Success/Success Mindset


If it’s not effortless, if it’s not flow and ease, if it’s not a full body soul-led FUCK yes, and you’re literally wriggling in your seat at the same time as giggling with excitement about the fact that THIS IS LIFE?

Walk away, walk away fast, walk away NOW.

I know it’s so easy to think, when things are not QUITE working the way you want, when you know you’re ‘born for it’, but you just can’t seem to nail down the ‘it’ bit, that the answer is to knuckle down –

push or pull harder –

THINK your way forward, or out, or through!

But when it comes to true success, the flow and ease kind, success in the way that not only meets your earthly needs, but also fills you up and gives you TOTAL peace –

there is no thinking,

there is no figuring out,

there is no checking pros and cons,

there is no ‘what makes sense here?’, or ‘what SHOULD work here?’, or ‘what do I need to do next?’, or ‘how do I FIX this, God, please?!’.

>>> The work and process of the conscious mind can never lead to the next level expansion of the sub-conscious self, the supernatural, the BEYOND the physical. To think otherwise is just bad math! <<<

When you go into your future, and you imagine yourself ‘being there’ (and oh! what a wondrous place it will surely be!) do you also imagine yourself working so hard, thinking so hard, weighing shit up, figuring it constantly out, making sure that you follow through and DO?

Because if that’s your vision of fuck yes flow and ease, by all means, stay on the ‘do’ path. Do it damn well, and right, and you BETTER not miss a step!

But more than likely, when you feel into what ‘IT’ will be like –

It feels effortless.
It feels fun.
It feels exciting, doesn’t it?!
Almost as though you’re being carried along by life itself!

Yes, you still see yourself DOING things, but it’s a matter of doing what you can’t not, doing what you know you must, DOING what is a natural extension of your BEING.

And what would that look like for you right now, I wonder?

If, as of right now, you only DID what is a natural extension of your BEING?

^^ We’re speaking of course of your highest and truest self, your soul self, not your fear-being, which is not really any part of your ACTUAL being at all, anyhow.

At your core, there is no fear.

There is no ‘what if’.

There is no ‘how do I?’.

There is no ‘I gotta get it right!’

There is only certainty.
Absolute groundedness in self, like “here I am bitches, take it or leave it”.



There’s no THOUGHT even, of planning ahead, because why on earth would you try to live any moment other than NOW, and also – the idea of planning is born from the idea of not naturally and intrinsically always knowing, having access to knowledge, having access to God and soul certainty for the now!

So with all of this in mind, and with the understanding that we are here to only be BRUTALLY honest with ourselves, let me ask you something:

What do you need to walk away from right now?

When is it time to surrender?

What have you been trying to figure out, or ‘make work’?

Where have you been using your conscious mind to try and create a supernatural outcome, because baby that shit’s just cray cray!

Sometimes you have to hand it over,

press pause,

Be willing to just LET THE FUCK GO,

and know that the next thing, either the next step for THIS thing, or the next thing which is currently TOTALLY unknown, will be shown to you WHEN IT IS DAMN WELL SHOWN TO YOU, but no –

there is NEVER going to be any call for trying to MAKE things work.

And the very SECOND you notice yourself doing that is the same second you should throw your hands up in the air, and switch to doing something that DOES feel effortless, and like an extension of the real you.

Trusting and knowing and intending and expecting that whatever you need for this OTHER bit of your life will show up at any moment and direct you, but until such time as it does?


Imma gonna be over here doing me.

Which really, if you think about it, is the only thing you actually CAN ever be doing, so either you’re doing it –

and thus creating your purpose-driven and fuck yes life RIGHT NOW, even if you can’t quite see how it’s all coming together yet –


well –

you’re not!

There is no in between.

And at some point?

You’re going to have to stop letting fear lead you.

You don’t get to fuck yes flow and ease except by saying yes only to fuck yes flow and ease, and ruthlessly shedding anything else.

It really is that simple.

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