do about it TODAY, is what I’m asking.

Do you really need to sit down –

JOURNAL about it again

Make lists of what you WILL do?

It’s starting to seem OH so very ‘boy who cried wolf’. Don’t you think?

Today is the day to DIVE THE FUCK IN gorgeous.

TODAY is the day to BE who you came here to be.


Because right now? You might SAY that you’re a revolutionary LEADER

With a POWERFUL message to change the world …

You might INSIST that you were born for more …

And that NOTHING will stop you!

You might claim that who you are REALLY, is a motherfucking STAR, and that the eyes of the world should be upon you, watching, laughing, hell YES-ing, and begging for more …!

But if, when I look at what you’re actually DOING and therefore see who you’re actually BEING, I see a busy person –

Lost and frozen in overwhelm –

Hanging out all day on Facebook –

Making endless LISTS of what they’re ‘gonna do’ –

And getting distracted by random SMALL BITS OF BULLSHIT –

I’m gonna CALL bullshit on that star thing, and I’m just gonna let you know:

A star doesn’t act like that.

A VIFuckingP doesn’t spend her TIME on that.

A person born to have the EYES OF THE WORLD UPON her just wouldn’t be DOING that.

And in the end?

You can’t say you’re a star if you refuse to fucking shine.